Tuesday, December 21, 2010
jing luo,negative energy & nutrients (18)
Lack of Vitamin E with other anti oxidants work in synergy will likely to cause the following sickness:-
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a progressive disease of the retina wherein the light-sensing cells in the central area of vision (the macula) stop working and eventually die.
It is a disease associated with aging that gradually destroys sharp, central vision. Central vision is needed for seeing objects clearly and for common daily tasks such as reading and driving. AMD affects the macula, the part of the eye that allows you to see fine detail. AMD causes no pain. Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of visual impairment and blindness in the United States and the developed world among people of 65 years of age and older. It has been shown that Vitamin E alone does not attentuate the development or progression of AMD. However, studies focusing on efficacy of Vitamin E combined with other antioxidants, like zinc and Vitamin C, indicate a protective effect against the onset and progression of AMD.
Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's disease is a wasting disease of the brain. An observational trial conducted by The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health found that when vitamin E is taken daily in large doses (400-1000IU) in combination with vitamin C (500-1000mg) the onset of Alzheimer's was reduced between 64 and 78%. Recent studies shown that Alzheimer's disease is no longer confined to elderly people but young ones as well from the age of 40 onwards and it is possible that with amount of free radicals around us most diseases will no longer be confined to elderly people.
Parkinson Disease
In May 2005, The Lancet Neurology published a study suggesting that vitamin E may help protect against Parkinson's disease. Individuals with moderate to high intakes of dietary vitamin E were found to have a lower risk of Parkinson's.
Beta Carotene
Carotenoids are a class of natural fat-soluble pigments found primarily in plants. Carotenoids are responsible for many of the red, orange, and yellow hues of plant leaves, fruits, and flowers. The most widely studied and well-understood nutritional role for carotenoids is their provitamin A activity because the body can convert them into retinol which is an active form of vitamin A. Deficiency of vitamin A is a major cause of premature death particularly among children. Carotenoids act as biological antioxidants, protecting cells and tissues from the damaging effects of free radicals and singlet oxygen. Carotenoids particularly beta-carotene, are also believed to enhance the function of the immune system. Researchers now believe that poor communication between cells may be one of the causes of the overgrowth of cells other than the activity of free radical, a condition which eventually leads to cancer. By promoting proper communication between cells, carotenoids may play a role in cancer prevention. Lack of carotenoids is found to be associated with chronic disease, including heart disease and various cancers.
Buckwheat contains chiro-inositol which, in research, shows to be effective in lowering the symptoms of type II Diabetes. According to a study conducted by John Hopkins Medical Institute, subjects who consumed the greatest amount of buckwheat had the lowest blood pressures. Buckwheat contains vitamin P, which contains the flavonoid rutin. Rutin is known for its effectiveness in reducing the cholesterol count in the blood. Rutin is also known to keep capillaries and arteries strong and flexible and so is beneficial for varicose vein problems which means that it can be helpful to maintain rigid blood vessels, and also can help people who bleed or bruise easily from damage.
经络、寒气及营养 (18)
缺乏营养 维生素E所造成的疾病如:-
老年性黄斑变性(Age-related macular degeneration,AMD)
老年性黄斑变性(Age-related macular degeneration,AMD)是老年人视力损伤和致盲的主要原因。黃斑點變性,又名 ‘黃斑點退化, 是一種眼病,能導 致中央視力的永久缺失。 黃斑點是眼睛後面視網膜上負責中央視力 (包括細微的視力和色覺能力)的微小中央部份。 视网膜的高耗氧性,高长链多不饱和脂肪酸含量,作为氧自由基的靶点和暴露于可见光的特性使其易产生氧化应激。研究均显示抗氧化营养素有助于老年性黄斑变性的防治。導致黃斑點變性的危險因素可能包括: 抽煙、遺傳、高血, 曬太陽,白皙的皮膚/藍眼睛,和營養差,例如:缺乏主要的維生素或礦物質。在西方社會,黃斑點變性是50 歲以上的人失明的主要起因。研究均显 维生素 E 配合其他抗氧化剂如锌,维生素C 能保护老年性黄斑变性的发生和蔓延。
所谓的老年痴呆症,又称阿尔茨海默病 (Alzheimer's disease,AD) 是发生在老年期及老年前期的一种原发性退行性脑病,指的是一种持续性高级神经功能活动障碍。其特征性病理变化为大脑皮层萎缩,并伴有β-淀粉样蛋白 (β-amyloid,β-AP) 沉积,神经原纤维缠结 (neurofibrillary tangles , NFT) ,大量记忆性神经元数目减少,以及老年斑 (senileplaque,SP) 的形成。老年痴呆症会引起 记忆、思维、分析判断、视空间辨认、情绪等方面的障碍。老年痴呆症已不是老年人的“专利” 四五十岁就痴呆的人,数量也在逐年增加。老年痴呆在中年就开始有症状和反应,如果不提早发现和治疗,等发展严重了就无法治愈了。根据Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health 的研究 如每天 摄取 400-1000IU 得 维生素 E 栽配合 500-1000mg 的 维生素C 将能把老年痴呆症 可能发生的机率降低64-78%
根据 2005 年五月 的神经 专科刊物 The Lancet Neurology 如 每天 摄取 维生素 E 那将降低 帕金森症的风险。
所有的类胡萝卜素都是脂溶性的。β—胡萝卜素是类胡萝卜素之一,它是脂溶性化合物。它是自然界中最普遍存在也是最稳定的天然色素。类胡萝卜素能保护细胞免受自由基的危害,这些自由基的产生可能是人体在新陈代谢过程,或者吸烟、日光、辐射、污染或者甚至是压力环境下。自由基的形成可能成为一个连锁反应,如果没有消除,能损害DNA、脂肪和蛋白质。β—胡萝卜素是一种抗氧化剂,具有解毒作用,是维护人体健康不可缺少的营养素,在抗癌、预防心血管疾病、白内障及抗氧化上有显著的功能,并进而防止老化和衰老引起的多种退化性疾病。β—胡萝卜素在进入人体后可以转变为维生素A,不会有因过量摄食而造成维生素A累积中毒现象。另外,在促进动物的生育与成长也具有较好的功效。眼睛的视力取决于眼底的黄斑,如果没有足够的β—胡萝卜素来作保护与支持,这个部位就会发生退行性的病变,也就是老化了,视力会衰退甚至最终发生夜盲。癌症患者接受放疗和化疗时,β—胡萝卜素能降低其毒副反应。放疗能诱发产生氧自由基,而细胞微粒体膜完整性能阻止氧自由基产生,β—胡萝卜素能维护微粒体膜完整;化疗药物在杀灭癌细胞同时,可使正常细胞致突变,而β胡萝卜素有抗突变作用,从而减少其毒副反应 而科研方面也证实,癌症病人血中β胡萝卜素远远低于正常人。β-胡萝卜素是一种抗氧化物。食用富含β-胡萝卜素中的食物可以防止身体接触一种称为自由基的破坏分子。在合理的营养下,人体能产生足够量的抗氧化剂酶,以促进由抗氧化剂进行的消除自由基反应。这些酶包括了超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶和谷胱甘肽过氧化酶。除了这些由人体产生的酶,人体通过食物和膳食增补剂摄入的抗氧化营养成分也能阻止自由基的连锁反应。抗氧化营养素包括维生素A、C、和E,生物类黄酮、硫辛酸和类胡萝卜素。研究人员指出,类胡萝卜素能增强免疫系统中B细胞的活力,B细胞能在机体内循环并消灭外源病原体。类胡萝卜素能为维持皮肤粘膜层的完整性,防止皮肤干燥,粗糙,构成视觉细胞内的感光物质,促进细胞生长发育,预防先天不足,促进骨骼及牙齿健康成长,维护生 殖 功能和促进免疫功能。通过一系列的医学研究,类胡萝b素已被建议用作癌症预防剂,生命延长剂,溃疡抵制剂,心脏病
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
jing luo, negative energy & nutrients (17)
What are the effects of nutrients on our health ?
Nutrients can have marked effect on health. In the field of nutritional study, some nutrients are essential in maintaining the proper health and function of our bodies and without such nutrients our bodies systems will go astray and become malfunction, for instance, lack of vitamin C will produce scurvy disease and lack of vitamin B1 one will likely to get beriberi. Which are the best nutrients ? The naturally occurred nutrients are the best such as those derived from the plants as they can be readily absorbed by our bodies hence the term “bioavailability” which has been used to refer that the product can be readily absorbed by our bodies as compared with synthetic ones which usually are made from chemicals or inorganic materials. It is therefore most appropriate to know what are the essential nutrients which our bodies required and some of them are as stated below.
Vitaman A-
Vitamin A which plays an important role in vision, bone growth and formation of bones and teeth, repair of body tissues, reproduction, cell division, and cell differentiation (in which a cell becomes part of the brain, muscle, lungs, blood, or other specialized tissue.) Vitamin A helps to regulate the immune system, which in turn helps to prevent or fight off infections by making white blood cells destroy harmful bacteria and viruses. Vitamin A also may help lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) to fight infections more effectively. Vitamin A promotes healthy surface linings of the eyes and the respiratory, urinary, and intestinal tracts. When those linings break down, it becomes easier for bacteria to enter the body and cause infection. Vitamin A also helps the skin and mucous membranes function as a barrier to bacteria and viruses. It helps to reduce the black spot due to the process of aging. Vitamin A also helps to reduce free radical and any lack of Vitamin A will affect the functionality of the skin cells which will result in lack of elasticity, dryness, roughness and dullness of the skin.
Vitamin A that is found in colorful fruits and vegetables is called provitamin A carotenoid. They can be made into retinol in the body. Common provitamin A carotenoids found in foods that come from plants are beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin Among these, beta-carotene is most efficiently made into retinol.
Deficiency of vitamin A may lead to night blindness, dry eyes, rough skin, impaired bone growth and susceptibility to respiratory infections.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Any excess of Vitamin B that is not used by our body will be discharged hence it is important that we do consume enough of Vitamin B everyday. Vitamin B1 helps to protect the nervous system and aids the function of heart, digestive system, stomach and intestine. Deficiency of Vitamin B1 will cause Beriberi which is a disease of the nervous system including weight loss, emotional disturbances, impaired sensory perception, weakness and pain in the limbs, irregular heartbeat and swelling of bodily tissues.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)-
Deficiency of Vitamin B2 causes ariboflavinosi and the symptoms may include cracks in the lips, high sensitivity to sunlight, inflammation of the tongue, seborrheic dermatitis or pseudo-syphilis particularly affecting the scrotum or labia majora and the mouth, pharyngitis, hyperemia and edema of the pharyngeal and oral mucosa. Vitamin B2 helps to regenerate cells, assist the normal growth of skin, nails and hairs. Vitamin B2 also helps to improve vision and reduce tiredness of eyes.
A German study found that previously it had been assumed that no plant contains a significant amount of vitamin B12, but the study revealed that Seabuckthorn not only contains all the vitamins B, its vitamin B12 content is as high as in liver. The clinical study shows that a lack of vitamin B12 causes skin disorders, anemia, digestive disorders, nerve damage, lack of appetite, irregular menstruation period, loss of memory, neurodegeneration and dysfunction of the mucous membranes.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E which is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is an antioxidant vitamin involved in the metabolism of all cells. It protects vitamin A and essential fatty acids from oxidation in the body cells and prevents breakdown of body tissues. It protects body cells against the effects of free radicals, which are potentially damaging by-products of energy metabolism. Free radicals can damage cells and may contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease and cancer. It also may protect against the development of cancers by enhancing immune function. Vitamin E can prevent the development of cancer and increase the immunity. Recent study conducted by medical and nutritional institute revealed that natural Vitamin E is more acceptable by our body than the synthetic one.
Natural vitamin E exists in eight different forms or isomers, four tocopherols and four tocotrienols. All isomers have a chromanol ring, with ahydroxyl group which can donate a hydrogen atom to reduce free radicals and hydrophobic side chain which which allows for penetration into biological membranes. There is alpha, beta, gamma and delta form of both tocopherols and tocotrienols.
Preliminary research has led to a widely held belief that vitamin E may help prevent or delay coronary heart disease. Researchers are fairly certain that oxidative modification of LDL cholesterol promotes blockages in coronary arteries that may lead to atherosclerosis and heart attacks.
Vitamins E and other antioxidants remove wastes including peroxides, ailing and dead cells from blood thus avoiding damages to the artery walls.
It is found that vitamin E may be important for prevention of neurodegeneration in humans [ aging and oxidation stress in neyurodegeneration- hiro Urano et.al]. Experiments also show that muscle lesions can be prevented with vitamin E [ Effect of Age and Dietary Fish on tocopherol status of C57BL/6Nia Mice- Simin Nikbin Meydani LIPIDS 33(11):1123-1129 (1998)]
In 1960 a research institute discovered that a cell cultivate outside the body will die after undergoing about 60-70 subdivisions however if Vitamin E were to be added to it the cell will die after undergoing about 120-140 subdivisions. This means that the life expectancy is doubled ! It is therefore concluded that Vitamin E will delay the oxidation of cell which in turn will delay the process of aging. Vitamin E is the best anti-oxidant. Vitamin E helps to relieve cramp and stiffness of limbs.
