Friday, November 13, 2009

human body system-jing luo (11)

This is the theory of Chinese medical theory. It is different from the modern medicine wherein if the complaint is about stomach then the doctor will prescribe medicine for stomachache without bothering whether this sickness is caused by other organs in our body or whether the energy ie positive and negative energy are in fact imbalanced. Chinese medical practitioner also believed that changes in weather can also bring about some sickness which are latent in our body. If the sickness surfaces in Spring then it is also probable that it may be related to liver because Spring is considered as Wood. Sickness surfaces in Summer may be related to heart because Summer is considered as Fire. If sickness surfaces in Mid Summer then it may be related to pancreas as Mid Summer is considered as Earth. If sickness surfaces in Autumn then it may be related to lung as Autumn is considered as Metal. If sickness surfaces in Winter then it may be related to kidney because Winter is considered as Water. Chinese medical practitioner also believed that a person's mood can also affect the well being of our organs. If one person is always angry then he will hurt his liver, if he is always too happy then it will hurt his heart, if he is always thinking too much then it will hurt his spleen, if he is always in sad mood then it will hurt his lung, if he is always afraid or being frightened then he will hurt his kidney. Thus if a person is hot temper, impatient then it is likely that his liver will give him problems. If a person always confines problems to himself without releasing them out then his stomach will likely give him problems. If a person always too happy then his heart may have problem. It is the saying that kidney's meridian begins at year and kidney governs bone. Liver's meridian begins at eyes and liver governs tendons. Lung's meridian begins at nose and lung governs skin and hairs. Spleen's meridian begins at lips and spleen governs muscle. Tongue is the bud of the heart and heart governs blood vessels. [ to be continued...]

经络-人体系统 (10)

中医也认为气候的变化也会引起一些症状。春天的症状会和肝有关 因为春天是木,夏天和心有关, 因为 夏 天是 火,中夏和脾有关,秋天和肺有关, 因为秋天是金,冬天和肾有关,因为冬天是水。 中医也认为个人的情绪也会关联到肝脏。怒会伤肝,喜会伤心,思会伤脾,悲会伤肺,恐会伤肾。人时常发脾气,发怒,性急,他的肝多数会有问题。人时常把闷气存在心,他的胃可能会有问题。人时常 太高兴,可能心会有问题。 古人也说:肾开窍于耳,肾主骨, 肝开窍于目,肝主筋,肺开窍于鼻,肺主皮毛,脾开窍于唇,脾主肉,舌为心之苗,心主血脉。 请看下回