Saturday, December 5, 2009
human body system-jing luo (16)
A person has at least 365 acupuncture point however I will not talk on these points but only how to expel the negative energy so that one can regain his health.
Most people will not be interested to know the name and location of acupuncture points but only interested to know how they can regain their health and of course the simpler it is , the better it is.
I will talk on four basic meridian or Jing Luo and with the basic knowledge of these Jing Luo, any one should be to some extent regain their health. In my previous articles I had stated my personal experience. I regained my health where the western trained specialists failed not through drugs but through the application of pressure points on meridians.
The four basic meridians are (1) bile meridian (2) bladder meridian (3) stomach meridian and (4) xin bao jing
经络-人体系统 (15)
中医认为病痛是因为寒气进入体内而引起的。寒气停留在体内会使经络阻塞,寒气太深疾病也跟着来。因此必须把寒气排出身外, 调养身体,让血气上提,以达到阴阳调和的境界.
人体有最少365个穴道, 但 很可能还有其他穴道尚未发现, 我在此不谈 穴道, 只谈如何排 除寒气找回健康.
我认为 平常人不会记穴道名称或位子. 人们要的是如何 找回健康而已, 而 且 越简单的放法好.
因此我在此所要谈的是 经络而已. 那是1. 胆经 2. 膀胱经 3. 胃经 4. 心包经 .
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
human body system-jing luo (15)
Thus as “qi” or energy is carried by the blood as construed by the Chinese medical practitioner which from the scientific point of view is correct. Hence in order to be healthy one must take in essential nutrients so that sufficient blood can be produced so as to transport other required essential nutrients to the body cells. One should not dismiss the Chinese medical theory as myth but should see how best to apply the cell nutrients to Chinese medical theory so as to obtain optimum health for oneself. I will talk on cellular nutrition later but right now is on the topic of how to ease the blockage of our meridian or Jing luo so that blood energy can reach every cell as desired by our body because any blockage of meridian or jing luo will indirectly affect the flow of xue qi as energy or “qi” also flow along the meridian or jing luo.
There are acupuncture points along the meridian, massage, apply pressure or needle on these points can ease the blockage however I will leave this to expert to deal with and I will share my experience and knowledge with you and hope that the research into meridian or jing luo will further be enhanced for the benefit of people who care to know about it and of course I do hope this article will beget other to pour in their valuable knowledge which I may not know or ignorance about it. As the saying that knowledge has not boundary and age is not the barrier to knowledge. Let us share what we know.
The first Chinese Medical text under the title “Huang Di Nei Jing” stated “ Superior doctors treat future likely disease, Mediocre doctors treat imminent disease, Inferior doctors treat existing disease”. It seems therefore prevention is the best policy as advocated by the Chinese. Activate our meridians is one of such best policy and method. Traditionally Chinese always take herbal soup to strengthen the health and body however due to the change of life style many of us have seldom consume herbal soup and it would not be surprised to note that many of the younger generation are suffering from sickness which their parents do not suffer or the frequency of suffering such sickness is higher than their parents..
经络-人体系统 (14)
经络上有穴道 , 按摸, 指压, 针灸穴道 能疏通经络得阻塞.但这一些应由专家来所明, 而我在这儿只能道出我的心得与大家共享, 希望经络能得到进一步的发展, 广泛的流传, 以便能为大家带来健康,益寿延年, 更期望能得到抛砖引玉的效果,能使我收获不浅.
