Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Human body system-Jing Luo (20)

when your body gets enough of nutrients, your body cells will be healthy and sickness will go away from you. According to Chinese medical text that whenever there is pain at any location of your body, there is a possibility that there may be a blockage along the said meridian. It is so because when the quantity of blood in your body is insufficient, then the required quantity of nutrients can not be transported to your cells which will then give rise to pain at that spot. For instance, joint pain , the western medical practitioners believe that when the cartilage at the joint has been worn out, the bone will rubbing against each other thereby injuring our nerve cells. They believe that one has to take glucosamide only then one will be able to reduce the pain but this does not cure the cause. From my observations beating the gallbladder meridian and with proper and sufficient intake of nutrients, there is great possibility that joint pain may be cured. Chinese practitioners believe that when the cold energy (negative energy) can not be expelled from the body, it will lead to imbalance of yin and yang energy (positive and negative energy), which will cause 5 elements, namely metal, wood, water, fire and earth to be in the state of imbalanced. If too much negative remains in the body it will block the meridians which will give rise to a host of sickness. Cold energy is yin energy which is also the negative energy. From scientific point of view, a body is made of trillions of molecules each molecule consists of atoms and each atom consists of protons and electrons. If the outer orbit of an atom has an unpaired electron, it will be termed as free radical, which is unstable and it will attack other molecules or atoms in order to gain an electron from them so as to stablise its own structure. This is more devastating if the free radical is hydroxyl free radical. Thus there is a possibility that the meaning of cold energy or negative energy may encompass or also mean the theory of free radical which the Chinese medical practitioners were then unable to explain but for all purposes and intents they may mean the same thing but explain in different ways. From scientific point of view joint pain is caused by free radicals. In order to overcome the joint pain, it is suggested by nutritionist that one should consume proper nutrition or cellular nutrition or nutraceuticals and the best nutrition or nutrients are those derived from nature and not those which are chemically synthesized from petrochemicals which instead of being beneficial to our health will bring toxicity or side effect to our well beings. The effective nutritional supplements should be those which contain a proper combination of nutrients that work in synergy to give maximum effect or efficacy. A single isolated nutrient would not give you the best result. The right combination of nutrients can also help to ease the blockages of meridians and this is evident from the fact that pain will emanate from the location of blockages when the said blockage is slowing loosing up. Plant based nutrients contain phytochemicals, vitamins, anti-oxidants, trace minerals etc which are bioavailable and potent.


当人体有足够的营养,细胞就会健康,病痛也会远离而去!病痛可能是经络被阻塞,血液不足,营养无法输送到痛的部分,该部位才会痛。比如关节痛,西医认为软骨被消掉了,骨头互相磨擦压到神经线才会痛。西医认为应该服用Glucosamide 才能减痛而不是治疗!丛临床的经验敲打胆经 再服用恰当的营养能治疗关节痛。理论是疏通经络,造血载营养到各细胞,病痛才能治疗。 中医认为寒气入侵,没排除出去,导致阴阳失调,五行(金,木,水,火,土)不平衡,累积久了就会阻塞经络而引起各种病痛。寒气是阴气,也是负气。从科学的角度来看,人体是由上亿的分子组成,而分子是由原子组合而成。每个原子有固定和相等的电子和质子来平衡。如原子的外围轨道电子是单数,那么该原子就失去平衡,变成所谓的游离子。寒气和阴阳的解意应该涵盖游离子。 游离子的理论和寒气的理论很可能不谋而合!从科学的理论上关节痛,是因为游离子而引起的。为了克服关节痛, 科学家认为必须服用恰当的营养。从营养学的角度来看,天然的营养是最佳的补助品。人工制造而成的不是补助品而是化学品,它没有植物的性格虽燃有其行状,因为人工制造的化学原料是石油的副 产品。有效的营养是个组合恰当互助互利的,而不是单一的营养。恰当组合的营养能发挥你所意料不到的效果,它能打通或疏通经络。当你服用了它,有痛的出现就代表该处的经络正在疏通。这也是为何草药能疏通经络。植物含有植物化学(phytochemicals), 维胜素, 抗氧化物质,微量元素等等 而有些草药就含有这一类的营养。