营养对健康有极大的影响。在营养科学的领域,有些营养是必需的。没有了它,会导致一些病症。比如说缺乏了维生素 C, 会导致 坏血病,缺乏了维生素 , 脚气病。那一些营养最好呢? 当然是天然的营养, 那时从植物中取得的营养, 因为它们容易被身体吸收。我们接下来看看各营养的功能,缺乏它会引起什么的病症。
维生素 A
维生素A(vitamin A)又称视黄醇可由植物来源的β-胡萝卜素合成。维生素A维持正常的视觉反应,上皮组织的正常形态与功能。保持皮肤湿润,防止皮肤黏膜干燥角质化,护皮肤细胞,可使皮肤柔软细嫩,防皱去皱的功效,不易受细菌伤害,有助于祛除老年斑 。维生素A可促进生长、发育,强壮骨骼,维护头发、牙齿和牙床的健康。维生素A有助于维持免疫系统功能正常,能加强对传染病特别是呼吸道感染及寄生虫感染的身体抵抗力,有助于对肺气肿,甲状腺机能亢进症的治疗。维生素A也有助于清除自由基。缺乏维生素A,会使上皮细胞的功能减退,导致皮肤弹性下降,干燥,粗糙,失去光泽。
维生素 B1 (Vitamin B1-Thiamine)-
维生素B1又称硫胺素或抗神经炎素。和所有 B 族维生素一样,多余的 B1 不会贮藏于体内,而会完全排出体外。所以,必须每天补充 。在体内,维生素B1有保护神经系统的作用;还能促进肠胃蠕动,增加食欲。维生素B1还是维持心脏,神经及消化系统正常功能所必需的 。维生素B1缺乏时,可引起多种神经炎症,如脚气病菌,心藏不规律跳动和身体组织肿胀。患者的周围神经末梢有发炎和退化现象,并伴有四肢麻木,肌肉萎缩,心力衰竭,下肢水肿等症状。
维生素 B2 (Vitamin B2-Riboflavin )-
维生素B2又称核黄素。缺乏维生素 B2 将引起 口角炎 (口角乳(湿)白及开裂),唇炎,舌炎,阴囊皮炎,脂溢性皮炎(多见于鼻翼两侧)。维生素B2能促进发育和细胞的再生; 促使皮肤、指甲、毛发的正常生长;帮助消除口腔内、唇、舌的炎症; 增进视力,减轻眼睛的疲劳。
缺乏维生素 B2 将引起.恶性贫血(红血球不足),月经不顺,眼睛及皮肤发黄,皮肤出现局部红肿并伴随蜕皮,恶心,食欲不振,体重减轻,唇,舌及牙龈发白,牙龈出血,头痛,记忆力减退,痴呆,可能引起人的精神忧郁, 脊髓变性,神经和周围神经退化,舌,口腔,消化道的粘膜发炎。
德国科学家发现 沙棘 油不单含有所有的 维生素 B,而 其中维生素 B12与肝同比。Vitamin B12 (钴胺素)是素食者最容易缺乏的维生素,也是红血球生成不可缺少的重要元素,如果严重缺乏,将导致恶性贫血!
维生素 E
维生素 E 又称生育酚溶于脂肪 。它具有抗氧化作用,与多种酶一起构成体内抗氧化系统,保护着细胞骨架、蛋白质中巯基, 细胞内核酸等免受自由基的攻击。它保护身体细胞内的维生素A和必需脂肪酸被氧化和防止身体细胞分裂。它能保护身体细胞被自由基的破坏和自由基损害后的细胞引起心血管疾病和癌症。维生素 E 可防止癌症的发展, 加强免疫功能。
科学家认为低脂肪被氧化后将阻塞冠状动脉,而导致动脉粥样硬化和心脏病。初步研究已导致一个被广泛认为,维生素E有助于防止或拖延冠状动脉心脏病。维生素 E 和其他抗氧剂能从血液中排除垃圾 包括过氧化物,病死细胞从而避免损害动脉墙。因此,维生素E在维护免疫,神经,心血管正常运行,抗动脉粥样硬化、延缓衰老和抗癌上有一定作用。与此同时,维生素E还有一定的免疫功能,可以促进T淋巴细胞增殖和单核细胞分泌细胞因子,维他命E可以预防神经退化 [ ageing and oxidation stress in neyurodegeneration- hiro Urano et.al].
试验还显示,维他命E可以预防肌肉损伤 [ Effect of Age and Dietary Fish on tocopherol status of C57BL/6Nia Mice- Simin Nikbin Meydani LIPIDS 33(11):1123-1129 (1998)]。
维生素 E 的功效为:-延缓细胞因氧化而老化, 是极好的自由基清除剂,能保护生物膜免受自由基攻击,有效的抗衰老营养素,提高肌体免疫力,保持血红细胞的完整性,促进血红细胞的生物合成,是细胞呼吸的必需促进因子,可保护肺组织免受空气污染, 预肪心血管病 。当体内维生素E充足时,肝脏就有能力解除一些物质的毒性。维生素 E 有助于减轻腿抽筋和手足僵硬的状况。
Friday, November 12, 2010
jing luo, negative energy & nutrients (16)
What other research institutions and universities said about Seabuckthorn
In China the experts noted that seabuckthorn berries are used to treat stomach problems and cardiovascular diseases, strengthen the immune system and ward off senility.
Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, OR had published a research paper under the name of Seabuckthorn wherein he concluded that Seabuckthorn is helpful in cancer therapy, in treating cardiovascular diseases, gastric ulcers, liver cirrhosis and Skin.
A.S.Eidelnant of all-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,Moscow,Russia in his seminar paper Seabuckthorn- Unique Medicinal and food plant it was, inter alia, reported that Seabuckthorn has high content of vitamins, polyphenols, isoprenoids and other biologically active compounds and these biologically active principals interact with each other to exhibit synergistic effects. The oil normalize lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. He also found that Seabuckthorn oil is used in medicine in therapy of malignant tumors, in treatment of skin disorders, gynecological and gastric diseases, in normalizing the body immunity and that Seabuckthorn oil exhibits a high anti-microbial activity. He also concluded that Seabuckthorn oil are useful as antioxidant and anti-X-ray agents
Aruna Agrawal* & Dr. G.P. Dubey a lecturer of the Department of Basic Principles, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi – 221 005 (India) in a paper entitled Multi-Dimentional application of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoide) - a prevention and management strategies of age related psychosomatic deficits reported that Seabuckthorn oil was used in a clinical test and it was found that there was an improvement in clinical symptomatology and body immunity, with adaptogenic property, reduction in anxiety and depression scores including overall feeling of well being and that Seabuckthorn may be proposed as an remedial measure for the prevention and management of age related neuropsychophysiological deficits caused due to aging process. There was no any adverse effect even after its prolonged application.
The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) of India is currently set sight on Seabuckthorn to take on the harmful effects of nuclear radiation. The DRDO says that the plant found in the snowy peaks of Ladakh, is helpful in treating claims wounds, ulcers and high cholesterol and can be used for protection against ‘‘nuclear terrorism’’.
Seabuckthorn was proclaimed as ‘‘wonder plant’’ or ‘‘Sanjivani Butti’’ by the research scientists of DRDO. Apart from developing edibles with the plant, experts said it has a potential of being used in as many as 200 products including medicines for treatment of memory loss, cholesterol, ulcers, cancers and as an anti-microbial to prevent drug resistance.
DRDO is currently researching the potential radiation protection application of Seabuckthorn and its therapeutic value as a ‘‘Nutraceutical’’ (combination of nutrient and pharmaceutical). It was also found out that Seabuckthorn fruits and leaves are highly nutritious and have great pharmaceutical value and are a rich source of vitamin C, E, K caroteniods, flavonoids and phytosterols. Seabuckthorn is used in about two hundred industrial products including life saving drugs and herbs to treat cancer, heart ailments, ulcers, hepatic disorders, burns and brain disorders. Due to high contents of antioxidants, seabuckthorn oil is being extensively used as anti-inflammatory, anti bacterial, analgesic and for promotion of tissue regeneration
Study performed by the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Medical Plant Resource Development and Research Institute, Beijing, shows that Seabuckthorn Seed Oil has a 65.5% inhibition rate on gastric ulcers as compared to 55.2% for cimetidine 200mg and 0% for control group and another study performed by the Pathological & Physiological Study Group Of the Gansu Provincial Tumor Institute, China, concludes that Seabuckthorn Oil has definite anti-cancer activity. The experiment results showed the inhibiting rates of grafting tumors are all over 30% (p less than 0.05 or less than 0.01) when injected into the abdominal cavity three separate times.
An article in Indian Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 19, No. 4, December, 2004, 113 entitled Studying Pharmacodynamics Using Nuclear Medicine Techniques: Evaluation of Seabuckthorn by Ravi Kashyap, Lilly Ganju, M.K.Chopra, Yogendra, Padwad of Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences (INMAS), Defence Institute of Physiology Allied Science (DIPAS) and Brig. S.K.Mazumdar Marg, Delhi-110054 reported that an inflammatory model of adjuvant induced arthritis in rats were created and Seabuckthorn was administered on the rats and it was concluded that Seabuckthorn extract has a significant anti-inflamatory activity which should be further evaluated to be used as an alternative approach for the treatement of arthritis.
The study by the Department of Gastroenterology, Baogang Hospital, Shanghai Second Medical University, Shanghai 201900, China conducted the clinical test to find out the effect of Seabuckthorn on cirrhotic patients and the results shown that the serum levels of TNFalpha, IL-6, laminin and type IV collagen in group A who were taking orally the sea buckthorn extract, 15 g 3 times a day for 6 months were significantly higher than those in the control group. After a course of Seabuckthorn treatment, the serum levels of LN, HA, collagen types III and IV, total bile acid (TBA) decreased significantly as compared with those before and after treatment in the control group. The Seabuckthorn notably shortened the duration for normalization of amino transferases. Hence it was concluded that Seabuckthorn may be a hopeful drug for prevention and treatment of liver fibrosis.
Whether it is sufficient to rely on Seabuckthorn alone as health supplement ?
Though seabuckthorn has many beneficial effect to our health however by itself one cannot get the best out of it and also one will not be able to get the unexpected effect as that contained in Bio-Zen Life ! According to researchers nutrients must be taken in appropriate combination and proportion to produce the synergy effect so that the nutrients not only can be recycled but also to produce the mark effect on our health. Bio-Zen Life will unleash the unexpected result and help you to enjoy your life again as it contain not only the essential nutrients but also the right type of nutrients to produce the synergy effect, like Chinese medicine, the practitioners never prescribed a single herb but a combination of many herbs in the proportion as they deem proper, this is so in order to induce the synergy effect.
在中国专家发现到沙棘油对胃症, 心肌梗死, 心脏病,免疫系统和抵御衰老症有所帮助波兰传统医药研究院, 院长Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D.,发表了一篇沙棘研究报告说沙棘是有助于治疗癌症,在治疗心血管疾病、胃溃疡、肝硬化和皮肤。
苏联植物草药与芳香族化合物研究院A.S.Eidelnant在研究讨论会上发表了一篇研究成果题目为 Seabuckthorn- Unique Medicinal and food plant 该文章说沙棘富含多种维生素,多元苯酚, 石碳酸和其他生物生物活性混合物在一起产生了互动效应.他也说沙棘油正常化脂,蛋白质,碳水化合物的新陈代谢. 他也发现到沙棘油用於治疗恶性肿瘤,皮肤病,妇科和肠胃疾病,正常化身体免疫力。 沙棘油有高度的抗微生物活力。 他还认为沙棘油是很好的抗氧化剂和抗 X光副射剂。
Aruna Agrawal & Dr. G.P. Dubey a lecturer of the Department of Basic Principles, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi – 221 005 (India)在研究讨论会上发表了一篇研究成果题目为Multi-Dimentional application of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoide) - a prevention and management strategies of age related psychosomatic deficits 沙棘油对症候学 和免疫力有所帮助 也能协助减少的焦虑和抑郁症。沙棘油也对因年龄衰老而引起的病症有所帮助而且长期使用也没副作用。
印度国防研究与发展机构(The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) of India)正在极急的研究如何应用沙棘油来对抗核子武器发泄出来的副射危害。他门称沙棘树为神奇树(‘‘wonder plant’’ or ‘‘Sanjivani Butti’’ )它们也发现到沙棘油可在200项产品包括药物进行治疗的记忆丧失,胆固醇,溃疡,癌症和作为一种抗微生物防止抗药性。
印度国防研究与发展机构的科学家也发现到沙棘果和叶富含高量营养比如维生素 C, E, K,类胡羅卜素, 黃酮类, phytosterols 而且还含高抗氧剂,抗炎及能令细胞再生作用。
Ravi Kashyap, Lilly Ganju, M.K.Chopra, Yogendra, Padwad of Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences (INMAS), Defence Institute of Physiology Allied Science (DIPAS) and Brig. S.K.Mazumdar Marg, Delhi-110054 在 Indian Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 19, No. 4, December, 2004, 113 的研究心得题目为Studying Pharmacodynamics Using Nuclear Medicine Techniques: Evaluation of Seabuckthorn 发表沙棘油对抗炎方面有特定的效果。
上海第二医疗大学, 宝刚医院消化内科研究部进行了临床试验,他们发现到沙棘油对预防和治疗的肝纤维化方面有所帮助。
单单靠 沙棘 油有所帮助吗 ?
沙棘 油 虽有很好的功效,但单单靠它不能给你带来意料不到的功效。根据科学家的研究和发现,营养必须有恰当的组合才能发挥和产生互助,互相协调 和相生的功效。这也是科学家所说的synergy effect.。Bio-Zen Life 能给你带来意料不到的功效 和喜悦 让你重新享受人生的乐趣,就是因为它含有其他的重要和必须植物 营养和元素。同样的理由,中药从来不以单一的药材来治病而是由几种药材所配成的。
Friday, October 29, 2010
jing luo, negative energy & nutrients (15)
Traditionally Seabuckthorn has been used to treat various sickness as reported in many articles which are summarised as below:-
Gastrointestinal effect
The anti inflammatory and anti ulcer properties of b-sitosterol-b-D-glucosides, usorlic acid and betaine in the Seabuckthorn promotes ulcer healing, prevent the spread and inhibit erosion and the b- carotene, vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acid stimulate cell metabolism at site and repair injuries. It has remarkable inhibiting effects on gastric acid and abnormal increase of gastric proteinase thus keeping the ulcer from spreading. It is traditionally used in the treatment of gastric ulcers.
Reduction of Cholesterol and heart disease
Seabuckthorn oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, namely, Omega, 6 Omega 3 Omega-7 which are found to be extremely beneficial in improving and protecting against cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes. Studies have shown that it can lower the total serum cholesterol and LDL and raise HDL.
The richness of Vitamin E which is a strong antioxidant found in Seabuckthorn oilm helps to prevent oxidation of high density cholesterol in the serum thus inhibiting and reducing cholesterol settlement along the blood vessel wall. Seabuckthorn oil helps to decrease the total cholesterol and triglycerides and increase HDL according to the research done [ Yang Cunshe ( hippohae, 1995, vol8. No.1 pp 33-35)]
Scientists and researchers have found out that flavonoids such as coumarins, isocoumarins, furocoumarins, quassin together with serotonin and phenols coupled with vitamins A, C and E produce integrative anticancer effects. B-carotene, flavonoids, polyphenols, terpene, alkaloid and trace elements have anticancer property. Together they exert a concerted effect that is far more potent than just the sum total of their individual effects [ Xu Mingyu (hippohae vol.7 No.4 pp 41-43)]. Seabuckthorn oil stimulates the immune functions and activities of globulin C, increases antibodies and enhances phagocytosis of macrophage thus strengthening the body's resistance to cancerous mutations.