黄帝内经说上医医未病之病,中医医将病之病, 下医医已病之病。中国人早已知道 预防胜于治疗,如药膳, 补汤 之类。但随着近代生活方式的改变有 几多人还注重于药膳, 补汤 之类 ? 病因此不断的出现,种类也更这增加因为防守线已受破坏了。
Monday, November 30, 2009
human body system-jing luo (14)
As I see it when the level of blood supply is lowered or the viscosity of blood is thick then many of the essential nutrients and trace minerals may not able to reach every single cell or through capillaries veins and in consequence thereof some cells are deprived of the nutrients and minerals and such cells will not be able to function efficiently or properly. These cells are inter-connected with one and another, any malfunction of a particular cell or cells may also affect the function of other organs or cell which may slowly give rise to sickness as we termed it at a later date. For instance if the supply of blood to the liver is down, then the liver cells may be deprived of the essential nutrients which may give rise of the hardening of liver. Nutrients and trace minerals are transported by blood however when the quantity of blood is low thus many such nutrients and trace minerals are not able to reach the desire destinations. “Xue qi” also means that energy generated by these nutrients and body cells travel along with the blood to our body organs and such energy or “qi” has no barrier. It can travel through the blood vessels or veins to other part of the body but mainly along with blood and that possibly accounted for the words “xue qi”
经络-人体系统 (13)
因此气也许和 维生素,矿物质,抗氧 物剂 等等 有所关系。气也代表能量。维生素,矿物质,抗氧 物剂 等等 也是能量的 燃烧物。 维生素,矿物质等等 也是制造血的原料。因此人要健康就必须取纳维生素,矿物质,抗氧 物剂 等等 以便 让身体有足够 的血才能载气。可是 西方不认同 血气和病症有所关系。西方的营养学,尤其实细胞营养学和中医血气 的理论 应该互相配合以提升 健康的 水平。细胞营养学 我以后再谈。现在所要谈的是如何疏通经络以让血气 流通道每一个细胞。
Monday, November 23, 2009
human body system-jing luo (13)
According to Chinese medical text, a person's health is inter-related with “xue qi”. What is “xue qi “ in Chinese ? The literal translation of “xue qi” means “blood energy” which I think may be more accurate to say “blood” and “energy” and it is an abstract and mystic term. Generally speaking when a person is healthy or blood energy is optimum, such healthiness is reflected on the exterior appearance for instance smooth texture of skin, less wrinkles, radiant look, not pale etc. From scientific point of view, blood contains not only the essential nutrients and trace minerals but also proteins etc which are required by our body cells for generation of energy as well as building our body cells.
Thus it makes sense to say that in general blood is the raw material which is required for the generation of energy. Chinese practitioners believe that when the level of “blood energy” in a person is reduced or lowered correspondingly some sickness will slowly surface. This is because blood energy is not suddenly or drastically being reduced but at a slow pace. The sickness that surfaces is not out of sudden but it is a slow process of building up. If one is able to increase the supply of blood then correspondingly one is also able to increase the energy. Unfortunately from the modern medical point of view, there is no way to measure the minimum quantity of blood a person needs and furthermore scientists and modern medical researchers do not believe the quantity of blood in a person has any bearing at all with sickness. Notwithstanding the aforesaid Chinese medical texts do have merits otherwise it could not sustain and stand the test for more than 2,000 years and yet still continuing into the future. May be the way such medical texts described or reasoned is not acceptable but with the modern scientific knowledge it does make sense !
经络-人体系统 (12)
根据中医的理论,人的健康和血气有莫 大的关系。 当一个人的血气很足够,那么他应该很健康。当血气降落时,慢慢的病也跟着来因为血气也是慢慢的下降而不是突然的。中医也认为人的血不够,是病的原 因。血不够如何能载气呢?因此人必须有足够的血。有了足够的血,血才能流到每一个细胞给细胞带来营养如维生素,矿物质,抗氧 物剂 等等。
Monday, November 16, 2009
human body system-jing luo (12)
Chinese medical practitioner also believed that a person's mood can also affect the well being of our organs. If one person is always angry then he will hurt his liver, if he is always too happy then it will hurt his heart, if he is always thinking too much then it will hurt his spleen, if he is always in sad mood then it will hurt his lung, if he is always afraid or being frightened then he will hurt his kidney. Thus if a person is hot temper, impatient then it is likely that his liver will give him problems. If a person always confines problems to himself without releasing them out then his stomach will likely give him problems. If a person always too happy then his heart may have problem.
It is the saying that kidney's meridian begins at year and kidney governs bone. Liver's meridian begins at eyes and liver governs tendons. Lung's meridian begins at nose and lung governs skin and hairs. Spleen's meridian begins at lips and spleen governs muscle. Tongue is the bud of the heart and heart governs blood vessels.
[ to be continued...]
经络-人体系统 (11)
综合以上中医的看法,我们就来做个推论吧,来试一试。肾开窍于耳,肾主骨 。当耳鸣或骨容易折断,我们就要看看是否肾出了问题。是否 常常怕 而引响 了肾?当这发生时不妨压压肾经。看看那个穴道痛。
如肾经的穴道有痛,那么压压该穴道也许症状会好些。 肾与膀胱互为表里, 如肾没问题,那么就看看膀胱经 的穴道吧。如 膀胱经 没问题那就看看脾 经 和胃 经。为甚么?肾与膀胱 属水, 脾 和胃 属 土, 土克水。也许 脾 和胃的寒气太强而反射到肾或 膀胱。人又道肾为腰之府, 如腰酸痛,很可能是肾有问题了。
Sunday, November 15, 2009
假如你是第一次观览此章,你可能不知所云,因为章章皆上下连续。请你观览 不要放弃,也许你会帮助周围的人,比如父母, 兄弟姐妹,朋友 因为每个人可能有多多少少的问题,如没有,这也是保健的好方法 喔!
