Friday, March 19, 2010

Human Body system -Jing Luo (23)

Xin Bao Jing or General Heart Meridian From the characters of the Chinese words, it is apparent that this meridian is related to the functions of the heart. To find this meridian you can trace it by opening your palm, following from the edge of the right side of the finger nail of your middle finger, to the centre of the palm (there is one point known as Lao Gong Xue) and follow the centre line up along the forearm, arm , shoulder then bend downwards to the left side about one inch from the nipple to a point known as Tian Chi Xue ( the left side of the body if you are using your left hand) . Actually the starting point of this meridian is from Tian Chi Xue however for the purpose of helping one to trace this meridian I do it in the reverse way. There are many important acupuncture points or pressure points along this meridian which are helpful to diseases related to the heart. Qu Zhe Xue is at the opposite side of the elbow along the meridian ie at the bend between the arm and elbow. It helps to relief inflammation of stomach or intestine. Shan Men Xue is 5” from the wrist line. It helps to relief heart pain. You can rub these points gently in circular movement first clockwise then anti-clock wise. Alternatively you can lightly beat these points. It is however not possible for layman to know each and every point in detail hence the best method I think would be to rub or beat this meridian gently. Starting from the tip of the middle finger then up till the point 1” to the left of the nipple known as Tian Chi Xue. Other than this there are two important acupuncture points or pressure points namely Shan Zhong Xue which located at the centre of the body which is the middle point of distance of two nipples and Kun Lun Xue which located behind the protruding bone at the external side of the foot above the heel. Rubbing these two points will help to assist the function of Xin Bao Jing. As stated earlier that bladder meridian is the exit point for dumping away the rubbish collected from each and every meridian. First you have to rub the Kun Lun Xue then follow by Shan Zhong Xue and then only rub the Xin Bao Jing or General Heart Meridian. By doing so you can help the body to expel a liquid in the body known as Xin Bao Ji liquid. It is generally believed that fat is being deposited in the body due to the fact that there is some blockages along the Xin Bao Jin or General Heart Meridian and in consequences thereof Xin Bao Ji liquid cannot be expelled from the body thereby causing fat to be deposited in the body. Thus by rubbing Kun Lun Xue then follow by Shan Zhong Xue and then only rub or beat the Xin Bao Jing you not only assist the proper function of the heart but also it is possible to avoid fat being deposited in the body or even remove some of the fat already deposited due to blockages of bladder meridian and its inability to expel Xin Bao Ji liquid from the body.


心包经 . 心包经从字体的本身来看,它是对心脏有所帮助的经络。打开手掌,从中指的指甲旁的中冲穴,沿着中间线,经过掌中心的劳宫穴 ,向手臂的中线 上 然后弯下乳头外一寸的天池穴。其实心包经是起於乳头, 不过为了容易找心包经的路线,我认为倒转过来描述反而更容易得多。心包经 上有重要的穴道不妨揉一揉,按一按或敲一敲这对心脏疾病有所帮助。曲泽穴在肘横纹上。曲代表肝的意思。泽是兹润的意思。。曲泽穴 可以治疗急性胃痛 可肠胃炎。郄门穴 在腕横纹上五寸处。此穴可治急性绞痛。除了揉此穴, 也可敲打此穴。 心包经还有其他穴位对心脏有益,我们也不可能一一揉他们。最好的方法是敲打 或擦 整条心包经。揉了中指的指甲旁的中冲穴,到劳宫穴 (掌心)然后从腕横纹敲打到天池穴。还有两个穴位,那是膻中穴 和昆仑穴 。膻中穴 是在两乳的中间而 昆仑穴则在脚外侧脚踝后方凹陷的部位。 揉揉这两个穴位对心包经有所帮助。膀胱经是身体各条经络排除 垃圾的出口。先按 昆仑穴, 然后膻中穴 才来敲打 或擦 整条心包经对心脏更有所帮助, 因为它能帮助排除心包 积液。中医认为大多数肥胖的人心包经都是阻塞的。按 昆仑穴然后膻中穴 再敲打 或擦 整条心包经不但帮助心脏也可预防由于心包 积液而引起的肥胖或 者达到减肥的效果。