If Seabuckthorn oil were to be administered to a patient before and after chemotherapy or radiation or operation, it is found that it can assist the patient to recover remarkably well and reduce the suffering. It also reduces the adverse effects of nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, body weakness and uremia which are associated with chemotherapy or radiation or operation and this may be due to the fact that Seabuckthorn oil provides the patient with a rich and comprehensive supply of nutrients, fatty acids and trace elements that help to improve the condition and resistance level of the patient.
Seabuckthorn oil seems to have the effect of improving blood circulation and removing stasis and eliminating waste, promoting tissue growth and avoiding infections at the site of the operation. Seabuckthorn oil increases the self repairing ability of the traumatized organs and cells, promotes the functions of the spleen and bone marrow and blood generation, and protects the heart, spleen, liver, kidney against the damaging effect of radiation.
The liver can be damaged by alcohol, paracetamol and carbon tetrachloride and experiments have shown that Seabuckthorn can minimize the damage to the liver. Seabuckthorn has a preventive property in respect of fatty liver. This is due to the fact that it increases the metabolism of cholesterol and fat and thus extensively improves liver fat metabolism disorders which in turn may reduce the incidence of cancer and arteriosclerosis. A clinical trial demonstrated that Seabuckthorn oil helped to normalize liver enzymes, serum bile acids and immune system markers involved in liver inflammation and degeneration and it also protects the liver from damaging effects caused by toxic chemicals as was revealed in laboratory studies.
Anti-ageing and skin care
Sitosterol improves mirco- circulation in the skin, phosphatide forms a protective film to prevent moisture loss and in the process it delays the aging process.
Seabuckthorn oil has a tremendous effect on skin regeneration and it is especially useful in treating various conditions requiring enhanced cell regeneration, for example, burns scalds or eczema like damage. It is also effectively used to combats wrinkles, dryness and other symptoms of malnourished or prematurely aging of skin.
Seabuckthorn also has healing effects without leaving scars, thus if Seabuckthorn can do wonder to the horses then it should be able to do wonder to the skin of human beings too.
Biological studies suggest that the restorative action of the Seabuckthorn oil may be in part due to its high content of essential fatty acids (EFA), carotenes, tocopherols and phytosterols, which are all important for the maintenance of a healthy skin.
Gynecological disorders
The common gynecological disorder of many women are menstruation pain, menopausal syndromes, anaemia, cervical erosion etc. Research from Finland at the University of Turku Central Hospital shows that Seabuckthorn oil may provide excellent relief for vaginal dryness associated with menopause.
Immune system
Because of its high levels of omega-3 fatty acid, Seabuckthorn oil coupled with the richness in vitamin C and E helps to strengthen the immune system in the body through its effect on membrane phospholipids and the production of eicosanoids and cytokines. Thus it is beneficial in treating disorders in which the immune response is hyper stimulated such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, multi sclerosis and systemic lupus.
The muco polysaccharides, oligocyanine, carotenoid, alkaloid and terpene will help to enhance the body immunity and good result have also been shown against anti inflammation, reduction of pain, renewal of damaged tissue without leaving any scars in treating scalds, burns, cuts, decubitus ulcer, proriasis and systemic lupus erythematosus.
Elimination of Free radicals
Seabuckthorn seed oil is a pure natural antioxidant store. Its rich content of flavonoids, glucosides, phenols, terpenes, vitamins E, A, C, b-carotene, and trace elements including iron, zinc, selenium, manganese, etc., are all antioxidants with very low molecular weight to neutralize free radicals. It is found that more than 80 diseases are related to free radicals, the most common ones include stroke, myocardial infarction, infant anaemia, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, tumors, cataract, radiation damage, burns, brown spots, wrinkles, aging, arthritis, lung disease, nephritis, hepatitis, etc.
(一)对心脏病,血管系统疾病, 脑血管系统疾病的预防和保健作用:
沙棘油丰含 Omega, 6 Omega 3, Omega-7,多种氨基酸,多种维生素,微量元素, 对心脏病,血管系统疾病 如心肌炎,冠心病,心绞痛,心肌梗塞,心律失常,心肌缺血缺氧, 风心病,心悸、气短等,慢性心功能不全,心力衰竭等病症 有很好疗效和有极大防治作用 同时也 对糖尿病,降低坏胆固醇 也有很好作用。 医学临床表明沙棘黄酮及其它酚类化合物,β—谷固醇、甜菜碱等活性物质可以降低高血压、软化血管、防止动脉粥样硬化,降低血粘度、抑制血小板聚集,改善血液循环,降低血液中胆固醇、甘油三脂、降低低密度脂蛋白,清除血管壁的沉积物,恢复血管弹性,增加冠状动脉血流量,降低心肌耗氧量,增强心功能等。
Omega 7及Omega 9 对 脑血管系统疾病如脑缺血,脑血栓,脑梗塞,脑动脉硬化及由此引起的头痛、头晕、语言不清、手脚发麻,行动迟缓,四肢无力,僵硬等症状有很好的 预防保健防治及缓解作用。 根据 研究报道于 [ Yang Cunshe ( hippohae, 1995, vol8. No.1 pp 33-35)] 沙棘油丰含维生素 E能预防高胆固醇被氧化, 降低胆固醇得综和及三酸甘油脂而且还能提搞好胆固醇。
因为沙棘油丰含 Omega 3 再加上高抗氧化的维生素 E 它能帮助提高免疫系统的功能.在治疗免疫反应超刺激疾病诸如类风湿,牛皮癣、多发性硬化症和系统性狼疮有所帮助。 沙棘总黄酮等生物活性成份对免疫系统的多环节都具有不同程度的调节能力,对体液免疫和细胞免疫具有明显的调节作用。另外,对提高人体新陈代谢功能也有一定作用。
反應功效。也被認為有抵抗或是減緩腫瘤的形成。黃酮類物質连同quassin血清素和酚加上维他命A、C、E能产生 抗癌作用。根据研究报道于 Xu Mingyu (hippohae vol.7 No.4 pp 41-43 B-胡萝卜素,酮多,萜、生物硷和微量元素具有抗癌功能。他们一起能产生更大的抗癌功能 。
沙棘油能刺激免疫功能和刺激球蛋白C的活动,增加抗体和提高噬菌巨噬细胞作用 (巨噬细胞)包括骨髓中的前單核细胞、外周血中的單核细胞、以及组織内的巨噬细胞(Mφ)。如果病人在化疗,辐射或手术前后服用沙棘油, 它可以帮助病人快速恢复及减少痛苦。沙棘油能降低恶心、呕吐,食欲不振, 身体虚弱,尿毒症由化疗,辐射或手术所引起的副作用。这可能是由于沙棘油丰含宝贵的微量元素, 维生素,類黃酮、類胡羅卜素、植物甾醇類和葉酸 ,多种微生物 成分,同时也含有42脂肪、碳水化合物、生育酚, 苯酚,烯 ,甾醇,Omega 3、Omega 6、Omega 7及Omega 9 等等帮助病人能提高他们体内的低抗力,提高机体免疫力,大大减轻放射治疗对人体的损伤,改善身体新陈代谢,增强抗炎作用。
沙棘油能帮助改善血液循环能力,消除郁积,排除廢物,协助细胞组织增长和避免手术地区受 感染。沙棘油能提高所创伤的器官和细胞的自我修复能力,促进脾,骨髓和血再生作用及保护心,脾,肝脏、肾脏被辐射所影响的破坏后果。
(四)胃肠 管系统疾病的预防和保健作用
沙棘油中含有大量氨基酸,谷甾醇 ,配糖体,有机酸等多种营养成份,还有氯原酸和其它酚类化合物,可以促进胃酸的生物合,刺激胃液分泌, 抗炎,促进溃疡治疗防止和制止溃疡蔓延。因而沙棘具有消食化滞, 对于消化不良,腹胀痛,胃炎、胃及十二指肠溃疡、肠炎、慢性便秘等均有极好作用。胡萝卜素,维生素E和不饱和脂肪酸刺激细胞代谢和维修损伤。传统上沙棘用来医疗胃溃疡 。
(五) 对呼吸系统疾病的预防和保健作用:
沙棘含有黄酮类化合物消炎,它能促进毛细血管血液循环作用有关, 因而对慢性咽炎,支气管炎,咽喉肿痛,哮喘,咳嗽多痰等呼吸道系统疾病均有很好作用。
(六) 对肝脏等疾病的预防和保护作用:
肝脏就会受到酒精,扑热息痛药(paracetamol )和四氯化碳 (carbon tetrachloride ) 的损害和实验证明沙棘能减低肝脏的损害。原因是沙棘能提高肝脏的新陈代谢功能从而广泛改善肝脂肪代谢紊乱,降低癌和动脉硬化的机率。一个临床试验表明沙棘有助于正常化肝酵素,血清胆酸和免疫功能及保护肝脏被毒素所损害。沙棘中卵磷脂等磷脂类化合物可促进细胞代谢,改善肝功能,抗脂肪肝,抗肝硬化。
( 七 ) 抗衰老、美容护肤作用:
现代医学研究表明人体衰老与体内物质的过氧化作用有关。沙棘中的 维生素,類黃酮,類胡羅卜素,植物甾醇類,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)能抗氧化作用、清除人体内的自由基。谷甾醇能改善皮肤内的微型循环,磷脂形成保护层避免水分损失因此拖延老龄化进程而达到 抗衰老的作用。生物研究表明 沙棘油能发挥维修的功能是因为它富含的多种生物营养成份对护理皮肤,防皱抗衰也有很好的作用如多种微生物 成分,42脂肪、碳水化合物、生育酚, 苯酚,烯 ,甾醇,Omega 3、Omega 6、Omega 7及Omega 9 等等。同时又有增强免疫功能,调节免疫活性细胞。事实也证明沙棘对马皮肤和疾病有疗效的功能它也必定对人的皮肤和疾病也有同样的功能。
(九) 减低自由基
根据科学与医药报道至少七十种以上的病症如 癌症,心脏病,心肌梗死,衰老,炎症,中风,动脉硬化、肿瘤,肺气肿等都与自由基有关 。 沙棘油含有丰富而比例适当的多种维生素,多种微量元素,多种氨基酸,黃酮类有机酸,生物碱,谷甾醇,不饱和脂肪酸,植物甾醇類,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)这一些都是抗氧化剂而且是非常低分子重量,以消除自由基。
Thursday, October 14, 2010
jing luo, negative energy & nutrients (14)
The holy berry from the desert -- Seabuckthorn
What is SeaBuckthorn ?
During ancient Mongolian time it was a legend that Gengis Khan led his army through Gobi desert and during the journey their horses were injured or sick. They then set free their horses which were then inflicted with injuries, serious disease into the desert without any hope that the horses would be able to survive. However on their way back to Mongolia, the Gengis Khan was surprised to notice that their horses were not only living but had fully recovered from disease and injuries. They took pain to investigate and finally discovered that the cure for the disease and injuries was none other than the shrub fruits and leaves that thrived in the desert and highland. The shrub trees bear tiny yellow or orange berries. They also noticed that the skin of the horses was shining. The berry was subsequently referred to by the Mongolia and Tibetan as “holy fruit”. The berry had been listed in “the Chinese Pharmacopoeia” as the precious resource that can be used for food and medicine. The berry is none other than what we called today, the Seabuckthorn.
Coincidentally there is another legend which said that before 12 century BC, the ancient Greeks were indeed surprised to find their sick and injured horses which were set free to die not only recovered from sickness and injuries but on the contrary became stronger and more energetic than before. They also discovered a kind of shrubbery that cured their horses. They named the tree as “Sallow thorn” presumably from the berries which can stain the skin yellow and is also known as Hippophae Rhamnoides L which mean giving light to a horse as the word “hippos” means horse and “phaos” means light. This is berry is Seabuckthorn.
Mongolia and Greece are countries in two separate continents and the coincidental findings of the beneficial effect of Seabuckthorn came to us as a surprise. Thus there must be something in Seabuckthorn to warrant the medicinal usage in those days and also warrant further in depth research into this wonderful “holy fruit” - the seabuckthorn! In fact many medicinal usages have been found through years of research and study and the medicinal properties of Seabuckthorn are reported in many of the medical journals.
Medicinal application of Seabuckthorn was first recorded in Chinese Tang Dynasty (618-907 A.D.). In the Tibetan medicinal classics, namely, the Four Books of Pharmacopoeia where the medical uses of Seabuckthorn were recorded and narrated in detail in 24 chapters. In Yuan Dynasty from 1271 to 1368, Seabuckthorn fruits were confirmed as health products for Emperors. Its medicinal values and health care functions were again recorded in the pharmacopoeia of the "the Pearl Material Medica" in the Qing Dynasty during 1644 and 1911. In 1977 Seabuckthorn was referred to in the "Chinese Pharmacopoeia". Seabuckthorn was been confirmed by Chinese Ministry of Public Health as one of the plant species not only for foodstuff and medicine but also for re-forestation of desert and environmental protection.
The findings of the medicinal property of Seabuckthorn have attracted world wide attention and even European Commission had sponsored a project namely, Establishment of European Asian Network for development of strategies to enhance the sustainable usage of Seabuckthorn. This reinforced the findings that Seabuckthorn does have certain beneficial effects to our health though the mystery of Seabuckthorn is yet to be fully unlocked but what had been unlocked has shown tremendous benefit to the health and well being of the people.
Seabuckthorn has many economic, nutritional and medicinal benefits and values. China, Mongolia and Russia are pioneers among the Seabuckthorn growing countries in the world delving into the research of Seabuckthorn for various purposes like food, medicine and cosmetics.
Seabuckthorn Plant
Seabuckthorn is a hardy, fast growing deciduous tree like shrub which grows well in dry soil or desert to a height between 2 to 4 meters with yellow to orange berries depending on the variety of the family. Its roots can go very deep about 30 0ver feet into the soil and it is for this reason Seabuckthorn is able to thrive in desert despite the severe climatic condition and it is also for this reason that Seabuckthorn is chosen as a plant for re-forestation and prevention for soil erosion. It has thorns which are enough to ward off the most thick skinned bugs and birds. The tree has rough brown or black bark and a thick greyish green crown. Leaves are alternate, narrow and with a silver grey colour on the under side. The berry is oval in shape and the colour ranges from yellow to orange depending on the variety.
