Monday, November 23, 2009

human body system-jing luo (13)

According to Chinese medical text, a person's health is inter-related with “xue qi”. What is “xue qi “ in Chinese ? The literal translation of “xue qi” means “blood energy” which I think may be more accurate to say “blood” and “energy” and it is an abstract and mystic term. Generally speaking when a person is healthy or blood energy is optimum, such healthiness is reflected on the exterior appearance for instance smooth texture of skin, less wrinkles, radiant look, not pale etc. From scientific point of view, blood contains not only the essential nutrients and trace minerals but also proteins etc which are required by our body cells for generation of energy as well as building our body cells. Thus it makes sense to say that in general blood is the raw material which is required for the generation of energy. Chinese practitioners believe that when the level of “blood energy” in a person is reduced or lowered correspondingly some sickness will slowly surface. This is because blood energy is not suddenly or drastically being reduced but at a slow pace. The sickness that surfaces is not out of sudden but it is a slow process of building up. If one is able to increase the supply of blood then correspondingly one is also able to increase the energy. Unfortunately from the modern medical point of view, there is no way to measure the minimum quantity of blood a person needs and furthermore scientists and modern medical researchers do not believe the quantity of blood in a person has any bearing at all with sickness. Notwithstanding the aforesaid Chinese medical texts do have merits otherwise it could not sustain and stand the test for more than 2,000 years and yet still continuing into the future. May be the way such medical texts described or reasoned is not acceptable but with the modern scientific knowledge it does make sense !

经络-人体系统 (12)

根据中医的理论,人的健康和血气有莫 大的关系。 当一个人的血气很足够,那么他应该很健康。当血气降落时,慢慢的病也跟着来因为血气也是慢慢的下降而不是突然的。中医也认为人的血不够,是病的原 因。血不够如何能载气呢?因此人必须有足够的血。有了足够的血,血才能流到每一个细胞给细胞带来营养如维生素,矿物质,抗氧 物剂 等等。