First time visiting this site ? what you should do.
If you are the first timer to come to this blog, then it is advisable to go through the articles from the very beginning otherwise you will not be able to follow as each article is a continuation of the last article. You will benefit from this article so are those who are close to you such as your parents, family members and friends. Who knows you may be able to alleviate their sufferings.
Friday, November 13, 2009
human body system-jing luo (11)
This is the theory of Chinese medical theory. It is different from the modern medicine wherein if the complaint is about stomach then the doctor will prescribe medicine for stomachache without bothering whether this sickness is caused by other organs in our body or whether the energy ie positive and negative energy are in fact imbalanced.
Chinese medical practitioner also believed that changes in weather can also bring about some sickness which are latent in our body. If the sickness surfaces in Spring then it is also probable that it may be related to liver because Spring is considered as Wood. Sickness surfaces in Summer may be related to heart because Summer is considered as Fire. If sickness surfaces in Mid Summer then it may be related to pancreas as Mid Summer is considered as Earth. If sickness surfaces in Autumn then it may be related to lung as Autumn is considered as Metal. If sickness surfaces in Winter then it may be related to kidney because Winter is considered as Water.
Chinese medical practitioner also believed that a person's mood can also affect the well being of our organs. If one person is always angry then he will hurt his liver, if he is always too happy then it will hurt his heart, if he is always thinking too much then it will hurt his spleen, if he is always in sad mood then it will hurt his lung, if he is always afraid or being frightened then he will hurt his kidney. Thus if a person is hot temper, impatient then it is likely that his liver will give him problems. If a person always confines problems to himself without releasing them out then his stomach will likely give him problems. If a person always too happy then his heart may have problem.
It is the saying that kidney's meridian begins at year and kidney governs bone. Liver's meridian begins at eyes and liver governs tendons. Lung's meridian begins at nose and lung governs skin and hairs. Spleen's meridian begins at lips and spleen governs muscle. Tongue is the bud of the heart and heart governs blood vessels.
[ to be continued...]
经络-人体系统 (10)
中医也认为气候的变化也会引起一些症状。春天的症状会和肝有关 因为春天是木,夏天和心有关, 因为 夏 天是 火,中夏和脾有关,秋天和肺有关, 因为秋天是金,冬天和肾有关,因为冬天是水。
中医也认为个人的情绪也会关联到肝脏。怒会伤肝,喜会伤心,思会伤脾,悲会伤肺,恐会伤肾。人时常发脾气,发怒,性急,他的肝多数会有问题。人时常把闷气存在心,他的胃可能会有问题。人时常 太高兴,可能心会有问题。
古人也说:肾开窍于耳,肾主骨, 肝开窍于目,肝主筋,肺开窍于鼻,肺主皮毛,脾开窍于唇,脾主肉,舌为心之苗,心主血脉。
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
human body system-jing luo (10)
If a person always wake up between 3am and 5 am everyday and he cannot continue with his sleep unless after 5 am then most probably his lungs may have problem as this is the time the qi is flowing through the lung meridian and if there is any blockage along this meridian then it will automatically disturb his sleep. It is therefore advisable to seek medical examination of the lung. May be the doctor wont not be able to diagnose the problem then because just like any blockages in our water pipe system unless it is serious you will not be able to find or suspect that there is such blockage forming along the pipe unlike the chinese medical theory. Nevertheless it is still advisable to have a thorough medical examination or seek chinese medicine practitioner.
If a person is complaining of stomachache, we have to examine whether the spleen is having any problem because sleen and stomach are correlated. If stomach and spleen do not have any problem then the next ones to be examined are liver and gall bladder because according to the diagram as drawn by you the pressure on stomach and spleen is created by the liver and or gall bladder as either one can negate the energy of stomach or spleen. If there is none then you have to examine the kidney or bladder whether they or one of them is weak that cause the energy of stomach or spleen to be strong that tip the balance of the positive and negative energy.