Seabuckthorn oil
According to Russian and Chinese scientists, Seabuckthorn contains about 190 bio-active components of which 106 are in the oil. Seabuckthorn contains wonderful bio-active substances and nutrients and about 90% of the oil is unsaturated fatty acid including (i) linolenic acid (Omega 3) (ii) linoleic acid (Omega 6), (iii) Oleic acid (Omega 9), (iv) palmitoleic acid (Omega 7). The Omega 3 and Omega 6 are in almost perfect ratio of 1:1. Seabuckthorn oil is especially rich in the rare form of Omega-7 series of fatty acid which is beneficial to the skin. Omega-3 fatty acid family is also called DHA [DocasalHexaenoic Acid]. Although DHA can be synthesized in the body from alpha-linolenic acid but the capacity for synthesis declines with age. The Omega-3 and Omega-6 family of fatty acids are essential to health because they cannot be synthesized in the body but must be obtained from the diet. Another most important long chain fatty acids in Omega-3 family is EPA [EicosaPentaenoic Acid]. Seabuckthorn oil is especially rich in Omega-7 series fatty acid ( palmitoleic acid) which accounts for about 30% of the total oil.
Omega 3 helps to reduce blood pressure, dissolves accumulated fat, altering platelet aggregation and promote metabolism thereby reducing the tendency of the blood to clot. It also helps to decrease total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol and decrease the risk of heart disease. It is the DHA in heart cell membranes rather than DHA in the bloodstream which is protective [ Prevention of Cardiac Arrhythmia by Dietary (n-3) Polyunsaturated Fatty acids and their mechanism of action-- Sudheera Nair et.al]
Though Omega 3 fatty acids can be found in fish but with the industrial and domestic effluents being discharged into the sea, the sea has become polluted and the fatty acids derived from the fish in the sea will inevitably be polluted. Hence the safest fatty acids will be those derived from plants which grow wild in the nature.
SeaBuckthorn oil also rich in nutrients and vitamins. The vitamins include A (derived from -carotene), C, E, B1, B2, K and P. According to Current Science vol.88 No.1, 10 January 2005 under the title Seabuckthorn: Oil with promising medicinal value by T. Parimelazhagan, O.P Chaurasia and Z.Ahmed it was stated that the Seabuckthorn fruits contain high amount of bio-active substances. It contains 5 to 100 times more vitamin C (ascorbic acid) than any other known fruit or vegetable. It is ranked 4th after rosehips, hot chili pepper and sweet red pepper. Seabuckthorn oil contains twice the amount of vitamin E (-tocopherol) as wheat oil, nine times as much as corn oil and a stunning 35 times as much as soybean oil and is in second place after wheatgerm oil. D-a-tocopherol (the most potent vitamin E form) is the major form of vitamin E in Seabuckthorn oil. [B. Aluokumofu Pharmacological Effects of Seabuckthorn Oil. HIPPOPHAE. Sept. 1992, Vol. 5 (8)]. Seabuckthorn appears to has an unsurpassed natural source of vitamins A, carotenes and flavonoids.
Seabuckthorn oil also has a high content of b-carotene which is in 4th place after carrots, rosehips and sweet red peppers. The b-carotene content gives the berries their colour which can vary from yellow to red depending on the variety. Among the carotenes found in Seabuckthorn are alfa – and beta- carote lycopene, cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, taraxanthin and phytofluin.
Seabuckthorn oil also consists of flavonoids, carotenoids, folic acid numerous microelements and more than 28 trace elements including iron, zinc, selenium, manganese, copper, iodine, nickel, magnesium, sodium etc. It has been reported that besides the above elements it also contains 42 lipids, carbohydrates, tocopherols, phenols, terpenes, phytosterols, steroids such as B- sitosterol, B-amyrin, a-amyrin and tannin.
Phytochemicals such as flavonoids, carotenoids and phytosterols are found in Seabuckthorn oil.
Yang Cunshe ( hippophae 1995, vol.8 No.1 pp 33-35) shows in a clinical study that seabuckthorn has the effect of decreasing total cholesterol and triglycerides and by increasing HDL.
传说 成吉思汗西征时 军队经过广阔的沙漠受到暴风沙的袭击导致许多马匹受伤和得到疾病。蒙古人向来不杀马。他们 对马有一种特殊的感情因为马忠诚的为主服务。成吉思汗 把 受伤和得到疾病的马匹留在沙漠,任其自生自灭。当 成吉思汗从西回归时他 发现 到那些 受伤和得到疾病 的马匹,每一匹都 健康无病还能在沙漠上奔驰。经过详细的侦查他们发现到在沙漠上只有沙棘树和果。 因而结论必是 沙棘叶和果医治疗了马。因为这个发现 ,从此肯定了沙棘的药用价值,传说他让御医用沙棘为蒙古贵族调制出了强身治病的蒙药。成吉思汗长年征战在外,平日就靠沙棘强身健体,抵御疾病。蒙藏称 沙棘果为圣果。
另一个传说是早在古希腊, 人们依靠马来作战和作为唯一快捷的交通工具, 所以古希腊人对马也有一种特殊的情感。他们从来不杀死马,总是把作战受伤和一些老弱病残不能医治的马,放到野外,任其自生自灭。有一次他们把受伤和得到疾病 的战马放在随处可见的一种灌木丛野外,过了好几个月,这些马又回来了,并且个个膘肥体壮,毛皮也闪闪发光 ,古希腊人感到非常奇怪。古希腊人侦查后发现到原来这些受过伤和得到疾病 的战马来到了一片沙棘林,饿了吃沙棘叶,渴了吃沙棘果,依靠沙棘为生。沙棘的叶子和果实滋养了这些病瘦的马匹.。聪明的古希腊人知道了沙棘有疗伤和治病的作用。于是他们就给这种灌木起了一个形象的名字 -Hippophae rhamnoides L.,它的意思就是“使马皮肤发光的树”。这是"沙棘"拉丁学名的来历。
有于沙棘对预防和治疗疾病方面有它的医疗价值,许多国家在七十年代都急极来研究. 中国,苏联和蒙古是 沙棘 研究的先驱者。.
沙棘是一种生命力极强的乔灌木植物。生长很快,有广泛的适应性。一般生长在干燥,寒冷的贫瘠山区。树高可达四米,果实颜色根据它的种类从黄到橙色.沙棘根系发达,地下根幅可达10多米, 种植沙棘,能够肥沃土壤,为其他植物提供养分。 沙棘在防风固沙,保持水土,绿化荒山,改善环境上有巨大的作用。它的 刺 修长可防昆虫和鸟类的侵袭, 叶底为 银灰色。
沙棘 油
根据苏联和 中国的科学家的发现, 沙棘 油 富含190多种生物活性物质,其中106 种 溶于油 而90%的油是不饱和的 包括 亚麻酸(Omega 3), 亚酸 (Omega 6) , 油酸 (Omega 9), 棕榈酸 (Omega 7)。 亚麻酸(Omega 3),和亚酸 (Omega 6) 的比率是1:1. 沙棘 油特别富含对皮肤有 益的棕榈酸 (Omega 7) 占有30%的总油。 我们的身体本能制造亚麻酸(Omega 3)但随着年龄的增长它的产量也跟着减低。 亚麻酸(Omega 3),和亚酸 (Omega 6) 对身体健康有巨大的效益因此我们必须从食物中摄取。根据报道 亚麻酸(Omega 3) 可帮助减低血压,消脂,改变小血板得总和及提高成新代谢以进防止血液凝结的倾向。 亚麻酸(Omega 3) 也可帮助降低胆固醇的总和,坏胆固醇和保护心脏细胞而降低心脏病的风险。
[Prevention of Cardiac Arrhythmia by Dietary (n-3) Polyunsaturated Fatty acids and their mechanism of action-- Sudheera Nair et.al ;Yang Cunshe ( hippophae 1995, vol.8 No.1 pp 33-35)]
虽然 亚麻酸(Omega 3)可从鱼类获取但海洋受到污染,鱼类的亚麻酸(Omega 3) 也可能受到污染而不适合摄取。在者捕鱼多数在深海,当把鱼送回岸, 鱼多多少少已变质, 从而影响了鱼油的品质。根据科学家的发现,最好的亚麻酸(Omega 3),), 亚酸 (Omega 6) , 油酸 (Omega 9), 棕榈酸 (Omega 7)的来源是从大自然的植物!
沙棘 油富含营养和维生素。维生素包括维生素A (得自胡萝卜素)C, E, B1, B2, K 和 P。根据报道在现代科学 (vol.88 No.1, 10 January 2005)的标题 Seabuckthorn: Oil with promising medicinal value by T. Parimelazhagan, O.P Chaurasia and Z.Ahmed 和B. Aluokumofu Pharmacological Effects of Seabuckthorn Oil. 报道于HIPPOPHAE. Sept. 1992, Vol. 5 (8)] 沙棘含有 190 多 种 对人体有益的生物活性成分。它比其他果或蔬菜 多出5-100 倍的维生素 C,它的维生素 E 比小麦有多出2倍, 比玉米油多出9倍, 比大豆 油多出35倍。沙棘 丰含维生素A ,胡萝卜素和酮。它所含的胡萝卜素是所有植物中排位第四。沙棘 果的 颜色从黄到红是因为 b-胡萝卜素含量所造成。 沙棘有含有多种类的胡萝卜素 (比如 alfa – 和 beta- carote lycopene, cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, taraxanthin 及 phytofluin)。 B-胡萝卜素是胡萝卜素中最具活性的。
沙棘 油也富含 類黃酮,類胡羅卜素,植物甾醇类和葉酸,多种微生物 成分,28種微量元素如鐵,鋅,硒,錳,銅,碘,鎳,鎂,鉀,鈣,硫,鈉,鈷和氯等。据报道,除了上述内容,但也有42脂肪、碳水化合物,生育酚, 苯酚,烯 ,甾醇 等等。
Sunday, September 19, 2010
jing luo, negative energy & nutrients (13)
Nutrients of Nature vs drugs
In his book entitled “ What your doctor doesn't know about nutritional medicine may be killing you” Dr. Ray D. Strand, M.D. disclosed that many sickness which could not be cured by modern drugs may find the answers in nutrition. This is true as it can be seen that diseases such as scurvy can be cured by Vitamin C and beri-beri- by vitamin B which are nutrients bestowed by nature.
Drugs on the other hand, are usually chemically synthesized with raw materials not from plants or organic source. Hence all drugs are inherently dangerous and do have side effects though they may be approved by FDA. As drugs are synthetic and our bodies consider them as invaders. In this book by the same author entitled “ Death by Prescription” he referred to an article entitled “Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospitalized Patients” in the “Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) wherein it was revealed that in 1994 more than 2.2 million people required hospitalization because of serious reactions to medication and more than 106,000 of theses patients actually died because of adverse drug reactions- reactions to properly prescribed and administered medications and this have not been changed significantly over the past 30 years ! Furthermore as we aged, the production of enzymes will be reduced, affecting the speed of breaking down and eliminating the drugs from the body and one particular enzyme is cytochrome P450 system. If the speed of breaking down and eliminating the drugs has been slowed down then it will choke up our systems and will give rise to more sickness which again will result more drugs being administered and this will seriously affect the function of kidney and the entire body systems which eventually will lead to death.
Many of the side effect of drugs are not disclosed until and unless you make your own research into it and at times even the doctors who prescribed the drugs will not be able to tell you what are the side effects. With so many untold side effects, it is therefore logical we shall seek alternative remedies from nature in the form of nutrients which are bioavailable. Some scientists referred these nutrients as bionutriention, cellular nutritions or neutraceuticals. Basically it means the nutrition for the body's cells.
As the method of cultivation of crops is becoming more and more commercialized with the aim of increasing output thus the nutritional value of the crops are often being overlooked or side stepped which necessitate us to look for suitable nutritional supplements in addition to our usual consumption of grains, vegetables and fruits. In the book entitled “Bionutrition” by Dr. Ray Strad it shows that there are significant health benefits to consume high quality nutritional supplements but the best source of nutritional supplements come from plants based nutrients as suggested by Dr. Brain R. Clement, the director of the Hippocrates Health Institute, in his book entitled “Supplements Exposed” which reveals many of the health supplements found in the market are synthesized rather than from the nature or plants which may affect our health instead of being beneficial to our health .
Though we are able to explore the universe yet there are many mysteries in the plants' nutrients which are beneficial to our health are yet to be unlocked and scientists nowadays are still investigating the wonder of plants' nutrients however time is running out as many countries in the name of development have cleared thousands of kilometer squares of jungle thereby exterminate plants and herbs which are beneficial to human being and some plants and herbs may be on the verge of extinction ! To preserve the nature particularly plants and herbs we must first of all have some knowledge and information about the nutritional value of plants and herbs particularly in respect of health so that afford can be taken to preserve them.
There is an interesting article published by the non profitable organization at its website with its title “ maybe the cure for cancer is sitting in your refrigerator” you may be doing yourself a favour by surfing into the site at
Thus in the next article I will examine the plants' nutrients and trace minerals to see how they will affect our well being.
天然营养 相对西药
Dr. Ray D. Strand, M.D. 在其书 “ 别让不懂营养的医生害了你“ 中说很多的疾病 西药是不能医治的但营养却能。 比如坏血病可用维生素 C 来治疗,脚气病可用维生素 B 来治疗。 天然的维生素是大自然给与我们的。
相对的西药却是化学物的合成品。它们不是从植物中所摄取的。化学的原料通常来源自石油的副产品。西药不能被身体接纳,它们在身体里潜伏着相当高的危海。虽然西药通常被美国药剂管制局所批准但他们还是会有副作用。西药是化学合成品,它们不被身体所接纳,所以 身体很自然的把它们当作外来的侵犯者而产生本能排除的反应。Dr. Ray D. Strand, M.D. 在其书 “死亡的药剂“ (“ Death by Prescription”)中提到美国医药西协会曾经出版一篇报告“西药对病者所产生的副作用“ (“Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospitalized Patients” )。 那篇报告说在1994 年有 超过两百二十万人因为西药所产生的副作用而必须进院治疗 其中而有超过106,000 因而死亡。但这种情况经过了30年还是没有得到任何的改善。再者随着时间的流逝, 我们身体内所产生的酶也跟着降低或减少。身体需要酶来化解和排除西药, 如 cytochrome P450 酶系统 。当酶的产量减少了,化解西药的速度也跟着降低,多种 疾病跟随而来。为了要治疗更多的疾病,医生不得不配更多的西药,如此一来身体越来越衰弱, 难以康复。肝脏也将崩溃 导致死亡。
通常西药所产生的副作用是不会公布的,除非你自己去掘发资料。 再者西医本身也很可能不懂药物的副作用。既然西药有无数的副作用,我们必须从天然植物中寻找可被身体所接纳的营养来治疗病症。该营养就是细胞营养。随着时代的进步,耕种的方法也改了。人们为了赚钱不再注重营养和素质而是量。因此除了日常要进食蔬菜和水果,我们还是要服用恰当的天然补助品。 Dr. Ray Strad 在其书 “生物营养“(“Bionutrition”)中说服用良好品质的补助品对人们的健康有很大的帮助。最好的天然营养是从植物中所提取的。 Dr. Brain R. Clement, Hippocrates Health Institute的主任在其书, “ 揭发 补助品的真像“(“Supplements Exposed”)说;很多市场所卖的补助品多数是化学合成品而不是天然的补助品。它们将会产生不良的后果。
虽然人们已能傲游太空,但可悲的是,我们对许多植物的神奇化学物却不知或一无所知。至到今天科学家还正在研究和寻找神奇的植物化学物功效。但我们却等不了,因为森林的破坏 再加上发展的快速,许多有价值的植物可能已被毁灭而绝种了。这是人类的悲哀!在这个时刻, 我们必须知道植物的价值和可贵,尤其是对人类健康有所帮助,才能确保植物的存在!
