Wednesday, November 4, 2009
human body system-jing luo (10)
If a person always wake up between 3am and 5 am everyday and he cannot continue with his sleep unless after 5 am then most probably his lungs may have problem as this is the time the qi is flowing through the lung meridian and if there is any blockage along this meridian then it will automatically disturb his sleep. It is therefore advisable to seek medical examination of the lung. May be the doctor wont not be able to diagnose the problem then because just like any blockages in our water pipe system unless it is serious you will not be able to find or suspect that there is such blockage forming along the pipe unlike the chinese medical theory. Nevertheless it is still advisable to have a thorough medical examination or seek chinese medicine practitioner.
If a person is complaining of stomachache, we have to examine whether the spleen is having any problem because sleen and stomach are correlated. If stomach and spleen do not have any problem then the next ones to be examined are liver and gall bladder because according to the diagram as drawn by you the pressure on stomach and spleen is created by the liver and or gall bladder as either one can negate the energy of stomach or spleen. If there is none then you have to examine the kidney or bladder whether they or one of them is weak that cause the energy of stomach or spleen to be strong that tip the balance of the positive and negative energy.
[to be continued]
经络-人体系统 (9)
假如一个人时常 凌晨 3点 到 凌晨 5 点 会自然而然的醒来过后又不能睡, 当过凌晨 5 点 后又能入睡,那么很可能 肺有了问题,因为 这时气走肺经。最好检查肺部看看是否有问题。也许西医 尚未能检查 那是因为经络能提早知道阻塞。有了阻塞, 气才不会通,不通则 不能入睡。正如 水管初期阻塞 你不懂,严重了才知道阻塞。
当一个人胃痛时,我们就要看是否脾有问题,因为 胃与脾互为表理。 如 胃与脾 都没有问题,那么就要看看是否肝 胆有问 题?这时因为肝 胆 克胃与脾。肝是否热?胆 或胆 经是否 有阻塞?
这就是中医的理论。不是胃痛医胃。而是 五行是否有相克,或 金木水火土不平衡。
Sunday, November 1, 2009
human body system-jing luo (9)
Time table for the qi to flow through 12 Jing Luo (meridians).
According to Chinese medical text, the qi or energy of body will flow through the meridian at the time specified. Once you know the time then it would be easier for you to reason out the root cause of sickness
The time table is as follows:-
11 pm to 1 am ---- gall meridian } gall and liver are correlated
1 am to 3 am -----liver meridian }
3 am to 5 am -----lung meridian } lung and large intestine are correlated
5 am to 7 am ---- large intestine meridian}
7 am to 9 am ---- stomach meridian } stomach and spleen are correlated
9 am to 11 am ----spleen meridian }
11 am to 1 pm -– heart meridian } heart and small intestine are correlated
1 pm to 3 pm ---small intestine meridian }
3pm to 5 pm ---- bladder meridian } bladder and kidney are correlated
5 pm to 7 pm ----kidney meridian }
7 pm to 9 pm ---xin bao meridian
9 pm to 11 pm – san jiao meridian
经络-人体系统 (8)
在中医的理论里,人的血气运行是有固的时辰。明白了经络运行时间表 将对医疗推论上有所帮助。十二经络运行时间表 如下:-
晚上11 点 到 凌晨1 点 --------胆经 } 胆 肝 是木 互为表理
凌晨 1 点 到 凌晨3 点 ---------肝经}
凌晨 3点 到 凌晨 5 点 ------- 肺经 } 肺, 大肠 是 金 互为表理
凌晨 5 点 到 凌晨 7 点 -----大肠经 }
早上 7 点 到 早上9 点 ------胃经 } -胃, 脾 是土 互为表理
早上 9 点 到 早上11 点 -----脾 经 }
早上11 点 到 下午1 点 -----心经 } 心,小肠 是土 互为表理
下午1 点 到 下午3 点 ------小肠经 }
下午3 点 到 下午5 点 -----膀胱经 } 膀胱, 肾 是土 互为表理
下午5 点 到 晚上7 点 -----肾经 }
晚上7 点 到 晚上9 点 ----心包经 }
晚上9 点 到 晚上11 点 --- 三焦经 }
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