Thursday, October 14, 2010
jing luo, negative energy & nutrients (14)
The holy berry from the desert -- Seabuckthorn
What is SeaBuckthorn ?
During ancient Mongolian time it was a legend that Gengis Khan led his army through Gobi desert and during the journey their horses were injured or sick. They then set free their horses which were then inflicted with injuries, serious disease into the desert without any hope that the horses would be able to survive. However on their way back to Mongolia, the Gengis Khan was surprised to notice that their horses were not only living but had fully recovered from disease and injuries. They took pain to investigate and finally discovered that the cure for the disease and injuries was none other than the shrub fruits and leaves that thrived in the desert and highland. The shrub trees bear tiny yellow or orange berries. They also noticed that the skin of the horses was shining. The berry was subsequently referred to by the Mongolia and Tibetan as “holy fruit”. The berry had been listed in “the Chinese Pharmacopoeia” as the precious resource that can be used for food and medicine. The berry is none other than what we called today, the Seabuckthorn.
Coincidentally there is another legend which said that before 12 century BC, the ancient Greeks were indeed surprised to find their sick and injured horses which were set free to die not only recovered from sickness and injuries but on the contrary became stronger and more energetic than before. They also discovered a kind of shrubbery that cured their horses. They named the tree as “Sallow thorn” presumably from the berries which can stain the skin yellow and is also known as Hippophae Rhamnoides L which mean giving light to a horse as the word “hippos” means horse and “phaos” means light. This is berry is Seabuckthorn.
Mongolia and Greece are countries in two separate continents and the coincidental findings of the beneficial effect of Seabuckthorn came to us as a surprise. Thus there must be something in Seabuckthorn to warrant the medicinal usage in those days and also warrant further in depth research into this wonderful “holy fruit” - the seabuckthorn! In fact many medicinal usages have been found through years of research and study and the medicinal properties of Seabuckthorn are reported in many of the medical journals.
Medicinal application of Seabuckthorn was first recorded in Chinese Tang Dynasty (618-907 A.D.). In the Tibetan medicinal classics, namely, the Four Books of Pharmacopoeia where the medical uses of Seabuckthorn were recorded and narrated in detail in 24 chapters. In Yuan Dynasty from 1271 to 1368, Seabuckthorn fruits were confirmed as health products for Emperors. Its medicinal values and health care functions were again recorded in the pharmacopoeia of the "the Pearl Material Medica" in the Qing Dynasty during 1644 and 1911. In 1977 Seabuckthorn was referred to in the "Chinese Pharmacopoeia". Seabuckthorn was been confirmed by Chinese Ministry of Public Health as one of the plant species not only for foodstuff and medicine but also for re-forestation of desert and environmental protection.
The findings of the medicinal property of Seabuckthorn have attracted world wide attention and even European Commission had sponsored a project namely, Establishment of European Asian Network for development of strategies to enhance the sustainable usage of Seabuckthorn. This reinforced the findings that Seabuckthorn does have certain beneficial effects to our health though the mystery of Seabuckthorn is yet to be fully unlocked but what had been unlocked has shown tremendous benefit to the health and well being of the people.
Seabuckthorn has many economic, nutritional and medicinal benefits and values. China, Mongolia and Russia are pioneers among the Seabuckthorn growing countries in the world delving into the research of Seabuckthorn for various purposes like food, medicine and cosmetics.
Seabuckthorn Plant
Seabuckthorn is a hardy, fast growing deciduous tree like shrub which grows well in dry soil or desert to a height between 2 to 4 meters with yellow to orange berries depending on the variety of the family. Its roots can go very deep about 30 0ver feet into the soil and it is for this reason Seabuckthorn is able to thrive in desert despite the severe climatic condition and it is also for this reason that Seabuckthorn is chosen as a plant for re-forestation and prevention for soil erosion. It has thorns which are enough to ward off the most thick skinned bugs and birds. The tree has rough brown or black bark and a thick greyish green crown. Leaves are alternate, narrow and with a silver grey colour on the under side. The berry is oval in shape and the colour ranges from yellow to orange depending on the variety.
Seabuckthorn oil
According to Russian and Chinese scientists, Seabuckthorn contains about 190 bio-active components of which 106 are in the oil. Seabuckthorn contains wonderful bio-active substances and nutrients and about 90% of the oil is unsaturated fatty acid including (i) linolenic acid (Omega 3) (ii) linoleic acid (Omega 6), (iii) Oleic acid (Omega 9), (iv) palmitoleic acid (Omega 7). The Omega 3 and Omega 6 are in almost perfect ratio of 1:1. Seabuckthorn oil is especially rich in the rare form of Omega-7 series of fatty acid which is beneficial to the skin. Omega-3 fatty acid family is also called DHA [DocasalHexaenoic Acid]. Although DHA can be synthesized in the body from alpha-linolenic acid but the capacity for synthesis declines with age. The Omega-3 and Omega-6 family of fatty acids are essential to health because they cannot be synthesized in the body but must be obtained from the diet. Another most important long chain fatty acids in Omega-3 family is EPA [EicosaPentaenoic Acid]. Seabuckthorn oil is especially rich in Omega-7 series fatty acid ( palmitoleic acid) which accounts for about 30% of the total oil.
