Saturday, January 23, 2010
Human body system-Jing Luo (19)
Thus there is a possibility that what the Chinese medical text talks about blood energy and the western medical views of nutrition may be of the same thing but express in different way. The nutrition we are talking about is nutraceuticals, namely, nutrients for the cells. Nutrient is a form of energy and the mother of all qi. If a person has no nutrients, then he has no qi and his health will slowly be deteriorated which at the end will give rise to a host of sickness. The nutrients comprise of Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega 7, Omega 9, vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B4, B6, B8, B9, K, P , beta carotene, lycopene, cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, taraxanthin, phytofluin, flavonoids, carotenoids, phytosterols, folic acid, trace elements including iron, zinc, selenium, manganese, copper, iodine, nickel, magnesium, sodium etc.
我所说的细胞营养比如:Omega 3、Omega 6、Omega 7,Omega 9,維生素A, C, E, B1, B2, B4, B6, B8, B9, K,P, 葡萄籽精华素,胡蘿蔔素,番茄紅素、隐黃質、玉米黃質、類黃酮、類胡羅卜素、植物甾醇類和葉酸,微量元素如鐵、鋅、硒、錳、銅、碘、鎳、鎂、鉀、鈣、硫、鈉、鈷和氯等等。
当人体有足够的营养,细胞就会健康,病痛也会远离而去!病痛可能是经络被阻塞,血液不足,营养无法输送到痛的部分,该部位才会痛。比如关节痛,西医认为软骨被消掉了,骨头互相磨擦压到神经线才会痛。西医认为应该服用Glucosamide 才能减痛而不是治疗!丛临床的经验敲打胆经 再服用恰当的营养能治疗关节痛。理论是疏通经络,造血载营养到各细胞,病痛才能治疗。
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Human body system -Jing Luo (18)
How to activate or agitate our gallbladder Meridian ?
The normal method is to beat the outer side of one's thighs from the hip till the ankle. The easiest way to identify that part of the gallbladder meridian is to follow the side seam (facing out) of one's pant . It is roughly where the said meridian is located. You can use your knuckles or hold your hollow fist, that is, you should not firmly hold your fist but loosely with a hollow at the centre. You can beat about 200-300 times a day but not necessarily all at one go. You can beat the meridian several times a day to make up the total number. The ideal way is to beat whenever you feel free to do so without counting how many times you have beat the said meridian.
The benefits of beating our gallbladder meridian.
According to Chinese Medical theory, by activating points along the meridian will be able to cure relevant sickness, that is to say, wherever there is pain, there is a blockage and hence by releasing the blockage one is able to cure the pain or sickness that gives rise to the pain. By activating relevant points which are similar to acupuncture points along the gallbladder meridian one may be able to cure migraine, pain at the neck, shoulder, joints, cramps, tinnitus, sprain at ankles (acupuncture points) besides removing fat which is deposited along or around the said meridian.
From the western theory, fat that is deposited at our body is the result of consumption of too much carbohydrate which is converted into and deposited as fat hence to avoid fat being deposited one should consume less carbohydrate or on diet so to achieve the desired slimming body structure. However from the Chinese Medical point of view, fat is the baggage that is unable to be excreted out from the body and thus is stored as fat. Fat is not part of the body but attached to our muscle. You are therefore advised to drink more water after beating the gallbladder meridian so that the solidified fat can be turned into liquid form so as to facilitate its excretion from the body. From the feedback it seems that beating the said meridian one can cut away excess fat at the thigh and improve one's beauty at the same time.
If you beat the gallbladder meridian, you can help your body to produce more bile. Bile is used for the purpose of disintegrating or breaking down food which you have eaten. When the quantity of bile is being increased, then the ability to disintegrate food also increases which resulted in more nutrients being absorbed by your body system. With the increased quantity of nutrients, there is more raw materials for the production of blood. When the quantity of blood is increased, then your blood energy (qi xue) is also increased and your health will be improved because the excess blood will be able to transport nutrients to more cells, arterial capillaries which previously were not able to do so. With sufficient nutrients in the cells, your body cells will then be able to function properly and efficiently.
通常敲打胆经的部位是双腿的向外两侧。方便确认胆经的部位,就以库子的外侧缝线条作为标记, 从大腿两侧沿着该线条往下到小腿的下部。手握空拳或用指节来敲打。 何谓空拳?手握着拳但拳心有空洞而不是实心。最好起初每天敲打200-300 下 但不须一下打完, 可分次来打 过后可每天打 大约200下。最理想是得空时就打,不必在意打多少次。
中医理论:经脉所过, 主治所及。这就是说,经脉所到的地方,就治那里的痛。有痛 就是说经脉那里有 阻塞。胆经可治偏头痛,颈椎病,肩膀痛, 坐骨神经筒,膝关节痛,脚抽筋,老花眼, 耳鸣,耳聋,脚外踝扭伤。除了这之外,胆汁还有消除脂肪的功能。
大腿的脂肪在西医的理论是过多的淀粉转变为脂肪, 所以西方营养学家通常会劝你少吃高淀粉类的食物,或节食以达到消瘦的结果。但从中医的角度来看,脂肪是排不出的垃圾,,脂肪不是身体的一部分而是贴在肌肉下的垃圾!当敲打胆经时,胆经被疏通再加上喝大量的水,脂肪会转换为液体然后排泄出体外以达到消瘦的效果。从敲打胆经的反应和效果的结论,敲打胆经可消掉大腿的脂肪 和 达到美容的功效!
经常敲打胆经会帮助增加胆汁。胆汁用来分解肠内的食物以方便身体能吸收营养。胆汁多了,营养能被身体吸收的分量也跟着提高,有了多的营养,造血的原料也跟着多了,血液也增加,气血也提高,身体也跟着健康, 因为血液 和所载的营养已能到达每一个细胞,每一道毛细血管。有了营养,细胞的功能就会复原。也许中医所谓的气血和西方细胞营养有密切的关系。所谓的细胞营养不是普通的营养而是不可缺乏的细胞营养。营养也是一种能量,也是气之主!没有营养,人也没气, 健康也会慢慢的低落,百病从此而生。
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