Sunday, September 19, 2010
jing luo, negative energy & nutrients (13)
Nutrients of Nature vs drugs
In his book entitled “ What your doctor doesn't know about nutritional medicine may be killing you” Dr. Ray D. Strand, M.D. disclosed that many sickness which could not be cured by modern drugs may find the answers in nutrition. This is true as it can be seen that diseases such as scurvy can be cured by Vitamin C and beri-beri- by vitamin B which are nutrients bestowed by nature.
Drugs on the other hand, are usually chemically synthesized with raw materials not from plants or organic source. Hence all drugs are inherently dangerous and do have side effects though they may be approved by FDA. As drugs are synthetic and our bodies consider them as invaders. In this book by the same author entitled “ Death by Prescription” he referred to an article entitled “Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospitalized Patients” in the “Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) wherein it was revealed that in 1994 more than 2.2 million people required hospitalization because of serious reactions to medication and more than 106,000 of theses patients actually died because of adverse drug reactions- reactions to properly prescribed and administered medications and this have not been changed significantly over the past 30 years ! Furthermore as we aged, the production of enzymes will be reduced, affecting the speed of breaking down and eliminating the drugs from the body and one particular enzyme is cytochrome P450 system. If the speed of breaking down and eliminating the drugs has been slowed down then it will choke up our systems and will give rise to more sickness which again will result more drugs being administered and this will seriously affect the function of kidney and the entire body systems which eventually will lead to death.
Many of the side effect of drugs are not disclosed until and unless you make your own research into it and at times even the doctors who prescribed the drugs will not be able to tell you what are the side effects. With so many untold side effects, it is therefore logical we shall seek alternative remedies from nature in the form of nutrients which are bioavailable. Some scientists referred these nutrients as bionutriention, cellular nutritions or neutraceuticals. Basically it means the nutrition for the body's cells.
As the method of cultivation of crops is becoming more and more commercialized with the aim of increasing output thus the nutritional value of the crops are often being overlooked or side stepped which necessitate us to look for suitable nutritional supplements in addition to our usual consumption of grains, vegetables and fruits. In the book entitled “Bionutrition” by Dr. Ray Strad it shows that there are significant health benefits to consume high quality nutritional supplements but the best source of nutritional supplements come from plants based nutrients as suggested by Dr. Brain R. Clement, the director of the Hippocrates Health Institute, in his book entitled “Supplements Exposed” which reveals many of the health supplements found in the market are synthesized rather than from the nature or plants which may affect our health instead of being beneficial to our health .
Though we are able to explore the universe yet there are many mysteries in the plants' nutrients which are beneficial to our health are yet to be unlocked and scientists nowadays are still investigating the wonder of plants' nutrients however time is running out as many countries in the name of development have cleared thousands of kilometer squares of jungle thereby exterminate plants and herbs which are beneficial to human being and some plants and herbs may be on the verge of extinction ! To preserve the nature particularly plants and herbs we must first of all have some knowledge and information about the nutritional value of plants and herbs particularly in respect of health so that afford can be taken to preserve them.
There is an interesting article published by the non profitable organization at its website with its title “ maybe the cure for cancer is sitting in your refrigerator” you may be doing yourself a favour by surfing into the site at
Thus in the next article I will examine the plants' nutrients and trace minerals to see how they will affect our well being.
天然营养 相对西药
Dr. Ray D. Strand, M.D. 在其书 “ 别让不懂营养的医生害了你“ 中说很多的疾病 西药是不能医治的但营养却能。 比如坏血病可用维生素 C 来治疗,脚气病可用维生素 B 来治疗。 天然的维生素是大自然给与我们的。
相对的西药却是化学物的合成品。它们不是从植物中所摄取的。化学的原料通常来源自石油的副产品。西药不能被身体接纳,它们在身体里潜伏着相当高的危海。虽然西药通常被美国药剂管制局所批准但他们还是会有副作用。西药是化学合成品,它们不被身体所接纳,所以 身体很自然的把它们当作外来的侵犯者而产生本能排除的反应。Dr. Ray D. Strand, M.D. 在其书 “死亡的药剂“ (“ Death by Prescription”)中提到美国医药西协会曾经出版一篇报告“西药对病者所产生的副作用“ (“Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospitalized Patients” )。 那篇报告说在1994 年有 超过两百二十万人因为西药所产生的副作用而必须进院治疗 其中而有超过106,000 因而死亡。但这种情况经过了30年还是没有得到任何的改善。再者随着时间的流逝, 我们身体内所产生的酶也跟着降低或减少。身体需要酶来化解和排除西药, 如 cytochrome P450 酶系统 。当酶的产量减少了,化解西药的速度也跟着降低,多种 疾病跟随而来。为了要治疗更多的疾病,医生不得不配更多的西药,如此一来身体越来越衰弱, 难以康复。肝脏也将崩溃 导致死亡。
通常西药所产生的副作用是不会公布的,除非你自己去掘发资料。 再者西医本身也很可能不懂药物的副作用。既然西药有无数的副作用,我们必须从天然植物中寻找可被身体所接纳的营养来治疗病症。该营养就是细胞营养。随着时代的进步,耕种的方法也改了。人们为了赚钱不再注重营养和素质而是量。因此除了日常要进食蔬菜和水果,我们还是要服用恰当的天然补助品。 Dr. Ray Strad 在其书 “生物营养“(“Bionutrition”)中说服用良好品质的补助品对人们的健康有很大的帮助。最好的天然营养是从植物中所提取的。 Dr. Brain R. Clement, Hippocrates Health Institute的主任在其书, “ 揭发 补助品的真像“(“Supplements Exposed”)说;很多市场所卖的补助品多数是化学合成品而不是天然的补助品。它们将会产生不良的后果。
虽然人们已能傲游太空,但可悲的是,我们对许多植物的神奇化学物却不知或一无所知。至到今天科学家还正在研究和寻找神奇的植物化学物功效。但我们却等不了,因为森林的破坏 再加上发展的快速,许多有价值的植物可能已被毁灭而绝种了。这是人类的悲哀!在这个时刻, 我们必须知道植物的价值和可贵,尤其是对人类健康有所帮助,才能确保植物的存在!
非营利组织的一个网站-口腔癌症基金会 发表了一篇文章“也许癌症的治疗物正在你的雪柜中存藏着“ (maybe the cure for cancer is sitting in your refrigerator)
在该文章中它提到植物的营养,植物的化学物(phytochemical) 和矿物资对健康有很大的帮助, 你不妨游览或许你能从中获益不浅。
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