Sunday, August 29, 2010
jing luo,negative energy & nutrients (12)
What are the free radicals ?
As stated if a molecule losses one of its electron, then that molecule will become a free radical and it will tend to snatch another electron from the neighbouring molecule so as to stabilise itself. The free radical is denotes by a dot at the atom or molecule such as Cl- which is a chlorine free radical or HO• which is a hydroxyl radical. Hydroxyl radical is very reactive as it takes one billionth of a second to react with the neighbouring molecules thereby causing immense damage to the other body's cells which at the end will lead to diseases such as cancer, Parkinson's disease,aging, cataracts, Alzheimer's disease, stroke, heart attack etc.
How to neutralize the effect of free radicals ?
To neutralise the effect of free radicals then there are many compounds that are able to donate an electron to the free radicals and convert themselves to harmless molecules. These substances are known as antioxidants! They intercept free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage that can lead to blockage of blood vessels, Alzheimer's disease etc. Some of the antioxidants are generated by our bodies and some have to be obtained from food. Further as we aged, the ability of our bodies to produce such antioxidants also reduces hence it is necessary to take in health supplements to increase the antioxidants capacity of our bodies. Though we may obtain some from the nuts and vegetables however due to the method of cultivation and the use of fertilizers the effective nutrients obtainable are far from satisfactory. Some of the antioxidants are glutathione, co-enzyme Q-10, lipoic acid, Vitamin C, E, Selenium. Recent studies also reveal that plants chemical or botanicals chemicals are in fact powerful source of antioxidants and we called such substance as phytochemicals. Dr. Brian R. Clement PhD who is the Director of Hippocrates Health Institute, Florida in his book entitled “Supplements Exposed” stated that the best supplements come from the extract of plants and not those of synthetics which made from chemicals as the same are inorganic and not bioavailable !
As antioxidants are substances that donate electron to the free radicals which in turn become harmless molecules. Thus from the Chinese medicals point of view are not these substances are in fact providing positive energy to the body so as to balance the positive and negative energy bearing in mind that free radicals are with odd number of electrons and are negative energy ! Chinese in ancient day used herb to neutralize the effect of negative energy and herbs contain phytochemicals and trace minerals which are powerful antioxidants. Thus it would not be wrong to say that antioxidants can be considered as positive energy which are capable of donating electrons to the free radicals to balance the positive and negative energy in the body or yin and yang in the body.
Plants based antioxidants are more readily be absorbed by our bodies rather than the synthetic ones and hence the term bioavailability is often used to described the readiness of nutrients being absorbed by our bodies and this is more often than not associated with plants based nutrients.
我曾经说过当一个分子(molecule) 失去一粒电子时,它就变成游离子。游离子 很活跃,它的破坏力也相当快速和强烈。为了平衡自己,为了找回一粒电子,它就会从附近的细胞夺取点子,而造成严重的破坏。通常游离子是 以 一个点在分子旁边为符号,比如氯游离子Cl-, 氢氧(hydroxyl) 游离子 是 HO• 。 HO• 是非常的活跃, 它能以十亿分之秒的时速攻击附近的细胞而造成严重性的破坏 导致癌症,泊金森,老化,白内障,老人痴呆症, 中风,心脏病等等的形成。
有许多的混合物 能提供给电子于游离子而把自己便成无害的分子。这些混合物我们称他们为抗氧化物剂。他们截住了游离子从而保护细胞被氧化的后果。他们保护细胞不会被氧化,他们可帮助减低血管被阻塞的危机,老人痴呆症的形成等等。我们的身体能制造一些抗氧化物剂 担有一些必须从食物中摄取。当我们随着年龄的增长,身体能制造的抗氧化物剂也跟着减少。因此我们必须服用辅助品来增进我们身体的抗养能力。虽然我们可以从食物中摄取抗氧化物剂 但随着商业化的耕种 和滥用化学肥的后果,可摄取的营养也大大的减少。我们所需要的抗氧化物剂 如维生素 C, E, 谷光甘肽, 硒, 辅酶10,疏辛酸 等等。最近的科学研究发现到植物中的化学混合物是最强的抗氧化物剂 (phytochemicals)。Dr. Brian R. clement PhD 在其书中 “Supplements Exposed“ 说:”最好的保健朴助品是来自植物而不是用化学原料加工而究制成的产品。” 他也说,人工制造保健朴助品虽然形状相像,但却没有天然的礼品的功效反而可能危害了我们的健康!
抗氧化物剂提供给游离子一粒点子而把自己便成无害的分子。游离子是含负电子,而抗氧化物剂却能供给电子于游离子而使它变成不含负电子。 如此看来抗氧化物剂能中和游离子的电子 而令 正电和负电平衡。从中医的角度来看,那不是阴阳调和吗?中医用草药来治病,而草药却富含植物的抗氧化物剂 和微矿物元素,这不是中医一路来 用草药来祛寒气而达到阴阳调和的吗? 植物中所提炼的抗氧化物剂很容易被身体摄取。因此我们必须常常服用植物中所提取的抗氧化物剂。
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