[to be continued]
经络-人体系统 (9)
假如一个人时常 凌晨 3点 到 凌晨 5 点 会自然而然的醒来过后又不能睡, 当过凌晨 5 点 后又能入睡,那么很可能 肺有了问题,因为 这时气走肺经。最好检查肺部看看是否有问题。也许西医 尚未能检查 那是因为经络能提早知道阻塞。有了阻塞, 气才不会通,不通则 不能入睡。正如 水管初期阻塞 你不懂,严重了才知道阻塞。
当一个人胃痛时,我们就要看是否脾有问题,因为 胃与脾互为表理。 如 胃与脾 都没有问题,那么就要看看是否肝 胆有问 题?这时因为肝 胆 克胃与脾。肝是否热?胆 或胆 经是否 有阻塞?
这就是中医的理论。不是胃痛医胃。而是 五行是否有相克,或 金木水火土不平衡。
Sunday, November 1, 2009
human body system-jing luo (9)
Time table for the qi to flow through 12 Jing Luo (meridians).
According to Chinese medical text, the qi or energy of body will flow through the meridian at the time specified. Once you know the time then it would be easier for you to reason out the root cause of sickness
The time table is as follows:-
11 pm to 1 am ---- gall meridian } gall and liver are correlated
1 am to 3 am -----liver meridian }
3 am to 5 am -----lung meridian } lung and large intestine are correlated
5 am to 7 am ---- large intestine meridian}
7 am to 9 am ---- stomach meridian } stomach and spleen are correlated
9 am to 11 am ----spleen meridian }
11 am to 1 pm -– heart meridian } heart and small intestine are correlated
1 pm to 3 pm ---small intestine meridian }
3pm to 5 pm ---- bladder meridian } bladder and kidney are correlated
5 pm to 7 pm ----kidney meridian }
7 pm to 9 pm ---xin bao meridian
9 pm to 11 pm – san jiao meridian
经络-人体系统 (8)
在中医的理论里,人的血气运行是有固的时辰。明白了经络运行时间表 将对医疗推论上有所帮助。十二经络运行时间表 如下:-
晚上11 点 到 凌晨1 点 --------胆经 } 胆 肝 是木 互为表理
凌晨 1 点 到 凌晨3 点 ---------肝经}
凌晨 3点 到 凌晨 5 点 ------- 肺经 } 肺, 大肠 是 金 互为表理
凌晨 5 点 到 凌晨 7 点 -----大肠经 }
早上 7 点 到 早上9 点 ------胃经 } -胃, 脾 是土 互为表理
早上 9 点 到 早上11 点 -----脾 经 }
早上11 点 到 下午1 点 -----心经 } 心,小肠 是土 互为表理
下午1 点 到 下午3 点 ------小肠经 }
下午3 点 到 下午5 点 -----膀胱经 } 膀胱, 肾 是土 互为表理
下午5 点 到 晚上7 点 -----肾经 }
晚上7 点 到 晚上9 点 ----心包经 }
晚上9 点 到 晚上11 点 --- 三焦经 }
Friday, October 30, 2009
human body system-jing luo (8)
Thus according to feng Shui 5 elements are :-East is wood,West is metal,South is fire,North is water and Centre is earth
Similarly Chinese medical theory designates our organs into 5 elements and stresses that importance of maintaining harmony or balancing with the said 5 elements in order for the body to be healthy. Which are the organs associated with the 5 elements ? They are as follows:-
1. fire-- heart, wood-- liver, earth--- spleen, metal--- lung, water-- kidney
As solid organs (Zang) are associated with hollow organs (Fu), it is also logical to expect that there are also 5 elements in Fu, namely:-
1. fire- small intestine, wood—gallbladder, earth – stomach, metal –large intestine and water—bladder.
Chinese medical theory and Feng Shui theory also talk about the 5 elements will enhance each other and also will negate each other but which one will enhance the other and which one will negate the effect of others ? The theory is as follows:-
wood will enhance fire. To think it logically wood when burn will give out fire. Thus it will enhance fire and the more wood it is the stronger is the fire.
Fire will enhance earth. When wood is burn what is left behind is ashes and ashes will go back to nature as part of the earth. Thus fire will at the end enhance the earth.
Earth will enhance metal. When ashes turn into earth, it will give add metal elements in the earth as all plants do to some extend contain trace element of iron, manganese, magnesium etc and thus the earth will produce more metal.
Metal will enhance water. When metal is melted it is in liquid form hence it is water.
Water will enhance wood. As wood needs water to grow and survive.
On the other hand the following elements will negate the other as follows:-
Wood will negate earth. As is planted on earth and it will interfere with earth.
Earth will negate water. When the river bank is overflowed people always use earth to increase the height of the river bank to prevent the water from overflowing.
Water will negate fire. People always use water to extinguish fire.
Fire will negate metal. People use fire to melt metal.