非营利组织的一个网站-口腔癌症基金会 发表了一篇文章“也许癌症的治疗物正在你的雪柜中存藏着“ (maybe the cure for cancer is sitting in your refrigerator)
- http://www.oralcancerfoundation.org/facts/nutrition.htm
在该文章中它提到植物的营养,植物的化学物(phytochemical) 和矿物资对健康有很大的帮助, 你不妨游览或许你能从中获益不浅。
Sunday, August 29, 2010
jing luo,negative energy & nutrients (12)
What are the free radicals ?
As stated if a molecule losses one of its electron, then that molecule will become a free radical and it will tend to snatch another electron from the neighbouring molecule so as to stabilise itself. The free radical is denotes by a dot at the atom or molecule such as Cl- which is a chlorine free radical or HO• which is a hydroxyl radical. Hydroxyl radical is very reactive as it takes one billionth of a second to react with the neighbouring molecules thereby causing immense damage to the other body's cells which at the end will lead to diseases such as cancer, Parkinson's disease,aging, cataracts, Alzheimer's disease, stroke, heart attack etc.
How to neutralize the effect of free radicals ?
To neutralise the effect of free radicals then there are many compounds that are able to donate an electron to the free radicals and convert themselves to harmless molecules. These substances are known as antioxidants! They intercept free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage that can lead to blockage of blood vessels, Alzheimer's disease etc. Some of the antioxidants are generated by our bodies and some have to be obtained from food. Further as we aged, the ability of our bodies to produce such antioxidants also reduces hence it is necessary to take in health supplements to increase the antioxidants capacity of our bodies. Though we may obtain some from the nuts and vegetables however due to the method of cultivation and the use of fertilizers the effective nutrients obtainable are far from satisfactory. Some of the antioxidants are glutathione, co-enzyme Q-10, lipoic acid, Vitamin C, E, Selenium. Recent studies also reveal that plants chemical or botanicals chemicals are in fact powerful source of antioxidants and we called such substance as phytochemicals. Dr. Brian R. Clement PhD who is the Director of Hippocrates Health Institute, Florida in his book entitled “Supplements Exposed” stated that the best supplements come from the extract of plants and not those of synthetics which made from chemicals as the same are inorganic and not bioavailable !
As antioxidants are substances that donate electron to the free radicals which in turn become harmless molecules. Thus from the Chinese medicals point of view are not these substances are in fact providing positive energy to the body so as to balance the positive and negative energy bearing in mind that free radicals are with odd number of electrons and are negative energy ! Chinese in ancient day used herb to neutralize the effect of negative energy and herbs contain phytochemicals and trace minerals which are powerful antioxidants. Thus it would not be wrong to say that antioxidants can be considered as positive energy which are capable of donating electrons to the free radicals to balance the positive and negative energy in the body or yin and yang in the body.
Plants based antioxidants are more readily be absorbed by our bodies rather than the synthetic ones and hence the term bioavailability is often used to described the readiness of nutrients being absorbed by our bodies and this is more often than not associated with plants based nutrients.
我曾经说过当一个分子(molecule) 失去一粒电子时,它就变成游离子。游离子 很活跃,它的破坏力也相当快速和强烈。为了平衡自己,为了找回一粒电子,它就会从附近的细胞夺取点子,而造成严重的破坏。通常游离子是 以 一个点在分子旁边为符号,比如氯游离子Cl-, 氢氧(hydroxyl) 游离子 是 HO• 。 HO• 是非常的活跃, 它能以十亿分之秒的时速攻击附近的细胞而造成严重性的破坏 导致癌症,泊金森,老化,白内障,老人痴呆症, 中风,心脏病等等的形成。
有许多的混合物 能提供给电子于游离子而把自己便成无害的分子。这些混合物我们称他们为抗氧化物剂。他们截住了游离子从而保护细胞被氧化的后果。他们保护细胞不会被氧化,他们可帮助减低血管被阻塞的危机,老人痴呆症的形成等等。我们的身体能制造一些抗氧化物剂 担有一些必须从食物中摄取。当我们随着年龄的增长,身体能制造的抗氧化物剂也跟着减少。因此我们必须服用辅助品来增进我们身体的抗养能力。虽然我们可以从食物中摄取抗氧化物剂 但随着商业化的耕种 和滥用化学肥的后果,可摄取的营养也大大的减少。我们所需要的抗氧化物剂 如维生素 C, E, 谷光甘肽, 硒, 辅酶10,疏辛酸 等等。最近的科学研究发现到植物中的化学混合物是最强的抗氧化物剂 (phytochemicals)。Dr. Brian R. clement PhD 在其书中 “Supplements Exposed“ 说:”最好的保健朴助品是来自植物而不是用化学原料加工而究制成的产品。” 他也说,人工制造保健朴助品虽然形状相像,但却没有天然的礼品的功效反而可能危害了我们的健康!
抗氧化物剂提供给游离子一粒点子而把自己便成无害的分子。游离子是含负电子,而抗氧化物剂却能供给电子于游离子而使它变成不含负电子。 如此看来抗氧化物剂能中和游离子的电子 而令 正电和负电平衡。从中医的角度来看,那不是阴阳调和吗?中医用草药来治病,而草药却富含植物的抗氧化物剂 和微矿物元素,这不是中医一路来 用草药来祛寒气而达到阴阳调和的吗? 植物中所提炼的抗氧化物剂很容易被身体摄取。因此我们必须常常服用植物中所提取的抗氧化物剂。
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Jing Luo, Negative Energy & Nutrients (11)
Let us see what the governmental authorities said about free radicals:-
“Oxidative stress has been associated with the development of many chronic diseases, including cancer and heart disease. The human body has developed a very delicate system, although not 100% effective, to eliminate free radicals from the body. … Oxidative stress results from free radicals produced during the normal metabolism of oxygen as well as from external sources.”
USDA Quote (.gov)
In the U.S., long-term nutritional deficiencies and free radicals cause eight times more degenerative disease deaths than all other causes of death combined. Literally hundreds of thousands of people each year in the U.S. die of a degenerative disease. Degenerative diseases are not curable, but degenerative for most people are preventable, for others at least stoppable, and for some people reversible.
Degenerative Diseases Death Rate (.gov)
根据美国的USDA Quote (.gov) 报道 压力氧化, 那就是因为氧化的过程而造成压力,与许多严重的疾病有关,包括 癌症 和心脏病。人的生体,本能产生一个体系,可以消除游离子,虽然不是有100% 有效。游离子可造成压力而引起疾病。游离子的来源不单是 从细胞的陈新代谢的过程而形成也能从身体外侵入。
根据美国的 Degenerative Diseases Death Rate (.gov) 报道:在美国长期的缺乏必需的营养和游离子所造成的 退化病症的死亡 是其他病症死亡总和的八倍。那就是说在美国数十万的人因退化病症而死亡。退化病症是无药可救的 但对很多的人来说是可以预防的 或避免的。对其他人来说至少是可以 停止的。在有些人来说是可以恢复的。
Saturday, July 31, 2010
jing luo, negative energy & nutrients (10)
How are the free radicals being produced ?
The amount of free radicals are being increased by leaps and bounds every years and hence it is possible a main factors for the contribution of the incident of free radicals related diseases. Free radicals are produced in the following situations however the circumstances that lead to the production of free radicals are not limited to the following:-
(1) metabolism-------- it is all the physical and chemical process being occurred in our body cells. It also encompasses the synthesis and breakdown of our body constituents. The process involves breakdowns food and nutrients to produce energy and it also promotes growth, sustain life and it enables the body to function properly. In the course of it, free radicals are being produced. Thus metabolism means the amount of calories that our bodies burn per day and in consequences thereof free radicals are being produced. Just like a car running on petrol and the same time producing carbon dioxide.
(2) Foods subjected to high heat. When we cook our food at high temperature, free radicals are being produced and likewise when we expose to excess heat or cold, free radicals are being produced such as the use of micro waves oven, high temperature frying etc
(3) Environmental pollutions such as discharge of smokes, toxic air etc
(4) Preservatives
(5 ) smoking
(6) medical treatment such as exposure to X-ray, gamma ray, chemotherapy, radiation etc
(7) bacteria and parasites also contribute to the production of free radicals
(8) prescription and over the counter drugs- drugs at times also help to or indirectly produce free radicals
(9) radiations such as computers and TV etc
(10) sunburn, stress
(11) nutrient deficiencies
(12) active and intensive exercise hence moderate exercise should be the best policy.
(13)pesticides etc
游离子或自由基 是怎样产生的呢?
1。 新陈代谢。当身体要维持它的生存,它必须不断的成长,旧细胞不断地被淘汰,新的细胞不断的成长,在这个过程中,不管你喜欢不喜欢,游离子或自由基 自然而然不断的生产。
2。 运动 。每当一个人运动时,身体必须产生能量,为了产生能量,细胞必须把营养化为能量而在这个过程中,游离子或自由基就 厂生了。
3。 食物的防腐剂也能产生 游离子或自由基。
4。 抽烟。
5。 医疗如 X-光,加码 光,化疗,电疗等等。
6。 细菌和寄生虫也能产生 游离子或自由基。
7。 西药。
8。 辐射如电脑,电视等等。
9。 压力,晒伤。
10。 缺乏营养。
11。 食物受到高温和过热的影响, 如微波路,煎炸等等。
12。 空气 和环境的污染。
13。 杀虫剂等等
Friday, July 16, 2010
Jing Luo, Negative Energy & Nutrients (9)
After watching the acts of free radicals at the you-tube websites referred to in the last series, what do you think of free radicals ? Traditional Chinese medicine advocates ying & yang (negative energy and positive energy ) must always and the elements of wood, fire , earth , metal and water will enhance one and another . The theory of Chinese Medicine cannot be explained by modern science just like scientists still puzzle how pyramids in Egypt were constructed . Chinese Medical consist of blood energy theory, the existence of meridians and vital acupuncture points. Though western medicine and scientists may not agree with the said theories yet they are at the same time unable to prove such theories were nonsense since it was a fact that sickness could not be cured by western medicine did cure by Chinese medicine or according to traditional Chinese method. It was also undisputed that there is much lower and negligible fatality rate compared to western medicine. Chinese Medicine is a myth , a mystic. Free radicals carry with them the negative charges, thus free radicals can also be considered as negative energy. When negative energy exceeds the positive energy and disturb the equilibrium or balance of ying and yang, it will give rise to sickness. In order to cure the said sickness then one has to reduce the amount of free radicals in the body but before we are able to do this we have to understand how and in what circumstances will the free radicals come into existence or increased by leaps and bounds in our body. I will talk about this in the next article.
经络、寒气 及 营养 (9)
看完了 you-tube 的影片,你对游离子或自由基 的 看法又如何?传统中医向来提倡阴阳调和,
木、火、土、金、水的循循相生。传统中医有他们的理论非近代科学能相比。中医有气血的理论,有经络的路线,有穴道的存在,可是科学 和 西医皆不认同, 但又不能证明这是无稽之谈!因为中医却能医好西医不能治好的病。中医的玄,已超越科学所能解释的。游离子或自由基 是负电 性 的 分子(molecule),也可当作阴气 。 当 游离子或自由基 过多,阴气就会盛旺,而破坏了阴阳调和的原则,随之而来的就是疾病。要医好疾病,就要减低 游离子或自由基。那游离子或自由基 是怎样产生的呢?请看下回吧!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Jing luo, Negative Energy & Nutrients (7)
Electrons is a negative energy. It can be said that free radical is one form of negative energy or cold energy or Yin energy. If there are excess of free radicals then they can affect our health. What is free radical ? To make it simple and easy for readers to understand. It would be more appropriate to ask what is an atom. An atom consists of nucleus within itself it contains protons and neutron [ a proton has a positive electrical charge whereas neutron has no electrical charge] and surrounding the nucleus are orbits or shells like our solar system there are invisible tracks or orbit and orbiting along the track or shell are electron which has negative electrical charge. The nearest orbit from the nucleus will contain 2 electrons in order to stabilise the atom. The next orbits will contain 8 electrons in order to stablise the atom. The third orbits will contain 18 electrons in order to stablise the atom. If the number of electron is less than 2 or 8 or 18 as the case may be depending on what type of atom it is or if the number of electrons at the outer most orbit is in odd number then the atom will become unstable and it will snatch one electron from from the surrounding cells in order to stablise itself either in the number of 2, 8, 18 electrons in the outer most orbit as the case may be. Such an unstable atom with the odd number of electrons or unpaired electron at the outer most orbit is called free radical. Sometimes two or more atoms joined together by a bond to form molecules and if the bond is broken which resulted the molecule having odd number of electrons at the outer most orbit then a free radical is form. Thus free radical is an atom or molecule with unpaired electrons at the outer most orbit or shell or track . In order to protect ourselves against the attack of free radicals, the best way is to supply our body with plenty of effective antioxidants as these antioxidants can furnish the electrons required by the free radicals and at the same time they are harmless to the body or our cells after losing or giving up one or more electrons. If the level of free radicals is reduced, our negative energy or Yin energy will correspondingly be reduced and our positive or Yang energy will correspondingly be increased so as to achieve a balance stage of positive and negative energy and the blockages of our meridians too will slowly be removed . Our “qi xue or blood energy” will rise and we will regain our health.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Jing Luo, Negative Energy & Nutrients (8)
After reading the text thus far may be it would be nice just to relax and watch the short video on you-tube and gain more insight as to what is “Free Radicals and their effect on health “.
Have a nice day and enjoy yourself.
