Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Human body system- Jing Luo (22)

Stomach Meridian At the legs there are 3 positive or Yang meridians running along the legs, namely, stomach meridian, bladder meridian and gall bladder meridian. These meridians are inter-connected to the head. When blood energy or qi xue is downed, a person so affected will age faster hence by beating the said meridians one will help blood energy or qi xue to reach his head and face thereby enable to body to supply sufficient nutrient to the the head and delaying the process of aging. Beating the Stomach Meridian From the point beneath the centre of the two collar bones, passing through the nipples on the two side, through the abdomen , down to the front portion of the legs till the joint between the foot and shin. At the face, the stomach meridian is beneath the eyes running downwards along the neck to the collarbone. You can use the inner side of the fingers lightly beat that portion of the said meridian. The acupuncture point, Ren Ying Xue, is located at about 2 inches on either side of the Adam Apple of the throat ie at the points where you can feel the pulse of the heart beat. Lightly massage these points you can help to relief pressure particularly blood pressure. If you massage these points daily for a few minutes, your complexion will look better and you will have less aging spots. If there is no blockage of Stomach Meridian then you will sleep better, have better appetite and will help to delay aging. The Stomach Meridians at the abdomen side are located at the perpendicular lines about 2 inches from either side of the navel. Along these meridians there are Tian Shu Xue and Shui Dao Xue which will help to relief constipation, ease urination and reduce inflammation of kidney and bladder. You can massage these points by rubbing along the said meridian. Fu Tu Xue , one of the acupuncture points, is located at about 6 inches from the knee along the Stomach Meridian. Frequent massaging this point can help to relief certain heart symptoms such as high heart beat rate. Yin Shi xue, another acupuncture point along the Stomach Meridian is about 3 inches from the knee. Massaging this point can help to reduce blood sugar. Liang Qiu Xue is about 2 inches from the knee along the Stomach Meridian adjacent to the edge of shine bone. Massaging this point will help to relief certain stomach problems such as inflammation, stomachache, acidity, pain at lower limbs due to work or exercise. Zu San Li is another acupuncture point about the distance of 4 fingers ie laying the palm without the thumb across the shine bone from the knee. This point is of utmost important as it can increase your immunity and strengthen your health thereby achieving longevity. Thus from the above it can be seen that beating Stomach Meridian can relief constipation, ease urination, prevent or relief inflammation of bladder and kidney, reduce blood sugar, strengthen the health thereby achieving longevity. You don't waste any money for a try. Why not do now in order to reap benefit ? Note 1: an inch does not mean the inch as marked in the ruler but the length of the upper part of the thumb is considered as an inch. Hence you must use your own thumb to measure the distance as different people may have different length. Always use your own thumb as it is your own body and not others. Note 2: The articles posted on this blogspot is for the sole purpose of disseminating information which may be benefit to those who care to try and also hoping other contributors would add any related information to this blogspot or correct if I do make any mistake for the benefit of mankind particularly when most written texts in this area of knowledge are in Chinese. One shall not be selfish if this knowledge is good for the general public.


胃经 腿上有三条阳经,那是胃经,膀胱经,胆经。它们上达头面,当气血逐渐衰落,人就会衰老,所以常敲打这三条经, 能帮助供血到脸部, 进而能防止快衰老。 胃经--敲打 胃经 从锁骨下,顺两乳, 过腹部两边, 到两腿正面,道脚踝。在脸部的胃经是眼下的部分。你可用十根手指肚轻轻的敲击整个脸部。 人迎穴 在喉结旁开两衡指处 有动脉在跳的地方。人迎穴 使缓解心理压力的穴位,也是防治高血压的一个穴道。 每天按摩几分钟,脸上会红润光洁,不长班, 没有黑眼圈,如果胃经畅通无阻,营养足够,人可睡得好,胃口好,脸色红润,返老还童。腹部的胃经是在各离肚脐两寸的旁边, 可用推肚的方法来按摩。天枢穴 在腹部胃经之道,可治腹泻,便秘, 排泄大便, 通利小便。水道穴在 天枢穴 下三寸,对膀胱炎,前列腺炎,肾炎,小便不利有所帮助。 伏兔穴是在腿上的穴位。膝盖上六寸。按揉它可治心慌,脉快的症状。阴市穴在膝盖上三寸,按揉它可帮助降血糖。梁丘穴在膝盖上两寸,贴着骨边缘。按揉它可帮助急性胃炎,肚子痛,胃酸,脚腿劳累之痛。足三里在膝盖下四衡指的地方。它是个长寿大穴能使身体强壮。 综合以上的简介可看出敲打胃经可抗衰老,治胃病, 排泄大便, 通利小便, 前列腺炎,肾炎,降血糖,强身长寿。因此我建议不妨敲打胃经。 注明 1:内径所说的寸并不是尺寸的寸而是母指头一节为一寸。 注明 2:所有文章在此部落客 是为了发扬保健之道路 同时也希望读者多多指教,更正任何错误让其他读者受益。有价值的知识应该发扬光大不应私藏,集思广益,知识才能更新,不然老是在同样的地方跑,何来进步?看看英文的网站 和华文的网站你就会明白了。有建设的批评才是好的批评!