Metal will negate wood. People use tools made of metal to cut down trees hence metal will be the enemy of wood.
In order to facilitate you better understanding and following the theory it is therefore advisable to draw a diagram as follows:-
You draw a circle, write down wood (liver/gallbladder ) at 12 o'clock position, fire (heart / small intestine ) at 3 o'clock position, earth (stomach /spleen) at 5 o'clock position, Metal (lung / large intestine) at 7 o'clock position, water ( kidneys/ bladder) at 9 o'clock position. After completing the circle you will draw an arrow from wood to fire, then fire to earth, earth to metal, metal to water and water to wood. This show that each element will enhance the other following the arrow.
You will then draw an arrow across the circle from wood to earth, earth to water, water to fire, fire to metal and metal to wood. This will show how one element will negate the effect of other,
After completing the above you will be able to see how one element can enhance the other and also negate the effect of another. Keep this diagram for future reference.
[to be continue..]
经络-人体系统 (7)
中医,风水的理论是 五行有相生相克的理论 如下:-
木 生火, 火生土,土生金, 金生水, 水生木。
你画个圆圈,放木 (肝/胆)在十二点,火(心/小肠)在三点,土(胃/脾)在五点,金(肺/ 大肠)在 七点,水(肾/膀光)在九点。你 可画个 箭指 从木 到 火,火 到 土, 土 到 金, 金 到 水, 水 到 木。 你就更容易看出相生的 图案。
木 克土,土克水, 水 克 火, 火 克 金, 金 克木
接下来,画条箭指 从 木到土,再由土到 水, 再由水到 火, 再由火到 金, 再由金 到 木。
Sunday, October 25, 2009
刺激 经络对身体有帮助吗?
有人问刺激 经络对身体有帮助吗?
刺激 经络再加上服用良好的保健品地确能对身体带来很好的帮助如下:
(1)它能帮助排除垃圾,消除寒气,还原健美的身体。吃西药含有sibutamin 会伤身,尤其对肝有损害。
但还没学习如何刺激 经络时, 我们应明白经络理论,这会帮助以后的学习。经络犹如科学需要推理来应证。
Is activating Jing Luo will help ?
One reader asked whether activating Jing Luo will help to improve the health ?
Well, Chinese medical text, Huang Ti Nei Jing, said many of the sickness were due to the blockages of Jing Luo (meridian) and if we can activate Jing Luo to balance the positive and negative energy then our health will improve.
Activating Jing Luo and with proper nutritions will help you to:
(a) slim down your body, particularly the thigh without medicine and this is what most people wanted to. Drugs such as slimming drugs contains sibutamin will harm the liver which may lead to death whereas by activating Jing Luo you can avoid drugs ;
(b) rejunevate the body;
(c) better complexion and have anti aging effect
(d) improve immunity system
However before we touch on how to do improve the health, we think it is advisable to understand the theory behind and with this basic theory one can handle his sickness and keep the doctor away instead of an apple a day.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
human body system-jing luo (7)
From time immemorial Chinese is living or trying to live in harmony with 5 elements, namely, metal, wood, water, fire and earth as the basic elements of live. Possibly it was due to the fact that China was at that time basically an agricultural nation and their daily life was heavily associated with metal for tools, wood of houses and building, water for drinking and cultivation, fire for warmth, cooking, and tooling and earth for cultivation and housing. It is therefore logically for Chinese Feng Shui to be associated with the 5 elements and to stress the importance of living in harmony with surrounding. Similarly Chinese medical theory also associated the 5 elements with health and cure. Possibly Chinese believes that human being has to live in harmony with the 5 elements and any disturbance to the 5 elements will cause imbalance which will cause catastrophe or disaster in life just like we disturb the nature which will give rise to typhoon, earth-quake, rise in temperature and melting of ice, deforestation etc.
[to be continued]
经络-人体系统 (6)
同样的人体的金,木, 水,火,土 必需平衡。哪一些是金,木, 水,火,土 ?中医以 心属火,,肝属木, 脾属土,肺属金,肾属水。脏腑互为表理 因此 腑 也有金,木, 水,火,土 。那是 小肠 属火,胆属木, 胃 属土, 大肠属金, 膀胱属水
Friday, October 23, 2009
My experience- cured by massaging meridians (2)
I will take a break to post article in this blog today but to narrate the examples which I said in my profile.