You can to go the following websites for more information on free radicals:-
Note: for further information on what is free radicals you can go to the website at (a) http:// www.healthchecksystems.com/antioxid.htm (b) http://www.healingdaily.com/conditions/free-radicals.htm (c) http://www.biotecfoods.com/freerads.htm (d) http://www.oralchelation.com/technical/freeradical.htm#harmon
To see the formation of free radicals and its damaging effects. Please go to youtube at the following sites:-
(1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3lX67swZWk
(2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTBz9ipkWhE&feature=related
(3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHAPoXmnONU&NR=1
(4) http://www.youtube.com/watchv=Y4RHxSCyfwA&feature=PlayList&p=80C8E0AA7248B312&playnext_from=PL&index=0&playnext=1
如想进一步了解游离子或自由基, 请游览 :
(1) http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/19772356.html
(2) http://www.sport.gov.cn/n16/n1107/n1818/n39740/135854.html
(3) (a) http://www.healthchecksystems.com/antioxid.htm
(4) http://www.healingdaily.com/conditions/free-radicals.htm
(5) http://www.biotecfoods.com/freerads.htm
(6) http://www.oralchelation.com/technical/freeradical.htm#harmon
看看游离子或自由基 的破坏力和形成, 请游览 you-tube 的网站:-
(1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3lX67swZWk
(2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTBz9ipkWhE&feature=related
(3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHAPoXmnONU&NR=1
(4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4RHxSCyfwA&feature=PlayList&p=80C8E0AA7248B312&playnext_from=PL&index=0&playnext=1
(6) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqnMA2r3bik&feature=related
Saturday, July 3, 2010
负电子是阴气,这也就是说游离子或自由基 也是阴气 或寒气的一种。游离子或自由基过多就会影响到一个人的健康。什么是游离子呢? 一个原子(atom) 的结构,含有电子 (electron- 负电 性 [negative electrical charge] ), 中子 (neutral -没有电性的)和质子 (proton—正电或阳电性 [positive electrical charge] )。质子 和 中子存在原子核心 而电子则 围绕着核心旋转。原子(atom) 的结构,好像太阳系统一样,有许多的轨道。离核心最近的轨道应有两个电子才能达到平衡和稳定,第二个轨道应有八个电子才能达到平衡和稳, 第三个轨道应有十八个电子才能达到平衡和稳。一个原子(atom) 有多少轨道 呢? 这就要看是什么 类的原子。有些 原子(atom) 有一个轨道,有些 原子(atom) 有两个轨道,有些 原子(atom) 有三个轨道。 原子的特性就要看最外围的轨道。如第一轨道少了一个电子,电子总和变成单数,那么这个原子就会找一个电子以便来平衡该原子。为了寻找所需要的电子,该原子会攻击其它细胞来夺走它的电子。这就是游离子或自由基。有时两个或多个原子 会联系在一起 成为分子(molecule), 当联系的带断了,该分子外围轨道的电子总和 就会变成单数,而形成 游离子或自由基。因此 游离子或自由基的形成是由于原子或分子外围轨道有不成双的电子。 为了保护身体的细胞,避免受到游离子的攻击,最好的方法就是提供大量的抗氧化物剂给与身体来消除危机,因为它能供献电子而又不会危害到身体或细胞。当游离子的数量降低,身体的寒气也更着降低,阻塞的经络也会跟着疏通,阳气接着会上升而达到阴阳平衡。气血也跟着会上升。营养也能被气血输送的每一个细胞,随着身体也满满的康复。
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Notice------ 启示 --Thank you---谢谢
If you are reading this blog please read from the first article of "Jing Luo" start from the year 2009 at the very beginning then slowly series by series to the latest subject "Jing Luo, Negative Energy & Nutrients " in order to fully understand the concept of my view otherwise you may be at lost.
thank you for reading
假如你要游览次部落客, 你最好从开始的第一章开始然后慢慢的一章,一章的看下去才明白此部落客的看法。谢谢
Friday, June 25, 2010
Jing Luo, Negative Energy & Nutrients (6)
According to one researcher he noticed that the tempo in medical field does not always match with the scientific discovery and he further added that we do not have time to wait and if we were to wait for medical development or final application, it may then be too late for we may not survive that long. You may say it is nonsensical but it is not. Just to illustrate the point it was stated that during the 70s a well known researcher , pathologist and professor Dr. Kilmer McCully had noted that there was some correlation between heart attach or diseases and homocysteine and if the level of homocysteine was high and far above the level of 9 then there was a high probability of getting stroke or heart attack and that homocysteine was the main culprit of stroke and heart diseases but such finding was dismissed at that time as nonsensical however about 20 years later this was subsequently acknowledged to be the correct finding. Dr. Kilmer McCully was vindicated yet today most doctors still talk about bad cholesterol as the main factor and seldom check on the level of homocysteine and more often than not doctors will insist on the checking of the cholesterol level which is a must but not that of homocysteine ! We also often heard that friends who passed away due to heart attack but their cholesterol levels were at the acceptable normal level or they did not have history of heart diseases. How do we explain this ? The so called bad cholesterol is the essential ingredient for our building our body cells and it is only bad when it is being oxidised into the form of fatty streak which attaches itself to the lining of the artery. The fatty streak is an inflammatory lesion and will cause the formation of plaque and if the situation is not checked it will slowly lead to the formation of thicker plaque and hardening and narrowing of the arteries. It is also reported in medical journal that those who have osteoporosis usually tend to have high level of homocysteine. Thus whether there is a link between osteoporosis and homocysteine ? In order to prevent osteoporosis why not take step to lower the level of homocysteine rather than waiting for the final confirmation by the relevant authority since it is also link to heart diseases and stroke ? You can find many articles on homocysteine if you make searches on the internet. If one can lower the level of homocysteine and at the same time increased the level of antioxidant then many diseases caused by free radicals can be avoided.
Jing Luo,Negative Energy & Nutrients (5)
Many people do not aware that free radicals can inflict serious and damaging effect on our health, this could possibly due to the fact that they are ignorance to the existence of free radicals or have no idea as to what are free radicals and their effect on health and coupled with the fact that such information is not widely disseminated by the government. The damaging effect of free radicals will not be known within days but it will only surface after a long period of time and by then it may be too late. One can possibly see such devastating effect months or years later and the known diseases caused by free radicals are, to name a few, such as cancer, Alzheimer's disease, heart diseases, arthritis, aging , cataracts, stroke, Parkinson's disease, Macular degeneration, eye diseases, skin diseases, asthma, knee pains etc. To illustrate the harmful action of free radicals one can say that a small crack on the wall will not make the wall collapse but if the crack slowly gets bigger and bigger over a period of time the wall will one day be finally collapsed. According to latest scientific research it is disclosed that there are as many as 200 diseases nowadays are somehow caused by free radicals.
游离子或自由基 的凶猛杀伤力不可不提防,可是人们往往不注重,这可能是因为他们目前没病, 而这讯息又没广泛的传播,他们不知 道游离子或自由基存在和它对人体严重性的伤害也不知它的破坏潜伏力不是目前而是几年或十或二十年累积而成形的。比如癌症、老人痴呆症、心脏病、关节炎、老化、风湿病、白内障、帕金森氏症、中风、眼疾、视网膜退化、皮肤病、硬皮病、哮喘病、膝盖 关节炎 等等皆因游离子或自由基的攻击而造成的, 正如墙不是因为小小的裂缝立刻倒塌,而是该裂缝经过时间的流逝慢慢的扩大而最后把墙毁掉。根据目前科学的发现,至少有200多种疾病是因为游离子或自由基而引发或造成的。
目前科学家已确定大约有200多种的疾病是由游离子或自由基 而造成。我们活在这个世界,可悲的是科学的进展远远超越医学界最少20, 30年!这也是许多科学家所公认的。也许你认为这是无稽之谈。但这并不是!医学界必须与科学并肩行走,才能保护我们的健康。有位作者说 假如我们为了等待医学界的认同,才来治疗有关的疾病,有可能我们已等不到这一天了。我们已作古了! 早在70年代出名的病理学家和研究者,迈考利 (Kilmer McCully) 医生,发现到当一个人的高半胱氨酸 (homocysteine ) 超过9的水平,那么他的心脏病和中风率也随着增高。 当时许多科学家 包括 他教学的大学 和 行医的医院 皆认为这是无稽之谈,他的研究结果也给该大学和医院带来羞耻。他们最后把他解辞了。可是 20 多年后,该大学和医药界最终 确认了 迈考利 (Kilmer McCully) 医生 的研究 平反了是无稽之谈的羞耻,但在这个时期有多少人因高半胱氨酸 (homocysteine )过高而引发起心脏病和中风而 去世, 多少性命 皆因为无知而失去? 心脏病和中风的主要元凶是高半胱氨酸 (homocysteine ) 而不是通常人们所说的坏胆固醇(LDL)但到今天将近30 多年我们还是为坏胆固醇(LDL)过高而担犹却忽视了高半胱氨酸 (homocysteine ) 的存在!正因为这个原故, 我们常常听到朋友之间有人突然因心脏病或中风而死亡虽然他们的坏胆固醇(LDL)是在正常的水平,虽热他们没有心脏病或中风的病历。普通人也不知道坏胆固醇 (LDL) 并不是坏,因为我们的身体需要它来维持细胞的新陈代谢。坏胆固醇 (LDL) 当它被氧化后才真正的变坏,变坏的胆固醇 (LDL) 能令脂质细胞的形成而附在动脉血管上,并且最终导致动脉硬化的最初缺损,这也就是脂 质条纹。 跟据科学家的报道 高半胱氨酸 (homocysteine ) 过高也可能会与骨质疏松症有所关联, 因为有骨质疏松症的人,通常他们的 高半胱氨酸 (homocysteine ) 也 会随着增高。为了防止骨质疏松症 为何不提早减低体内的高半胱氨酸 (homocysteine ) 呢?你也可以减低心脏病或中风的风险。 互联网上有许多与高半胱氨酸 (homocysteine )有关的网站, 你不妨游览有关的网站。如能减抵高半胱氨酸 (homocysteine ) 又 能增进体内的抗氧防线, 那么很多的疾病就可以避免。
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Jing luo, Negative Energy & Nutrients (4)
"Huang Ti Nei Jing"- the earliest Chinese Medical text stated that for a person to be health the positive energy or “Yang energy” and the negative energy or “Yin energy” or “cold energy” must always be balanced otherwise if the negative energy is higher than the positive energy then most likely the person will be suffering from some sickness. Negative energy or cold energy will block the meridian thereby obstructing the flow of “qi xue” or “blood energy” in the body which in turn will affect or hinder the supply of blood nutrients to our body cells. In such an event sickness will surface as stated in "Huang Ti Nei Jing" that all internal sickness will surface externally, it is the organ that is sick and not the external organ or appearance. If a person is sick then it is likely that his meridian is being blocked and to ease the blockage one can beat or massage the meridian externally or with the use of herbs to ease or remove the blockage internally through the organs. What is negative energy ? From modern scientific point of view “Yin or cold energy” can be construed as negative energy and if it is negative energy then it is possible that such energy comes from the electrons or due to the effect of electrons and if that is the case then negative energy can also be classified as free radical because free radical has unpaired of electron. If there is excess of free radicals in our body, they will attack our cells which cause them to mutate to become a cancerous cells or they will cause acceleration of aging process or cause the skin to be coarse .From the reports of scientific and medical research it is evident that at least 70 chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, Parkinson disease, Alzhemier's diseases, asthma, joint pain, heart diseases, rheumatism, aging, cataracts, ARMD etc are caused by free radicals besides those caused by lack of essential nutrients. The speed of free radicals attacking our cells is at lightning speed. It is about trillions times a second and it also causes chain reactions in our body cell thus you can see the attack encompasses the entire body thus even if our body is as thick and as hard as a wall it would collapse after some time !
黄帝内经说人体的阴阳气要平衡,如寒气多过阳气那么人体就会生病。寒气过多就会堵塞经络。黄帝内经 说诸并于内,必形于外,经络堵塞了就要疏通经络,就要敲打经络,从外面来打通经络或服用草药从内脏来打通经络。寒气从近代科学的角度来看可能是负电子或由电子所引起的, 也可说是游离子 或有称自由基 之一, 因为游离子 或有称自由基 的形成是由于它有单数的电子在它外围的轨道而 造成它的不稳定。游离子或自由基过多就会攻击人体细胞,令细胞变质而变成癌细胞,不受身体的控制而自由生长 或令人加速老化,皮肤粗糙 。根据科学与医药界报道至少有七十多种以上的病症 如:帕金森氏症,衰老症,药物引起的耳聋症,精神分裂症,老年痴呆症, 癌症,心脏病,心肌梗死,衰老, 炎症,中风,动脉硬化、肿瘤,肺气肿等都与自由基有关。游离子攻击细胞的速度非常快速,每秒几兆次, 而又会引起连锁反应更加速破坏细胞的攻击如此看来游离子的攻击涵盖了整个身体。就是硬厚的墙, 时间久了也会垮更何况是人的细胞呢!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Jing Luo, Negative Energy & Nutrients (3)
Though goji or wolfberry has oxygen radical absorbency capacity or ORAC scale of about 25,300 however in order to tap the potent effect of wolfberry, one has therefore to combine it with other appropriate antioxidants so as to produce the synergy effect.
As stated early the efficacy of herbs is what it contains in the plant, that is, what types of minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals etc. This indirectly means that right types of herbs and with right combination can help to ease or remove the blockages of meridian in our body. The minerals must be plant based and not from inorganic source such as those derived from soil or petrochemicals.
Minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals derived from plants are readily absorbed by our body and hence the word “bio-availability” is often used to describe the readiness of these nutrients being absorbed by our body. Inorganic source is therefore not bio-availbility. Dr. Brian R Clement who is the director of Hippocrates Health Institute wrote a book entitled “Supplements Exposed – The truth they don't want you to know about vitamins, minerals and their effects on your health” stated that there is a difference between the naturally occurred vitamins and those synthesized. Synthetic vitamins normally will not be readily absorbed by our body and at times can pose risk to our health. For instance naturally occurred vitamin C can be readily absorbed by our body whereas the synthetic one cannot be readily absorbed though both may be called as ascorbic acid. The difference is more obvious when polarized light passes through the naturally occurred vitamin C, the light will bend to the right. Thus health supplement will normally label such vitamin as “d” which means “dextro” or right to indicate that it is from natural source whereas when polarized light passes through synthetic vitamin C, the light will split into two; one to the left and the other to the right. Thus the supplement label will often be marked “dl” . “d” means “dextro” ie right and “l” which means “levo” ie to the left. Though structurally synthetic vitamin C and naturally occurred vitamin C may look similar but in fact it is not the case and their respective property is also different. Look therefore can be misleading !
