Tuesday, September 29, 2009
黄帝内经说:我们身体是个大药库!又道:上医医未来病,中医医将病之病,下医医已病之病。 即然如此为何我们不采取预防胜于治疗的措施呢?为何不结合身体的大药库和大自然的药库来预防未来的病以达到身心健康,抗老益寿,远离疾病呢?这是我小小的天地,欢应大家来耕耘,共同来讨论。谢谢
根据医学和科学研究及发现,至少70多种疾病是由于游离子所造成的, 如动脉硬化症,风湿病关节炎,白内障和眼疾,视网膜退化,风湿病关节炎, 中风,老化,哮喘 等等。每日科学于2008年五月5号报道根据墨尔本大学的研究所得到的结论是-哮喘病很有可能是因游离子而引起的。
Monday, September 28, 2009
Free radicals--the root cause of many diseases
Scientists and medical researchers have disclosed that at least 70 chronic degenerative diseases such as heart diseases, cataracts, asthma, joint pains, rheumatism, aging, parkison disease, Alzhemier's disease etc are associated with free radicals. Though there may be other theories but so far the free radicals theory seems to be more readily acceptable.
As reported in Science Daily (May 5, 2008)that according to the research done at University of Melbourne with ARC Centre of Excellence for Free Radical Chemistry and Biotechnoloogy, it seems to suggest that nitrate free radical could be a real cuplprit for respiratory diseases however more researches are required to ascertain this finding.
what is free radicals in plain language ? May be I will try to state this in coming posting
Nature graces upon us,
wonders and surprises
but we always overlook!
Many of todays' drugs
are ideas gathered from nature.
Likewise Old wisdoms are not beforgotten,
it would indeed be wise
if old wisdoms and wonder of nature
be married in one
for health and for joyous living.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
My Thought
Chinese Huang Ti Nei Jing says our body is the treasure of medicine and it is for you to unlock it. Plants and herbs are supplements which furnish the required nutrients to our body particularly phtochemicals, anti-oxidants, vitamins and trace minerals. A combination of the universe and our innerselves will provide some remedies to our ailing health. As one can't master or gather all knowledge hence any input or suggestion or idea would be most welcome to make this blogsphere a success. Not only for the good of netcitizen but our future generations.
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