My friend recently told me that he had been in and out of specialist hosiptal for two months with no cure in sight. He was in despair. He said his days are numbered as he was then becoming thinner and thinner day by day. He totally lost the spirit to fight back. On enquiry he told me that for the past two months the frequency of visiting the toilet was much higher particularly in the night so much so that he didn't have enough of sleep and his weight has gone down steeply though his appetite was good. His traditional chinese doctor said his negative energy was too strong and gave him herbal medicine but it turned out to be worst for him. His specialist said that he was depressed and gave him drugs. I told him that to say that he was depressed was nonsensical as he is financially sound, family in harmony and there was worry at all for him so how could he be in depression ?
I advised him that no doubt his negative energy was too strong and the positve and negative energy were not in balance hence it was utmost important for him to remove and expel the negative energy from his body. I told him the method to massage the meridian and advised him to do it as often as possible.
Few days later my friend called me that his health condition has improved tremendously and now he could sleep better as the frequency to visit the tolit has been reduced to one or twice a night.
What surprise him most was his mother. His mother who is 80 years old did not sleep well for the past at least 10 years. They all thought that it was due to old age and did bring her to consult doctors. My friend massaged his mother's meridian and on the same night his mother for once in more than 10 years slept soundly and still is. His mother was thankful for the cure which she was least expected at all.
Thus nobody can deny the wonder of chinese Jing luo but again who care about scientific proof ? What we want is cure ! We dont care what other may say about it.
Do you agree ?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
My experience- cured by massaging meridians
Chinese acupuncture is always a mystic to the west. Though people may say that it is scientifically not proven as far as the existence of meridians are concerned yet the treatments produce remarkable results even some sickness where modern doctors are helpless, such sickness can be cured by simple method follow this theory. Thus not everything can be proved with our present inadequate knowledge, just like nobody knew how pyramids were constructed. Normally a patient is not interested to know the cause of such sickness as they are more interested to know whether such sickness can be cured. I will introduce the basic theory with simple explanation then follow by the proper intake of celluar nutrients.
I will like to take this opportunity to narrate my personal experience. One norning in 1992, when I woke up I found my lower limbs completely defied my command. I couldn't run though I wanted to. I couldnt stand on my toe. I sat down and couldn't stand up without support. I walked literally by inches. I sought medical treatment with specialists. My phycisian treated me with all kinds of medicine and conducted with tests yet no improvement whatsoever was insight after two months though I had spent thousands of dollars in the said treatment. My phycisian told me that there were 1001 causes. I thought then it was the end of my world bearing in mind then I just started my career as a practioner. But my determination to fight the sickness kept me going on and if I gave up easily then the path to the grave was near for me.
As the said physician was unable to pin point the cause and cure me, he then referred me to a neurologist at one University hospital. The Neurologist told me that my case was a very interesting case, unseen before and worthwhile to do so some research in it. She wanted to do lumber puncture test which I refused as she was unsure of the cause. I then sought treatment with a traditional chinese doctor who was well verse with Jing Luo. I still remembered the day when I first walked into his clinic. I walked in step by step and each step was less than 3 inches apart. He touched my wrist to measure my pulse, diagnosed and told me that my positive and negative energy were imbalance with negative energy far exceeding the positive one which resulted in the blockages of meridians and disrupt the flow of qi and in order to ease the blockage and allow the qi to move freely he had to apply pressure with proper massage at some acupuncture points along the meridians. I agreed. After 30 minutes of treatment I was indeed surprised and couldnt believe my eyes ! I could then walk with each step at least a foot apart. After two further treatments my sickness was completely cure without any medicine at ALL ! I met the physician later and he asked me how my sickness was cured and commented it was most unfortunate that he was not able to know the cause. I replied I was not interest in the cause but only how it could be cured.
Thus it could be seen that acupuncture points and meridians do create remarkable results when western medicine fails. I wrote this blog just wanted to share my experience and knowledge with others with the intention to help others who may be in a simliar situation as mine. I of course welcome others who can contribute their knowledge to this blogspot and let this site be the centre for discussion for beneficial to all visitors. Thank you.
经络-人体系统 (5)
中国人向来以 金,木, 水,火,土 为生活基本的条件。也许以农业为主的时代往往脱离不了 金,木, 水,火,土。 风水学也讲 金,木, 水,火,土。中医也脱离不了 金,木, 水,火,土。也许中国人认为人应该和周围和谐共处,以便达到天,人, 地合一的境界。破坏了 金,木, 水,火,土 的和谐将会带来灾难。 如人们破坏了大自然而会引起风灾,地震 等等。在风水学 五行 是 :東方屬木,西方屬金,南方屬火,北方屬水,中間屬土
human body system-jing luo (6)
Thus it can be seen from the aforesaid that there are 14 main meridians in our body as far as the Chinese medical theory is concerned.
