Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jing luo, Negative Energy & Nutrients (4)

"Huang Ti Nei Jing"- the earliest Chinese Medical text stated that for a person to be health the positive energy or “Yang energy” and the negative energy or “Yin energy” or “cold energy” must always be balanced otherwise if the negative energy is higher than the positive energy then most likely the person will be suffering from some sickness. Negative energy or cold energy will block the meridian thereby obstructing the flow of “qi xue” or “blood energy” in the body which in turn will affect or hinder the supply of blood nutrients to our body cells. In such an event sickness will surface as stated in "Huang Ti Nei Jing" that all internal sickness will surface externally, it is the organ that is sick and not the external organ or appearance. If a person is sick then it is likely that his meridian is being blocked and to ease the blockage one can beat or massage the meridian externally or with the use of herbs to ease or remove the blockage internally through the organs. What is negative energy ? From modern scientific point of view “Yin or cold energy” can be construed as negative energy and if it is negative energy then it is possible that such energy comes from the electrons or due to the effect of electrons and if that is the case then negative energy can also be classified as free radical because free radical has unpaired of electron. If there is excess of free radicals in our body, they will attack our cells which cause them to mutate to become a cancerous cells or they will cause acceleration of aging process or cause the skin to be coarse .From the reports of scientific and medical research it is evident that at least 70 chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, Parkinson disease, Alzhemier's diseases, asthma, joint pain, heart diseases, rheumatism, aging, cataracts, ARMD etc are caused by free radicals besides those caused by lack of essential nutrients. The speed of free radicals attacking our cells is at lightning speed. It is about trillions times a second and it also causes chain reactions in our body cell thus you can see the attack encompasses the entire body thus even if our body is as thick and as hard as a wall it would collapse after some time !


黄帝内经说人体的阴阳气要平衡,如寒气多过阳气那么人体就会生病。寒气过多就会堵塞经络。黄帝内经 说诸并于内,必形于外,经络堵塞了就要疏通经络,就要敲打经络,从外面来打通经络或服用草药从内脏来打通经络。寒气从近代科学的角度来看可能是负电子或由电子所引起的, 也可说是游离子 或有称自由基 之一, 因为游离子 或有称自由基 的形成是由于它有单数的电子在它外围的轨道而 造成它的不稳定。游离子或自由基过多就会攻击人体细胞,令细胞变质而变成癌细胞,不受身体的控制而自由生长 或令人加速老化,皮肤粗糙 。根据科学与医药界报道至少有七十多种以上的病症 如:帕金森氏症,衰老症,药物引起的耳聋症,精神分裂症,老年痴呆症, 癌症,心脏病,心肌梗死,衰老, 炎症,中风,动脉硬化、肿瘤,肺气肿等都与自由基有关。游离子攻击细胞的速度非常快速,每秒几兆次, 而又会引起连锁反应更加速破坏细胞的攻击如此看来游离子的攻击涵盖了整个身体。就是硬厚的墙, 时间久了也会垮更何况是人的细胞呢!