Omega 3 helps to reduce blood pressure, dissolves accumulated fat, altering platelet aggregation and promote metabolism thereby reducing the tendency of the blood to clot. It also helps to decrease total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol and decrease the risk of heart disease. It is the DHA in heart cell membranes rather than DHA in the bloodstream which is protective [ Prevention of Cardiac Arrhythmia by Dietary (n-3) Polyunsaturated Fatty acids and their mechanism of action-- Sudheera Nair]
Though Omega 3 fatty acids can be found in fish but with the industrial and domestic effluents being discharged into the sea, the sea has become polluted and the fatty acids derived from the fish in the sea will inevitably be polluted. Hence the safest fatty acids will be those derived from plants which grow wild in the nature.
SeaBuckthorn oil also rich in nutrients and vitamins. The vitamins include A (derived from -carotene), C, E, B1, B2, K and P. According to Current Science vol.88 No.1, 10 January 2005 under the title Seabuckthorn: Oil with promising medicinal value by T. Parimelazhagan, O.P Chaurasia and Z.Ahmed it was stated that the Seabuckthorn fruits contain high amount of bio-active substances. It contains 5 to 100 times more vitamin C (ascorbic acid) than any other known fruit or vegetable. It is ranked 4th after rosehips, hot chili pepper and sweet red pepper. Seabuckthorn oil contains twice the amount of vitamin E (-tocopherol) as wheat oil, nine times as much as corn oil and a stunning 35 times as much as soybean oil and is in second place after wheatgerm oil. D-a-tocopherol (the most potent vitamin E form) is the major form of vitamin E in Seabuckthorn oil. [B. Aluokumofu Pharmacological Effects of Seabuckthorn Oil. HIPPOPHAE. Sept. 1992, Vol. 5 (8)]. Seabuckthorn appears to has an unsurpassed natural source of vitamins A, carotenes and flavonoids.
Seabuckthorn oil also has a high content of b-carotene which is in 4th place after carrots, rosehips and sweet red peppers. The b-carotene content gives the berries their colour which can vary from yellow to red depending on the variety. Among the carotenes found in Seabuckthorn are alfa – and beta- carote lycopene, cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, taraxanthin and phytofluin.
Seabuckthorn oil also consists of flavonoids, carotenoids, folic acid numerous microelements and more than 28 trace elements including iron, zinc, selenium, manganese, copper, iodine, nickel, magnesium, sodium etc. It has been reported that besides the above elements it also contains 42 lipids, carbohydrates, tocopherols, phenols, terpenes, phytosterols, steroids such as B- sitosterol, B-amyrin, a-amyrin and tannin.
Phytochemicals such as flavonoids, carotenoids and phytosterols are found in Seabuckthorn oil.
Yang Cunshe ( hippophae 1995, vol.8 No.1 pp 33-35) shows in a clinical study that seabuckthorn has the effect of decreasing total cholesterol and triglycerides and by increasing HDL.
传说 成吉思汗西征时 军队经过广阔的沙漠受到暴风沙的袭击导致许多马匹受伤和得到疾病。蒙古人向来不杀马。他们 对马有一种特殊的感情因为马忠诚的为主服务。成吉思汗 把 受伤和得到疾病的马匹留在沙漠,任其自生自灭。当 成吉思汗从西回归时他 发现 到那些 受伤和得到疾病 的马匹,每一匹都 健康无病还能在沙漠上奔驰。经过详细的侦查他们发现到在沙漠上只有沙棘树和果。 因而结论必是 沙棘叶和果医治疗了马。因为这个发现 ,从此肯定了沙棘的药用价值,传说他让御医用沙棘为蒙古贵族调制出了强身治病的蒙药。成吉思汗长年征战在外,平日就靠沙棘强身健体,抵御疾病。蒙藏称 沙棘果为圣果。
另一个传说是早在古希腊, 人们依靠马来作战和作为唯一快捷的交通工具, 所以古希腊人对马也有一种特殊的情感。他们从来不杀死马,总是把作战受伤和一些老弱病残不能医治的马,放到野外,任其自生自灭。有一次他们把受伤和得到疾病 的战马放在随处可见的一种灌木丛野外,过了好几个月,这些马又回来了,并且个个膘肥体壮,毛皮也闪闪发光 ,古希腊人感到非常奇怪。古希腊人侦查后发现到原来这些受过伤和得到疾病 的战马来到了一片沙棘林,饿了吃沙棘叶,渴了吃沙棘果,依靠沙棘为生。沙棘的叶子和果实滋养了这些病瘦的马匹.。聪明的古希腊人知道了沙棘有疗伤和治病的作用。于是他们就给这种灌木起了一个形象的名字 -Hippophae rhamnoides L.,它的意思就是“使马皮肤发光的树”。这是"沙棘"拉丁学名的来历。
有于沙棘对预防和治疗疾病方面有它的医疗价值,许多国家在七十年代都急极来研究. 中国,苏联和蒙古是 沙棘 研究的先驱者。.