Every solid organ (Zang) is related to another hollow organ (Fu). Thus heart is correlated to small intestine, liver is correlated to gallbladder, spleen is correlated to stomach, lung is correlated to large intestine, kidney is correlated to bladder, san jiao is correlated to Xin Bao Jin. Thus according to Chinese practitioner, if there is some problem with lungs then it may be correlated to large intestine or sickness may be originated from large intestine. However it is not so according to the western medical theory as lung and large intestine has no correlation at all. Chinese practitioner's view is that negative energy or cold energy may enter the large intestine thereby tipping the balance of positive and negative energy in our system which reflected to the lungs.
[to be continued]
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
human body system-jing luo (5)
Since every organ is connected by one Jing Luo to other parts of the body therefore there are 11 Jing Luo. However in addition to the 11 Jing Lo there are 3 Jing Luo which are not related to organs. They are (1) Jing Luo running from the middle finger of the hand on the side of the palm, upwards to the arm (referred to as “Xin Bao Jing”), (2) Jing Luo starts from that part between the anus and the bladder at the bottom middle part of the main body and running along the middle part of our front body upwards through navel and ends at the middle part of the lower lip (referred to as “Ren Mai”). Ren Mai is the Jing Luo which controls the negative energy and (3) Jing Luo starts from that part after the ending point of “Ren Mai” move upwards at the back of our body along the center part of our body , center part of our head and ends at the middle part of the upper lip (referred to as “Du Mai”). Du Mai is the Jing Luo which controls the positive energy . It is said that if one were able to allow the energy to flow with ease from Ren Mai to Du Mai and vice versa then one seldom can get ill.
[to be continued]
经络-人体系统 (4)
每一个脏就有对应的一个腑称谓脏腑互为表理。心脏对小肠,肝脏对胆,脾对胃, 肺对大肠,肾对 膀胱, 三焦对心包。中医认为肺有问题很可能与大肠有关系, 那是因为肺和大肠互为表理 。西医却不明白胆和肝,肺和大肠 有何挂钩。西医认为肺部有病是肺部的疾病但中医却认为寒气会入大肠经,而疾病可能是因为大肠所引起的。西医的治疗是,头痛医头,心痛医心。但中医却以整体来治疗,阴阳的平衡。金,木, 水,火,土 的平衡!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
human body system-jing luo (4)
Five Solid organs (Zang) are:- heart, lungs, kidneys, spleen and liver.
Six Hollow organs (Fu) are:- small intestine, large intestine, gall bladder, stomach, chest cavity or San Jiao [Chest cavity is divided into upper, middle and lower (collectively referred to as “San Jiao”)]
[to be continued]
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
human body system-jing luo (3-b)
Chinese traditional medicine practitioners view our body as a system and not parts thereof and they use the function of our body system to treat sickness or prevent sickness. It is unlike wester practitioners who will treat your heart if there is complaint about heart or head if there is a complaint about the head problem whereas Chinese practitioners talk about harmony, balance of positive energy (Yang) and negative energy (Yin). Chinese medical theory divides our human body into 5 solid organ( referred to as “Zang”) and 6 hollow organ namely organs with cavity (referred to as “ “Fu”). Every solid organ (Zang) is related to one hollow organ (Fu).
[to be continued]
human body system-jing luo (3)
Chinese has been practising acupuncture for thousands of years and it has been proved to be effective in curing sickness yet our modern science till todate is still unable to explain or prove the existence of Jing Luo. I think the problem lies with our society is that everything must required clinical proof to show its existence but not everything can be proved to be physically in existence!. The only analogy that can be drawn is our computer. Computer with monitor are considered as hardware. We are able to see and touch them. When we open up the Computer and monitor we can see wires, chips, rams, IC and cables just like our organs. The computer software is just like Jing Luo. You can't see it but when you start the computer you can use it. The acupuncture points just like web-site or web address. If you type in the correct web-address then the points will be connected and you can view the site. Similarly you can't see Jing Luo but it does not mean that it does not exist. In fact researchers in China are able to prove the existence of Jing Luo.
