Saturday, December 5, 2009

human body system-jing luo (16)

A person has at least 365 acupuncture point however I will not talk on these points but only how to expel the negative energy so that one can regain his health. Most people will not be interested to know the name and location of acupuncture points but only interested to know how they can regain their health and of course the simpler it is , the better it is. I will talk on four basic meridian or Jing Luo and with the basic knowledge of these Jing Luo, any one should be to some extent regain their health. In my previous articles I had stated my personal experience. I regained my health where the western trained specialists failed not through drugs but through the application of pressure points on meridians. The four basic meridians are (1) bile meridian (2) bladder meridian (3) stomach meridian and (4) xin bao jing

经络-人体系统 (15)

疾病 中医认为病痛是因为寒气进入体内而引起的。寒气停留在体内会使经络阻塞,寒气太深疾病也跟着来。因此必须把寒气排出身外, 调养身体,让血气上提,以达到阴阳调和的境界. 人体有最少365个穴道, 但 很可能还有其他穴道尚未发现, 我在此不谈 穴道, 只谈如何排 除寒气找回健康. 我认为 平常人不会记穴道名称或位子. 人们要的是如何 找回健康而已, 而 且 越简单的放法好. 因此我在此所要谈的是 经络而已. 那是1. 胆经 2. 膀胱经 3. 胃经 4. 心包经 .

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

human body system-jing luo (15)

Thus as “qi” or energy is carried by the blood as construed by the Chinese medical practitioner which from the scientific point of view is correct. Hence in order to be healthy one must take in essential nutrients so that sufficient blood can be produced so as to transport other required essential nutrients to the body cells. One should not dismiss the Chinese medical theory as myth but should see how best to apply the cell nutrients to Chinese medical theory so as to obtain optimum health for oneself. I will talk on cellular nutrition later but right now is on the topic of how to ease the blockage of our meridian or Jing luo so that blood energy can reach every cell as desired by our body because any blockage of meridian or jing luo will indirectly affect the flow of xue qi as energy or “qi” also flow along the meridian or jing luo. There are acupuncture points along the meridian, massage, apply pressure or needle on these points can ease the blockage however I will leave this to expert to deal with and I will share my experience and knowledge with you and hope that the research into meridian or jing luo will further be enhanced for the benefit of people who care to know about it and of course I do hope this article will beget other to pour in their valuable knowledge which I may not know or ignorance about it. As the saying that knowledge has not boundary and age is not the barrier to knowledge. Let us share what we know. The first Chinese Medical text under the title “Huang Di Nei Jing” stated “ Superior doctors treat future likely disease, Mediocre doctors treat imminent disease, Inferior doctors treat existing disease”. It seems therefore prevention is the best policy as advocated by the Chinese. Activate our meridians is one of such best policy and method. Traditionally Chinese always take herbal soup to strengthen the health and body however due to the change of life style many of us have seldom consume herbal soup and it would not be surprised to note that many of the younger generation are suffering from sickness which their parents do not suffer or the frequency of suffering such sickness is higher than their parents..

经络-人体系统 (14)

经络上有穴道 , 按摸, 指压, 针灸穴道 能疏通经络得阻塞.但这一些应由专家来所明, 而我在这儿只能道出我的心得与大家共享, 希望经络能得到进一步的发展, 广泛的流传, 以便能为大家带来健康,益寿延年, 更期望能得到抛砖引玉的效果,能使我收获不浅. 黄帝内经说上医医未病之病,中医医将病之病, 下医医已病之病。中国人早已知道 预防胜于治疗,如药膳, 补汤 之类。但随着近代生活方式的改变有 几多人还注重于药膳, 补汤 之类 ? 病因此不断的出现,种类也更这增加因为防守线已受破坏了。

Monday, November 30, 2009

human body system-jing luo (14)

As I see it when the level of blood supply is lowered or the viscosity of blood is thick then many of the essential nutrients and trace minerals may not able to reach every single cell or through capillaries veins and in consequence thereof some cells are deprived of the nutrients and minerals and such cells will not be able to function efficiently or properly. These cells are inter-connected with one and another, any malfunction of a particular cell or cells may also affect the function of other organs or cell which may slowly give rise to sickness as we termed it at a later date. For instance if the supply of blood to the liver is down, then the liver cells may be deprived of the essential nutrients which may give rise of the hardening of liver. Nutrients and trace minerals are transported by blood however when the quantity of blood is low thus many such nutrients and trace minerals are not able to reach the desire destinations. “Xue qi” also means that energy generated by these nutrients and body cells travel along with the blood to our body organs and such energy or “qi” has no barrier. It can travel through the blood vessels or veins to other part of the body but mainly along with blood and that possibly accounted for the words “xue qi”

经络-人体系统 (13)

因此气也许和 维生素,矿物质,抗氧 物剂 等等 有所关系。气也代表能量。维生素,矿物质,抗氧 物剂 等等 也是能量的 燃烧物。 维生素,矿物质等等 也是制造血的原料。因此人要健康就必须取纳维生素,矿物质,抗氧 物剂 等等 以便 让身体有足够 的血才能载气。可是 西方不认同 血气和病症有所关系。西方的营养学,尤其实细胞营养学和中医血气 的理论 应该互相配合以提升 健康的 水平。细胞营养学 我以后再谈。现在所要谈的是如何疏通经络以让血气 流通道每一个细胞。