经络、寒气及营养 (3)
虽然 枸杞籽 的氧气吸收能力(oxygen radical absorbency capacity 或称为ORAC) 的指数大约为25,300 但是要发挥它的功能,它必须跟其它恰当的抗氧化物剂配合,它才能产生协同作用 ,生生不息的效益。
草药的真正功效就是它富含各类的矿物质,维生素,植物化学等等。 这也是说恰当的矿物质,维生素,植物化学等等再配合恰当的组合能够帮助打通人体的经络。而所谓的矿物质是由植物中所得到的并不是由土地 或石油 或无机原料中所提炼出来的。
植物或草药中所含的矿物质,维生素,植物化学等等是 有机营养,它们能被身体所吸收或接纳, 这就是科学家所说的“ bio-availability” 。根据 Hippocrates Health Institute 的 董事,Dr. Brian R Clement, 的其著作“Supplements Exposed – The truth they don't want you to know about vitamins, minerals and their effects on your health” 中说从 无机原料或石油 中所提炼而得到原料来合成为维生素 或矿物质 跟从植物中所得到的矿物质,维生素,植物化学有所区别。人工合成的不但不能被身体所吸收或接纳反而有可能会危害到健康。比如 维生素 C, 天然的 维生素 C 能被身体吸收或接纳 但人工合成的 维生素 C 多数不能被身体吸收或接纳。从科学研究的试验中也发现到当极化光波透过天然的 维生素 C ,光波会折向右 。因此天然的维生素 C 保健品有时会注明 “d”。 它带表”dextro”。 它的意思是“右” 。该注明是告诉你 该 维生素 C 保健品 是天然的产品。 反之当极化光波透过人工合成的维生素 C 时,光波会分叉,一向左,一向右,保健品有时会注明 “dl”. “d” 代表 “dextro”(右) 而 “l” 代表 “levo” (左)。如此看来天然 的维生素 C 和人工合成的维生素 C 有区别之分, 虽然有时 形状(分子形状)可能相像。它们的的特性也有区别。形象可能有误导之时!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Jing Luo, Negative Energy & Nutrients (2)
The efficacy of herbs is due to the fact that they contain in them plant minerals, vitamins, phenolic acids and phtochemicals and is not a simple herb or plant per se only. As the content of plant minerals, vitamins, phenolic acids and phtochemicals is of minute quantity, one has to consume them for a long period of time in order to see the effect however we must also bear in mind that not all herbs or plants can be used to ease the blockages of meridian. We have to conduct clinical trials in order to ascertain which herb or plant that has such capability.
When a Chinese medical practitioner prescribes herbal medicine for his patient, his herbal medicines will consists of a variety of herbs and rarely uses a single herb. It is because when herbs mixed, boiled and consumed together, it will produce some synergy effect and this practice had been proven to be correct by scientist researchers. One of such instances is the finding made by the world's foremost antioxidant research scientist Dr. Lester Packer who authored a book entitled “The Antioxidant Miracle “ in which he stated that though there were many antioxidants around but the best combination of all would be vitamin C, vitamin E, glutathione, CQ 10 and lipoic acid. As these antioxidants will not only enhance the effect of other antioxidants but also in the process of removing free radicals it re-generates the used antioxidants. Synergy therefore is the key word not only in the area of antioxidants but expands to other areas as well.
草药的功效在于它所含有的矿物质,维生素,植物化学等等 而不是我们所看到的草药而已。由于草药所含有的矿物质,维生素,植物化学等等的数量少,人们通常须要长时间的久服用才能看到效果。我们也必须明了并不是所有的药物都能打通经络,有些能而有些不能, 必须从临床的试验才能确定何种药物能打通经络。中药的配方多数是应用几种草药,用恰当的草药混合在一起服用,它们能产生协同作用 (synergy effect),能发挥意想不到的功效,这也是近代科学家所得到的结论。其中的一个好的列子是:抗氧化先驱研究者 Dr. Lester Packer 在他的著作里-书名为 “神奇的抗养化物剂“ 说: 从他的研究中,他发现到最有效的抗氧化物剂并不是靠单一的抗氧化物剂而是一个恰当组合。在几百种的抗氧化物剂里,他找到最佳的抗氧化物剂组合那是:维生素 C, 维生素 E ,谷光甘肽(glutathione), 辅酶10( CQ 10), 疏辛酸(lipoic acid)因为它们在清除游离子或自由基时能产生协同作用 ,生生不息, 这也是科学家所说的SYNERGY EFFECT。
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Jin Luo,negative energy & nutrients (1)
One of the oldest Chinese medical text entitled “Shang Han Lun” or literally translated as “The theory of Injury related to Negative Energy” is about the use of herbal medicine to remove the blockage of meridian in our body. Hence it is obvious that method of removing blockages of meridians is not limited to beating or massaging the points along the meridians but there is other way too, namely, through the use of herbs or plants. The difference between the two is that beating or messaging the meridian is easing or removing the blockages by external means whereas the use of herbs is to ease or remove the blockages internally through the internal organs. What is in fact herbs ? From modern scientific point of view, herbs contain plant minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals etc and they are in fact nutrients which are required by our body. For instance the most widely use herb by Chinese and Chinese traditional Medical practitioner is goji or wolfberry. In the past Chinese Medical practitioner used it to treat or for prevention of eye diseases or diseases related to the eyes but they did not know the actual medical value. They did not know why it was effective for treatment eyes diseases or how it could help to prevent such diseases. What they did know then was that it was the medicine for the eyes. They did not know there were other usages for this wonderful herb goji or wolfberry. According to the researches done by the research institutes it was revealed that goji or wolfberry is nutritionally rich, it contains beta-carotene, Vitamins C, B1, B2 and other , minerals, antioxidants, vitamins and amino acids. It also contains β-Cryptoxanthine, Betaine, zinc, iron, copper, calcium, germanium, selenium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin B6 pyridoxine, and vitamin E. The content of germanium is about 3 times that of ginseng. It also has high content of lutein and Zeaxanthin which is beneficial to the eyes. Lutein and Zeaxanthin are antioxidant. They can help to lower the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It helps to improve immunity system, vision and protect liver. As an antioxidant goji helps to reduce free radicals in the body. The oxygen radical absorbency capacity or ORAC of goji or wolfberry is on the scale of about 25,300 whereas widely used prunes is only about 5,770. The higher the ORAC level the better it is for the body.
经络、寒气 及营养 (1)
“伤寒论“是一本古代的经络书,讲的是如何用药物来打通经络。如此看来,打通经络不只限于敲打经脉而已,应用药物也是另一种方法之一。敲打经络是从外面来打通经络, 而药物则是从内脏来打通经络。药物就是古人所用的草药。那么草药是何物呢?实际上从近代科学的角度来看,草药含有许多的矿物质,维生素,植物化学等等, 他们其实就是身体所需要的营养。比如;枸杞籽,古代中医通常都用来预防眼疾和明目而已。他们不知为何枸杞籽能医或预防眼疾和明目,也不知枸杞籽 还有其他用途, 但他们知道枸杞籽的功效。从近代科学的角度来看,枸杞籽富含維生素B1、B2、C、氨基酸、菸酸、酸漿果紅素、隱黃質、糖類、胡蘿蔔素、谷固醇、亞油酸、人體必需的微量元素等,玉米黃素(β-Cryptoxanthine)、甜菜鹼(Betaine)等,十八種氨基酸及十九種人體必須的常量元素即微量元素(氟F、錳Mn、鉻Cr、鎂Mg、鋅Zn、銅Cu、硒Se、鉬Mo、鎳Ni、鈣Ca、磷P、鋰Li、鈉Na、鍺Ge、鈷Co、鐵Fe、矽Si、釩V、鉀K等);其中鍺含量是大米的二十八倍,是高麗人参的三倍。 玉米黃素具有抗氧化的能力,對於眼睛因為自由基或是外在因素所造成的視網膜黃斑部退化症有預防的效果;它在體內可以轉化成維生素A。它能 促進免疫功能,增強抗病能力, 抗衰老,它 具有明目、補肝、滋腎、潤肺、增強代謝功能。枸杞籽 的氧气吸收能力(oxygen radical absorbency capacity 或称为ORAC) 的指数大约为25,300 高过梅子(prunes) 大约5倍。梅子的ORAC 指数大约是5,770。ORAC 的指数越高,对身体的好处越好。
Humble apology
Due to the nature of my work, it was quite some time that I didn't pen any article in my blog and it was also possible that I did inadvertently let my visitors who visited my blog left with a sense of disappointment.. If this was a case I hereby sincerely apologize for my shortcoming. I must also record my gratitude and thanks to those who left words with full of encouragement and without such heartfelt encouragements I may not be able to proceed further as I do not know whether what I wrote is beneficial to the readers.
因为工作的关系,好久没与大家见面也没有在部落客写作, 因此很可能让游览我这个部落客的读者失望。我在此向大家表示歉意。我在此也向给与我无限精神上支持的读者说声谢谢。
接下来的 系列将是经络、寒气 及营养。
Monday, March 22, 2010
Human Body system-Jing Luo (24)
Emotion can also affect our health
Chinese medical practitioner also believed that a person's mood can also affect one's health.. If a person is always angry then he will hurt his liver, if he is always too happy then he will hurt his heart, if he is always thinking too much then it will hurt his spleen, if he is always in sad mood then it will hurt his lung, if he is always afraid or being frightened then he will hurt his kidney. The Chinese medical text also stated that kidney's meridian begins at ear and kidney governs bones. Liver's meridian begins at eyes and liver governs tendons. Lung's meridian begins at nose and lung governs skin and hairs. spleen's meridian begins at lips and spleen governs muscle. Tongue is the bud of the heart and heart governs blood vessels.
Thus if a person is angry he not only will hurt his liver but also his eyes and tendons If a person feels sad, then he will hurt his lung, skin and hairs. If a person is being frightened he will hurt his kidney, ears and bones.
The meridians like a web-net not only cover our entire physical structure but also organs in it. Emotion is associated with thought, mental conditions and nervous system. If our emotion can affects our organs that implies that the meridians and our emotion are to some extent some how linked up or inter-connected otherwise how could our emotion affects our organs which are inter-connected with meridians or jing luo ? Thus if our emotion is being disturbed, it will affect our meridians thereby causing the meridian to be blocked which at the end leads to sickness. Once the meridian is being blocked, negative energy in the body will not be able to be expelled from our body systems, it will remain in our systems and in consequence thereof less blood will be circulating in our arteries due to such blockages as stated earlier . If there is less blood circulating around to the finest and minute arteries then this implies less nutrition is being supplies to our cells and this could lead to lowering of blood energy. Once this happened, sickness will surface. We always hear advice from people that by relaxing yourself, you can lower your pressure and you can do so through meditation or light exercise. This is also the philosophy of living happily without sickness.
However no person is undisturbed by emotion. Everyone of us to some extent will be affected by our daily emotion and this implies that to some extent our meridians to some extent will be blocked. Other than beating the meridians as stated earlier at this blogspot, the other alternative is to consume proper and right combination of herbal soup or meal or health supplements to ease the blockages. It is from the experience gathered by Chinese Medical practitioners that if the blockage is in the process of being removed, one will find slight pain at that location. This according to Chinese medical text, is a positive sign and should not be alarmed at all.
中医也认为个人的情绪也会影响个人的健康,怒会伤肝,喜会伤心,思会伤脾,悲会伤肺,恐会伤肾。古人也说:肾开窍于耳,肾主骨, 肝开窍于目,肝主筋,肺开窍于鼻,肺主皮毛,脾开窍于唇,脾主肉,舌为心之苗,心主血脉。因此假如一个人生气了,那就会伤到他的肝 而肝开窍于目,肝主筋。那也就是说 生气不单伤肝也会伤目和筋。一个人如感到悲伤,那就会伤到肺,皮和毛。一个人感到恐怕了,就会伤肾,耳和骨。经络通到百骸和体内脏腑,情绪就是思想,也是精神。如此看来经络和情绪必有沟通,必有联系。假如我们的情绪受到干扰,它也会影响到有关的的经络,使有关的经络受到阻塞 而引起一些疾病。经络一旦受到阻塞, 寒气 就不能被排除而 体内的浊气就会停滞, 动脉里的血也跟着少了,营养也供应也跟着少了,后果是气血降低,百病从生。所以我们常常听人说放松精神,可减压力 或打坐来让身体 松懈。这也是养生的其中一个道理。
人不可能没情绪,所以每一个人多多少少会被情绪所影响,所困扰 而经络因此多多少少也可能会能被阻塞 。除了敲打经络外,另一个方法就是服用恰当的药膳或保健品来疏通经络。如经络被疏通时,跟据 中医的看法阻塞的地方很可能有些微痛。这是良好的反应, 不必感到惊慌。
Friday, March 19, 2010
Human Body system -Jing Luo (23)
Xin Bao Jing or General Heart Meridian
From the characters of the Chinese words, it is apparent that this meridian is related to the functions of the heart. To find this meridian you can trace it by opening your palm, following from the edge of the right side of the finger nail of your middle finger, to the centre of the palm (there is one point known as Lao Gong Xue) and follow the centre line up along the forearm, arm , shoulder then bend downwards to the left side about one inch from the nipple to a point known as Tian Chi Xue ( the left side of the body if you are using your left hand) . Actually the starting point of this meridian is from Tian Chi Xue however for the purpose of helping one to trace this meridian I do it in the reverse way. There are many important acupuncture points or pressure points along this meridian which are helpful to diseases related to the heart. Qu Zhe Xue is at the opposite side of the elbow along the meridian ie at the bend between the arm and elbow. It helps to relief inflammation of stomach or intestine. Shan Men Xue is 5” from the wrist line. It helps to relief heart pain. You can rub these points gently in circular movement first clockwise then anti-clock wise. Alternatively you can lightly beat these points. It is however not possible for layman to know each and every point in detail hence the best method I think would be to rub or beat this meridian gently. Starting from the tip of the middle finger then up till the point 1” to the left of the nipple known as Tian Chi Xue. Other than this there are two important acupuncture points or pressure points namely Shan Zhong Xue which located at the centre of the body which is the middle point of distance of two nipples and Kun Lun Xue which located behind the protruding bone at the external side of the foot above the heel. Rubbing these two points will help to assist the function of Xin Bao Jing. As stated earlier that bladder meridian is the exit point for dumping away the rubbish collected from each and every meridian. First you have to rub the Kun Lun Xue then follow by Shan Zhong Xue and then only rub the Xin Bao Jing or General Heart Meridian. By doing so you can help the body to expel a liquid in the body known as Xin Bao Ji liquid. It is generally believed that fat is being deposited in the body due to the fact that there is some blockages along the Xin Bao Jin or General Heart Meridian and in consequences thereof Xin Bao Ji liquid cannot be expelled from the body thereby causing fat to be deposited in the body. Thus by rubbing Kun Lun Xue then follow by Shan Zhong Xue and then only rub or beat the Xin Bao Jing you not only assist the proper function of the heart but also it is possible to avoid fat being deposited in the body or even remove some of the fat already deposited due to blockages of bladder meridian and its inability to expel Xin Bao Ji liquid from the body.
