Saturday, June 26, 2010
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If you are reading this blog please read from the first article of "Jing Luo" start from the year 2009 at the very beginning then slowly series by series to the latest subject "Jing Luo, Negative Energy & Nutrients " in order to fully understand the concept of my view otherwise you may be at lost.
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假如你要游览次部落客, 你最好从开始的第一章开始然后慢慢的一章,一章的看下去才明白此部落客的看法。谢谢
Friday, June 25, 2010
Jing Luo, Negative Energy & Nutrients (6)
According to one researcher he noticed that the tempo in medical field does not always match with the scientific discovery and he further added that we do not have time to wait and if we were to wait for medical development or final application, it may then be too late for we may not survive that long. You may say it is nonsensical but it is not. Just to illustrate the point it was stated that during the 70s a well known researcher , pathologist and professor Dr. Kilmer McCully had noted that there was some correlation between heart attach or diseases and homocysteine and if the level of homocysteine was high and far above the level of 9 then there was a high probability of getting stroke or heart attack and that homocysteine was the main culprit of stroke and heart diseases but such finding was dismissed at that time as nonsensical however about 20 years later this was subsequently acknowledged to be the correct finding. Dr. Kilmer McCully was vindicated yet today most doctors still talk about bad cholesterol as the main factor and seldom check on the level of homocysteine and more often than not doctors will insist on the checking of the cholesterol level which is a must but not that of homocysteine ! We also often heard that friends who passed away due to heart attack but their cholesterol levels were at the acceptable normal level or they did not have history of heart diseases. How do we explain this ? The so called bad cholesterol is the essential ingredient for our building our body cells and it is only bad when it is being oxidised into the form of fatty streak which attaches itself to the lining of the artery. The fatty streak is an inflammatory lesion and will cause the formation of plaque and if the situation is not checked it will slowly lead to the formation of thicker plaque and hardening and narrowing of the arteries. It is also reported in medical journal that those who have osteoporosis usually tend to have high level of homocysteine. Thus whether there is a link between osteoporosis and homocysteine ? In order to prevent osteoporosis why not take step to lower the level of homocysteine rather than waiting for the final confirmation by the relevant authority since it is also link to heart diseases and stroke ? You can find many articles on homocysteine if you make searches on the internet. If one can lower the level of homocysteine and at the same time increased the level of antioxidant then many diseases caused by free radicals can be avoided.
Jing Luo,Negative Energy & Nutrients (5)
Many people do not aware that free radicals can inflict serious and damaging effect on our health, this could possibly due to the fact that they are ignorance to the existence of free radicals or have no idea as to what are free radicals and their effect on health and coupled with the fact that such information is not widely disseminated by the government. The damaging effect of free radicals will not be known within days but it will only surface after a long period of time and by then it may be too late. One can possibly see such devastating effect months or years later and the known diseases caused by free radicals are, to name a few, such as cancer, Alzheimer's disease, heart diseases, arthritis, aging , cataracts, stroke, Parkinson's disease, Macular degeneration, eye diseases, skin diseases, asthma, knee pains etc. To illustrate the harmful action of free radicals one can say that a small crack on the wall will not make the wall collapse but if the crack slowly gets bigger and bigger over a period of time the wall will one day be finally collapsed. According to latest scientific research it is disclosed that there are as many as 200 diseases nowadays are somehow caused by free radicals.
游离子或自由基 的凶猛杀伤力不可不提防,可是人们往往不注重,这可能是因为他们目前没病, 而这讯息又没广泛的传播,他们不知 道游离子或自由基存在和它对人体严重性的伤害也不知它的破坏潜伏力不是目前而是几年或十或二十年累积而成形的。比如癌症、老人痴呆症、心脏病、关节炎、老化、风湿病、白内障、帕金森氏症、中风、眼疾、视网膜退化、皮肤病、硬皮病、哮喘病、膝盖 关节炎 等等皆因游离子或自由基的攻击而造成的, 正如墙不是因为小小的裂缝立刻倒塌,而是该裂缝经过时间的流逝慢慢的扩大而最后把墙毁掉。根据目前科学的发现,至少有200多种疾病是因为游离子或自由基而引发或造成的。
目前科学家已确定大约有200多种的疾病是由游离子或自由基 而造成。我们活在这个世界,可悲的是科学的进展远远超越医学界最少20, 30年!这也是许多科学家所公认的。也许你认为这是无稽之谈。但这并不是!医学界必须与科学并肩行走,才能保护我们的健康。有位作者说 假如我们为了等待医学界的认同,才来治疗有关的疾病,有可能我们已等不到这一天了。我们已作古了! 早在70年代出名的病理学家和研究者,迈考利 (Kilmer McCully) 医生,发现到当一个人的高半胱氨酸 (homocysteine ) 超过9的水平,那么他的心脏病和中风率也随着增高。 当时许多科学家 包括 他教学的大学 和 行医的医院 皆认为这是无稽之谈,他的研究结果也给该大学和医院带来羞耻。他们最后把他解辞了。可是 20 多年后,该大学和医药界最终 确认了 迈考利 (Kilmer McCully) 医生 的研究 平反了是无稽之谈的羞耻,但在这个时期有多少人因高半胱氨酸 (homocysteine )过高而引发起心脏病和中风而 去世, 多少性命 皆因为无知而失去? 心脏病和中风的主要元凶是高半胱氨酸 (homocysteine ) 而不是通常人们所说的坏胆固醇(LDL)但到今天将近30 多年我们还是为坏胆固醇(LDL)过高而担犹却忽视了高半胱氨酸 (homocysteine ) 的存在!正因为这个原故, 我们常常听到朋友之间有人突然因心脏病或中风而死亡虽然他们的坏胆固醇(LDL)是在正常的水平,虽热他们没有心脏病或中风的病历。普通人也不知道坏胆固醇 (LDL) 并不是坏,因为我们的身体需要它来维持细胞的新陈代谢。坏胆固醇 (LDL) 当它被氧化后才真正的变坏,变坏的胆固醇 (LDL) 能令脂质细胞的形成而附在动脉血管上,并且最终导致动脉硬化的最初缺损,这也就是脂 质条纹。 跟据科学家的报道 高半胱氨酸 (homocysteine ) 过高也可能会与骨质疏松症有所关联, 因为有骨质疏松症的人,通常他们的 高半胱氨酸 (homocysteine ) 也 会随着增高。为了防止骨质疏松症 为何不提早减低体内的高半胱氨酸 (homocysteine ) 呢?你也可以减低心脏病或中风的风险。 互联网上有许多与高半胱氨酸 (homocysteine )有关的网站, 你不妨游览有关的网站。如能减抵高半胱氨酸 (homocysteine ) 又 能增进体内的抗氧防线, 那么很多的疾病就可以避免。
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