沙棘是一种生命力极强的乔灌木植物。生长很快,有广泛的适应性。一般生长在干燥,寒冷的贫瘠山区。树高可达四米,果实颜色根据它的种类从黄到橙色.沙棘根系发达,地下根幅可达10多米, 种植沙棘,能够肥沃土壤,为其他植物提供养分。 沙棘在防风固沙,保持水土,绿化荒山,改善环境上有巨大的作用。它的 刺 修长可防昆虫和鸟类的侵袭, 叶底为 银灰色。
沙棘 油
根据苏联和 中国的科学家的发现, 沙棘 油 富含190多种生物活性物质,其中106 种 溶于油 而90%的油是不饱和的 包括 亚麻酸(Omega 3), 亚酸 (Omega 6) , 油酸 (Omega 9), 棕榈酸 (Omega 7)。 亚麻酸(Omega 3),和亚酸 (Omega 6) 的比率是1:1. 沙棘 油特别富含对皮肤有 益的棕榈酸 (Omega 7) 占有30%的总油。 我们的身体本能制造亚麻酸(Omega 3)但随着年龄的增长它的产量也跟着减低。 亚麻酸(Omega 3),和亚酸 (Omega 6) 对身体健康有巨大的效益因此我们必须从食物中摄取。根据报道 亚麻酸(Omega 3) 可帮助减低血压,消脂,改变小血板得总和及提高成新代谢以进防止血液凝结的倾向。 亚麻酸(Omega 3) 也可帮助降低胆固醇的总和,坏胆固醇和保护心脏细胞而降低心脏病的风险。
[Prevention of Cardiac Arrhythmia by Dietary (n-3) Polyunsaturated Fatty acids and their mechanism of action-- Sudheera Nair ;Yang Cunshe ( hippophae 1995, vol.8 No.1 pp 33-35)]
虽然 亚麻酸(Omega 3)可从鱼类获取但海洋受到污染,鱼类的亚麻酸(Omega 3) 也可能受到污染而不适合摄取。在者捕鱼多数在深海,当把鱼送回岸, 鱼多多少少已变质, 从而影响了鱼油的品质。根据科学家的发现,最好的亚麻酸(Omega 3),), 亚酸 (Omega 6) , 油酸 (Omega 9), 棕榈酸 (Omega 7)的来源是从大自然的植物!
沙棘 油富含营养和维生素。维生素包括维生素A (得自胡萝卜素)C, E, B1, B2, K 和 P。根据报道在现代科学 (vol.88 No.1, 10 January 2005)的标题 Seabuckthorn: Oil with promising medicinal value by T. Parimelazhagan, O.P Chaurasia and Z.Ahmed 和B. Aluokumofu Pharmacological Effects of Seabuckthorn Oil. 报道于HIPPOPHAE. Sept. 1992, Vol. 5 (8)] 沙棘含有 190 多 种 对人体有益的生物活性成分。它比其他果或蔬菜 多出5-100 倍的维生素 C,它的维生素 E 比小麦有多出2倍, 比玉米油多出9倍, 比大豆 油多出35倍。沙棘 丰含维生素A ,胡萝卜素和酮。它所含的胡萝卜素是所有植物中排位第四。沙棘 果的 颜色从黄到红是因为 b-胡萝卜素含量所造成。 沙棘有含有多种类的胡萝卜素 (比如 alfa – 和 beta- carote lycopene, cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, taraxanthin 及 phytofluin)。 B-胡萝卜素是胡萝卜素中最具活性的。
沙棘 油也富含 類黃酮,類胡羅卜素,植物甾醇类和葉酸,多种微生物 成分,28種微量元素如鐵,鋅,硒,錳,銅,碘,鎳,鎂,鉀,鈣,硫,鈉,鈷和氯等。据报道,除了上述内容,但也有42脂肪、碳水化合物,生育酚, 苯酚,烯 ,甾醇 等等。
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