心包经 .
心包经从字体的本身来看,它是对心脏有所帮助的经络。打开手掌,从中指的指甲旁的中冲穴,沿着中间线,经过掌中心的劳宫穴 ,向手臂的中线 上 然后弯下乳头外一寸的天池穴。其实心包经是起於乳头, 不过为了容易找心包经的路线,我认为倒转过来描述反而更容易得多。心包经 上有重要的穴道不妨揉一揉,按一按或敲一敲这对心脏疾病有所帮助。曲泽穴在肘横纹上。曲代表肝的意思。泽是兹润的意思。。曲泽穴 可以治疗急性胃痛 可肠胃炎。郄门穴 在腕横纹上五寸处。此穴可治急性绞痛。除了揉此穴, 也可敲打此穴。 心包经还有其他穴位对心脏有益,我们也不可能一一揉他们。最好的方法是敲打 或擦 整条心包经。揉了中指的指甲旁的中冲穴,到劳宫穴 (掌心)然后从腕横纹敲打到天池穴。还有两个穴位,那是膻中穴 和昆仑穴 。膻中穴 是在两乳的中间而 昆仑穴则在脚外侧脚踝后方凹陷的部位。
揉揉这两个穴位对心包经有所帮助。膀胱经是身体各条经络排除 垃圾的出口。先按 昆仑穴, 然后膻中穴 才来敲打 或擦 整条心包经对心脏更有所帮助, 因为它能帮助排除心包 积液。中医认为大多数肥胖的人心包经都是阻塞的。按 昆仑穴然后膻中穴 再敲打 或擦 整条心包经不但帮助心脏也可预防由于心包 积液而引起的肥胖或 者达到减肥的效果。
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Human body system- Jing Luo (22)
Stomach Meridian
At the legs there are 3 positive or Yang meridians running along the legs, namely, stomach meridian, bladder meridian and gall bladder meridian. These meridians are inter-connected to the head. When blood energy or qi xue is downed, a person so affected will age faster hence by beating the said meridians one will help blood energy or qi xue to reach his head and face thereby enable to body to supply sufficient nutrient to the the head and delaying the process of aging.
Beating the Stomach Meridian
From the point beneath the centre of the two collar bones, passing through the nipples on the two side, through the abdomen , down to the front portion of the legs till the joint between the foot and shin. At the face, the stomach meridian is beneath the eyes running downwards along the neck to the collarbone. You can use the inner side of the fingers lightly beat that portion of the said meridian. The acupuncture point, Ren Ying Xue, is located at about 2 inches on either side of the Adam Apple of the throat ie at the points where you can feel the pulse of the heart beat. Lightly massage these points you can help to relief pressure particularly blood pressure. If you massage these points daily for a few minutes, your complexion will look better and you will have less aging spots. If there is no blockage of Stomach Meridian then you will sleep better, have better appetite and will help to delay aging.
The Stomach Meridians at the abdomen side are located at the perpendicular lines about 2 inches from either side of the navel. Along these meridians there are Tian Shu Xue and Shui Dao Xue which will help to relief constipation, ease urination and reduce inflammation of kidney and bladder. You can massage these points by rubbing along the said meridian.
Fu Tu Xue , one of the acupuncture points, is located at about 6 inches from the knee along the Stomach Meridian. Frequent massaging this point can help to relief certain heart symptoms such as high heart beat rate. Yin Shi xue, another acupuncture point along the Stomach Meridian is about 3 inches from the knee. Massaging this point can help to reduce blood sugar. Liang Qiu Xue is about 2 inches from the knee along the Stomach Meridian adjacent to the edge of shine bone. Massaging this point will help to relief certain stomach problems such as inflammation, stomachache, acidity, pain at lower limbs due to work or exercise. Zu San Li is another acupuncture point about the distance of 4 fingers ie laying the palm without the thumb across the shine bone from the knee. This point is of utmost important as it can increase your immunity and strengthen your health thereby achieving longevity.
Thus from the above it can be seen that beating Stomach Meridian can relief constipation, ease urination, prevent or relief inflammation of bladder and kidney, reduce blood sugar, strengthen the health thereby achieving longevity.
You don't waste any money for a try. Why not do now in order to reap benefit ?
Note 1: an inch does not mean the inch as marked in the ruler but the length of the upper part of the thumb is considered as an inch. Hence you must use your own thumb to measure the distance as different people may have different length. Always use your own thumb as it is your own body and not others.
Note 2: The articles posted on this blogspot is for the sole purpose of disseminating information which may be benefit to those who care to try and also hoping other contributors would add any related information to this blogspot or correct if I do make any mistake for the benefit of mankind particularly when most written texts in this area of knowledge are in Chinese. One shall not be selfish if this knowledge is good for the general public.
腿上有三条阳经,那是胃经,膀胱经,胆经。它们上达头面,当气血逐渐衰落,人就会衰老,所以常敲打这三条经, 能帮助供血到脸部, 进而能防止快衰老。 胃经--敲打 胃经 从锁骨下,顺两乳, 过腹部两边, 到两腿正面,道脚踝。在脸部的胃经是眼下的部分。你可用十根手指肚轻轻的敲击整个脸部。
人迎穴 在喉结旁开两衡指处 有动脉在跳的地方。人迎穴 使缓解心理压力的穴位,也是防治高血压的一个穴道。 每天按摩几分钟,脸上会红润光洁,不长班, 没有黑眼圈,如果胃经畅通无阻,营养足够,人可睡得好,胃口好,脸色红润,返老还童。腹部的胃经是在各离肚脐两寸的旁边, 可用推肚的方法来按摩。天枢穴 在腹部胃经之道,可治腹泻,便秘, 排泄大便, 通利小便。水道穴在 天枢穴 下三寸,对膀胱炎,前列腺炎,肾炎,小便不利有所帮助。
综合以上的简介可看出敲打胃经可抗衰老,治胃病, 排泄大便, 通利小便, 前列腺炎,肾炎,降血糖,强身长寿。因此我建议不妨敲打胃经。
注明 1:内径所说的寸并不是尺寸的寸而是母指头一节为一寸。
注明 2:所有文章在此部落客 是为了发扬保健之道路 同时也希望读者多多指教,更正任何错误让其他读者受益。有价值的知识应该发扬光大不应私藏,集思广益,知识才能更新,不然老是在同样的地方跑,何来进步?看看英文的网站 和华文的网站你就会明白了。有建设的批评才是好的批评!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Human body system-Jing Luo (21)
Bladder Meridian
Bladder Meridian is the body's main channel for the expulsion of toxin from body. If toxin were to be expelled from the body then a clean environment will be created and it would difficult for certain diseases such as cancer cell to survive. Just like a glass of pure water and a glass of soup which one will attract bacteria if place on a shelf for a week ? Definitely will be the glass of soup because it provides a medium of bacteria to survive. Bladder meridian starts at the inner side of the eyes at the acupuncture point called Jing Ming Xue which is near the ridge of the nose, the meridian passes over the head, down the neck and then divided into two sections across the back with the backbone or spinal cord at the centre, down the hips, back portion of the legs and end at outer side of the feet at the point called Zhe Yin Xue near the little toe. There are about 67 acupuncture points at both sides of the back with the backbone dividing the two sections. If one frequently beats the bladder meridian then one will be able to help the body to expel toxin from the body. The stiffness of the hip and back portion of legs can be soften and be made more elastic if one beats the bladder meridian frequently. Gall Bladder Meridian will help to expel fats whereas Bladder Meridian will help to expel water from the body. If there is any blockage along the Gall Bladder meridian and Bladder Meridian then there will be retention of water and fat in the body which subsequently will lead to the formation of fat deposit . If there is no blockage along the said two meridians then excess fat deposit will slowly be discharged and expelled from the body. Massaging the acupuncture point, Jing Ming Xue can help to ease the pressure at the eyes, reduce the risk of formation of cataracts, relief pain at the eyes etc.
How to massage the said point ? Use your two thumbs slightly press on the ridge of the nose and slowly move upwards to the inner side of the eyes cavity along the nose ridge then release the pressure. When pressure is applied please close your eyes. You can do this procedure about 9 -10 times a day.
If one frequently beat Bladder Meridian not only one can help to remove excess fat but also to expel the negative energy or negative qi. Wei Zhong Xue, an acupuncture point, which is located at the centre portion at the back of the knee which is behind the leg at the centre point of joint and if one were to massage this point frequently one will find that it will help to relief back pain, expel toxin and lower blood pressure.
Bladder and Kidney are correlated. Beating bladder meridian will also help kidney to function well. Bladder and Kidney are classified as water element. Beating bladder meridian will help to ease urination. There was one old lady who used to wake up about 5-6 times every night and early morning to pass urine which invariably will disturb her sleep. This had been going on for more than 10 years and the family members thought that it was the symptom of old age and nothing could be done. As the old lady did not have properly sleep, her health was also down. This is a natural sequent and her appetite was also affected. Since there was insufficient raw material for manufacturing blood due to her poor appetite, her blood energy was also lowered which in turn affected her health. Her son after listening to what I said, applied what I said above on her mother by beating the bladder meridian. It was indeed surprise to note that after beating the bladder meridian in the day, the old lady only woke up twice on the same night and she told her son that for the first time after more than 10 years she had a good sleep in the night.
Why not try to beat bladder meridian for the sake of your health ? Who knows you may find other surprises awaiting for you !
膀胱经是人体最大的排毒主要大道。若能把毒素排去,癌症难生,恶疾难成。膀胱经起于眼内则的睛明穴, 经过头部,贯穿整个后背那是脊椎骨的两旁, 沿着臀部(屁股 部)大小 腿后则而下 止于足外小指处的至阴穴。后背左右有大约67个穴位。时常敲打膀胱经 有利於 排除体内的湿毒。僵硬的臀部和后腿也能因时常敲打膀胱经 而软化和有弹性。胆经 主於代谢油脂,膀胱经则主官代谢水分。如 胆经和膀胱经 阻塞不通,水分和油脂就会堆积 胆经和膀胱经 部位而 形成赘肉。如 胆经和膀胱经畅通无阻,赘肉也会跟着消掉。揉 睛明穴对眼血压,白内障,涨痛等等有所帮助。如何揉睛明穴呢?用两手大拇指指肚夹住鼻根,然后垂直地往眼睛深部按。 按时把眼睛闭上。按松各一下。
经常敲打膀胱经不但可以减肥还可把体内的寒气排除。委中穴 是在膀胱经的线上位于膝盖的后面。时常按 委中穴能帮助治疗腰背痛,可帮助排毒,降血压。
膀胱和肾互为表里,敲打膀胱经 对肾也有帮助。膀胱和肾 属水。 敲打膀胱经利尿。曾经有位老妇人,夜尿频率高。平均每夜5,6 次要起床已有十多年的历史。家人认为这是老年人必经之途, 没法治疗。因为 夜尿频率高, 睡眠也差, 身体健康也随之慢慢地降落。这是必然的现像。 睡眠差,再加上食欲不好,营养不足,制造气血的原料不够, 气血随之会降落 而引响到健康。老妇人的孩子听了我的话,尝试 替她妈妈 敲打膀胱经, 说来也神奇,老妇人的夜尿当晚立即减到两次,睡眠也好。老妇人说十多年来第一次能好好的睡。她感激不已。
为了健康大家不防经常敲打膀胱经, 也许你会有好的收获。
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Human body system-Jing Luo (20)
when your body gets enough of nutrients, your body cells will be healthy and sickness will go away from you. According to Chinese medical text that whenever there is pain at any location of your body, there is a possibility that there may be a blockage along the said meridian. It is so because when the quantity of blood in your body is insufficient, then the required quantity of nutrients can not be transported to your cells which will then give rise to pain at that spot. For instance, joint pain , the western medical practitioners believe that when the cartilage at the joint has been worn out, the bone will rubbing against each other thereby injuring our nerve cells. They believe that one has to take glucosamide only then one will be able to reduce the pain but this does not cure the cause. From my observations beating the gallbladder meridian and with proper and sufficient intake of nutrients, there is great possibility that joint pain may be cured.
Chinese practitioners believe that when the cold energy (negative energy) can not be expelled from the body, it will lead to imbalance of yin and yang energy (positive and negative energy), which will cause 5 elements, namely metal, wood, water, fire and earth to be in the state of imbalanced. If too much negative remains in the body it will block the meridians which will give rise to a host of sickness. Cold energy is yin energy which is also the negative energy. From scientific point of view, a body is made of trillions of molecules each molecule consists of atoms and each atom consists of protons and electrons. If the outer orbit of an atom has an unpaired electron, it will be termed as free radical, which is unstable and it will attack other molecules or atoms in order to gain an electron from them so as to stablise its own structure. This is more devastating if the free radical is hydroxyl free radical. Thus there is a possibility that the meaning of cold energy or negative energy may encompass or also mean the theory of free radical which the Chinese medical practitioners were then unable to explain but for all purposes and intents they may mean the same thing but explain in different ways. From scientific point of view joint pain is caused by free radicals. In order to overcome the joint pain, it is suggested by nutritionist that one should consume proper nutrition or cellular nutrition or nutraceuticals and the best nutrition or nutrients are those derived from nature and not those which are chemically synthesized from petrochemicals which instead of being beneficial to our health will bring toxicity or side effect to our well beings. The effective nutritional supplements should be those which contain a proper combination of nutrients that work in synergy to give maximum effect or efficacy. A single isolated nutrient would not give you the best result. The right combination of nutrients can also help to ease the blockages of meridians and this is evident from the fact that pain will emanate from the location of blockages when the said blockage is slowing loosing up. Plant based nutrients contain phytochemicals, vitamins, anti-oxidants, trace minerals etc which are bioavailable and potent.
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