Saturday, May 29, 2010

Jing Luo, Negative Energy & Nutrients (2)

The efficacy of herbs is due to the fact that they contain in them plant minerals, vitamins, phenolic acids and phtochemicals and is not a simple herb or plant per se only. As the content of plant minerals, vitamins, phenolic acids and phtochemicals is of minute quantity, one has to consume them for a long period of time in order to see the effect however we must also bear in mind that not all herbs or plants can be used to ease the blockages of meridian. We have to conduct clinical trials in order to ascertain which herb or plant that has such capability. When a Chinese medical practitioner prescribes herbal medicine for his patient, his herbal medicines will consists of a variety of herbs and rarely uses a single herb. It is because when herbs mixed, boiled and consumed together, it will produce some synergy effect and this practice had been proven to be correct by scientist researchers. One of such instances is the finding made by the world's foremost antioxidant research scientist Dr. Lester Packer who authored a book entitled “The Antioxidant Miracle “ in which he stated that though there were many antioxidants around but the best combination of all would be vitamin C, vitamin E, glutathione, CQ 10 and lipoic acid. As these antioxidants will not only enhance the effect of other antioxidants but also in the process of removing free radicals it re-generates the used antioxidants. Synergy therefore is the key word not only in the area of antioxidants but expands to other areas as well.


草药的功效在于它所含有的矿物质,维生素,植物化学等等 而不是我们所看到的草药而已。由于草药所含有的矿物质,维生素,植物化学等等的数量少,人们通常须要长时间的久服用才能看到效果。我们也必须明了并不是所有的药物都能打通经络,有些能而有些不能, 必须从临床的试验才能确定何种药物能打通经络。中药的配方多数是应用几种草药,用恰当的草药混合在一起服用,它们能产生协同作用 (synergy effect),能发挥意想不到的功效,这也是近代科学家所得到的结论。其中的一个好的列子是:抗氧化先驱研究者 Dr. Lester Packer 在他的著作里-书名为 “神奇的抗养化物剂“ 说: 从他的研究中,他发现到最有效的抗氧化物剂并不是靠单一的抗氧化物剂而是一个恰当组合。在几百种的抗氧化物剂里,他找到最佳的抗氧化物剂组合那是:维生素 C, 维生素 E ,谷光甘肽(glutathione), 辅酶10( CQ 10), 疏辛酸(lipoic acid)因为它们在清除游离子或自由基时能产生协同作用 ,生生不息, 这也是科学家所说的SYNERGY EFFECT。

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Jin Luo,negative energy & nutrients (1)

One of the oldest Chinese medical text entitled “Shang Han Lun” or literally translated as “The theory of Injury related to Negative Energy” is about the use of herbal medicine to remove the blockage of meridian in our body. Hence it is obvious that method of removing blockages of meridians is not limited to beating or massaging the points along the meridians but there is other way too, namely, through the use of herbs or plants. The difference between the two is that beating or messaging the meridian is easing or removing the blockages by external means whereas the use of herbs is to ease or remove the blockages internally through the internal organs. What is in fact herbs ? From modern scientific point of view, herbs contain plant minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals etc and they are in fact nutrients which are required by our body. For instance the most widely use herb by Chinese and Chinese traditional Medical practitioner is goji or wolfberry. In the past Chinese Medical practitioner used it to treat or for prevention of eye diseases or diseases related to the eyes but they did not know the actual medical value. They did not know why it was effective for treatment eyes diseases or how it could help to prevent such diseases. What they did know then was that it was the medicine for the eyes. They did not know there were other usages for this wonderful herb goji or wolfberry. According to the researches done by the research institutes it was revealed that goji or wolfberry is nutritionally rich, it contains beta-carotene, Vitamins C, B1, B2 and other , minerals, antioxidants, vitamins and amino acids. It also contains β-Cryptoxanthine, Betaine, zinc, iron, copper, calcium, germanium, selenium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin B6 pyridoxine, and vitamin E. The content of germanium is about 3 times that of ginseng. It also has high content of lutein and Zeaxanthin which is beneficial to the eyes. Lutein and Zeaxanthin are antioxidant. They can help to lower the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It helps to improve immunity system, vision and protect liver. As an antioxidant goji helps to reduce free radicals in the body. The oxygen radical absorbency capacity or ORAC of goji or wolfberry is on the scale of about 25,300 whereas widely used prunes is only about 5,770. The higher the ORAC level the better it is for the body.

经络、寒气 及营养 (1)

“伤寒论“是一本古代的经络书,讲的是如何用药物来打通经络。如此看来,打通经络不只限于敲打经脉而已,应用药物也是另一种方法之一。敲打经络是从外面来打通经络, 而药物则是从内脏来打通经络。药物就是古人所用的草药。那么草药是何物呢?实际上从近代科学的角度来看,草药含有许多的矿物质,维生素,植物化学等等, 他们其实就是身体所需要的营养。比如;枸杞籽,古代中医通常都用来预防眼疾和明目而已。他们不知为何枸杞籽能医或预防眼疾和明目,也不知枸杞籽 还有其他用途, 但他们知道枸杞籽的功效。从近代科学的角度来看,枸杞籽富含維生素B1、B2、C、氨基酸、菸酸、酸漿果紅素、隱黃質、糖類、胡蘿蔔素、谷固醇、亞油酸、人體必需的微量元素等,玉米黃素(β-Cryptoxanthine)、甜菜鹼(Betaine)等,十八種氨基酸及十九種人體必須的常量元素即微量元素(氟F、錳Mn、鉻Cr、鎂Mg、鋅Zn、銅Cu、硒Se、鉬Mo、鎳Ni、鈣Ca、磷P、鋰Li、鈉Na、鍺Ge、鈷Co、鐵Fe、矽Si、釩V、鉀K等);其中鍺含量是大米的二十八倍,是高麗人参的三倍。 玉米黃素具有抗氧化的能力,對於眼睛因為自由基或是外在因素所造成的視網膜黃斑部退化症有預防的效果;它在體內可以轉化成維生素A。它能 促進免疫功能,增強抗病能力,  抗衰老,它 具有明目、補肝、滋腎、潤肺、增強代謝功能。枸杞籽 的氧气吸收能力(oxygen radical absorbency capacity 或称为ORAC) 的指数大约为25,300 高过梅子(prunes) 大约5倍。梅子的ORAC 指数大约是5,770。ORAC 的指数越高,对身体的好处越好。

Humble apology

Due to the nature of my work, it was quite some time that I didn't pen any article in my blog and it was also possible that I did inadvertently let my visitors who visited my blog left with a sense of disappointment.. If this was a case I hereby sincerely apologize for my shortcoming. I must also record my gratitude and thanks to those who left words with full of encouragement and without such heartfelt encouragements I may not be able to proceed further as I do not know whether what I wrote is beneficial to the readers.


因为工作的关系,好久没与大家见面也没有在部落客写作, 因此很可能让游览我这个部落客的读者失望。我在此向大家表示歉意。我在此也向给与我无限精神上支持的读者说声谢谢。 接下来的 系列将是经络、寒气 及营养。