[to be continued]
经络-人体系统 (3)
中医是根据人体整体系统的功能来治病或预防未来病。人有五脏六腑。每一个脏腑都有一条相关的经络联系起来。为了方便记住哪是五脏六腑, 我们便以实心的器官来记住五脏:心,肺,肾,脾,肝。空心的器官来记六腑:胆,胃,小肠,大肠, 膀胱,三焦。
Monday, October 12, 2009
human body system -jing luo (2)
Though the modern science or post-mortem till todate is not able to prove the existence of meridians ( which Chinese referred to as “Jing Luo”) in our body which are inter-connecting one with another neither can the modern Science or post- mortem be able to disprove its existence. Likewise modern science or technology is still unable to explain the existence or how pyramid was being constructed at the first place but again it does not mean that such pyramid is not in existence !
[to be continued]
经络-人体系统 (2)
西方解剖学虽然不能证明经络的存在,但并不等于经络并不存在!中国几千年来的结晶品不是垃圾!针灸也有几千年的厉史。近代科学也肯定了针灸学的功能和效力。因此唯一可解释的是以电脑来做个比较。电脑是个硬体正如我们的身体。软体则是软体的公程式,经络则是软体。在经络的道路上有穴道而网址则是穴道。当你把电脑拆开你看到的是硬体却看不到软体,也看不到公程式和网址,但并不等于公程式和网址并不存在 。同样的西方解剖学可看到人体的器官却看不到经络,但并不等于经络并不存在。中国近代科学已证明经络的存在更何况针灸学就是以经络为基本。
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Meridian (Jing Luo)- our body system (1)
Our body has the ability to heal itself. If we were to cut our skin, white cells will come to protect the injured location against bacteria and thereafter to heal it. It is therefore without doubt that our body can heal injury and regenerate dead or damaged cells. Similarly our internal organs can heal by itself or repair the damaged cells or regenerate and replace the dead cells. Thus our body system must, therefore, be a complete and complicated system which we, with our modern science and technology, are still unable to unlock or decode our very system. Chinese medical theory is totally different from the west. They practise the balance of positive and negative energy. The mystics of Chinese medical theory is never fully understood by the west or with our modern technology.
经络-人体系统 (1)
人的身体有自修的能力。比如皮肤受到损伤,白血球就会来保护身体预防细菌的侵害,接下来 身体就会复修慢慢的使皮肤复原。我们]的身体有自我治疗和组织再生的功能除了脑细胞。同样的我们体内也有自我治疗和组织再生的功能。 如此看来我们的身体必定有一个完整的系统,它必定有个深奥的系统,古代的智慧 不是现代西方医学科学所能理解的。
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
黄帝内经说:我们身体是个大药库!又道:上医医未来病,中医医将病之病,下医医已病之病。 即然如此为何我们不采取预防胜于治疗的措施呢?为何不结合身体的大药库和大自然的药库来预防未来的病以达到身心健康,抗老益寿,远离疾病呢?这是我小小的天地,欢应大家来耕耘,共同来讨论。谢谢
根据医学和科学研究及发现,至少70多种疾病是由于游离子所造成的, 如动脉硬化症,风湿病关节炎,白内障和眼疾,视网膜退化,风湿病关节炎, 中风,老化,哮喘 等等。每日科学于2008年五月5号报道根据墨尔本大学的研究所得到的结论是-哮喘病很有可能是因游离子而引起的。
Monday, September 28, 2009
Free radicals--the root cause of many diseases
Scientists and medical researchers have disclosed that at least 70 chronic degenerative diseases such as heart diseases, cataracts, asthma, joint pains, rheumatism, aging, parkison disease, Alzhemier's disease etc are associated with free radicals. Though there may be other theories but so far the free radicals theory seems to be more readily acceptable.
As reported in Science Daily (May 5, 2008)that according to the research done at University of Melbourne with ARC Centre of Excellence for Free Radical Chemistry and Biotechnoloogy, it seems to suggest that nitrate free radical could be a real cuplprit for respiratory diseases however more researches are required to ascertain this finding.
what is free radicals in plain language ? May be I will try to state this in coming posting
Nature graces upon us,
wonders and surprises
but we always overlook!
Many of todays' drugs
are ideas gathered from nature.
Likewise Old wisdoms are not beforgotten,
it would indeed be wise
if old wisdoms and wonder of nature
be married in one
for health and for joyous living.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
My Thought
Chinese Huang Ti Nei Jing says our body is the treasure of medicine and it is for you to unlock it. Plants and herbs are supplements which furnish the required nutrients to our body particularly phtochemicals, anti-oxidants, vitamins and trace minerals. A combination of the universe and our innerselves will provide some remedies to our ailing health. As one can't master or gather all knowledge hence any input or suggestion or idea would be most welcome to make this blogsphere a success. Not only for the good of netcitizen but our future generations.
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