Monday, March 22, 2010
Human Body system-Jing Luo (24)
Emotion can also affect our health
Chinese medical practitioner also believed that a person's mood can also affect one's health.. If a person is always angry then he will hurt his liver, if he is always too happy then he will hurt his heart, if he is always thinking too much then it will hurt his spleen, if he is always in sad mood then it will hurt his lung, if he is always afraid or being frightened then he will hurt his kidney. The Chinese medical text also stated that kidney's meridian begins at ear and kidney governs bones. Liver's meridian begins at eyes and liver governs tendons. Lung's meridian begins at nose and lung governs skin and hairs. spleen's meridian begins at lips and spleen governs muscle. Tongue is the bud of the heart and heart governs blood vessels.
Thus if a person is angry he not only will hurt his liver but also his eyes and tendons If a person feels sad, then he will hurt his lung, skin and hairs. If a person is being frightened he will hurt his kidney, ears and bones.
The meridians like a web-net not only cover our entire physical structure but also organs in it. Emotion is associated with thought, mental conditions and nervous system. If our emotion can affects our organs that implies that the meridians and our emotion are to some extent some how linked up or inter-connected otherwise how could our emotion affects our organs which are inter-connected with meridians or jing luo ? Thus if our emotion is being disturbed, it will affect our meridians thereby causing the meridian to be blocked which at the end leads to sickness. Once the meridian is being blocked, negative energy in the body will not be able to be expelled from our body systems, it will remain in our systems and in consequence thereof less blood will be circulating in our arteries due to such blockages as stated earlier . If there is less blood circulating around to the finest and minute arteries then this implies less nutrition is being supplies to our cells and this could lead to lowering of blood energy. Once this happened, sickness will surface. We always hear advice from people that by relaxing yourself, you can lower your pressure and you can do so through meditation or light exercise. This is also the philosophy of living happily without sickness.
However no person is undisturbed by emotion. Everyone of us to some extent will be affected by our daily emotion and this implies that to some extent our meridians to some extent will be blocked. Other than beating the meridians as stated earlier at this blogspot, the other alternative is to consume proper and right combination of herbal soup or meal or health supplements to ease the blockages. It is from the experience gathered by Chinese Medical practitioners that if the blockage is in the process of being removed, one will find slight pain at that location. This according to Chinese medical text, is a positive sign and should not be alarmed at all.
中医也认为个人的情绪也会影响个人的健康,怒会伤肝,喜会伤心,思会伤脾,悲会伤肺,恐会伤肾。古人也说:肾开窍于耳,肾主骨, 肝开窍于目,肝主筋,肺开窍于鼻,肺主皮毛,脾开窍于唇,脾主肉,舌为心之苗,心主血脉。因此假如一个人生气了,那就会伤到他的肝 而肝开窍于目,肝主筋。那也就是说 生气不单伤肝也会伤目和筋。一个人如感到悲伤,那就会伤到肺,皮和毛。一个人感到恐怕了,就会伤肾,耳和骨。经络通到百骸和体内脏腑,情绪就是思想,也是精神。如此看来经络和情绪必有沟通,必有联系。假如我们的情绪受到干扰,它也会影响到有关的的经络,使有关的经络受到阻塞 而引起一些疾病。经络一旦受到阻塞, 寒气 就不能被排除而 体内的浊气就会停滞, 动脉里的血也跟着少了,营养也供应也跟着少了,后果是气血降低,百病从生。所以我们常常听人说放松精神,可减压力 或打坐来让身体 松懈。这也是养生的其中一个道理。
人不可能没情绪,所以每一个人多多少少会被情绪所影响,所困扰 而经络因此多多少少也可能会能被阻塞 。除了敲打经络外,另一个方法就是服用恰当的药膳或保健品来疏通经络。如经络被疏通时,跟据 中医的看法阻塞的地方很可能有些微痛。这是良好的反应, 不必感到惊慌。
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