Monday, November 16, 2009

human body system-jing luo (12)

Chinese medical practitioner also believed that a person's mood can also affect the well being of our organs. If one person is always angry then he will hurt his liver, if he is always too happy then it will hurt his heart, if he is always thinking too much then it will hurt his spleen, if he is always in sad mood then it will hurt his lung, if he is always afraid or being frightened then he will hurt his kidney. Thus if a person is hot temper, impatient then it is likely that his liver will give him problems. If a person always confines problems to himself without releasing them out then his stomach will likely give him problems. If a person always too happy then his heart may have problem. It is the saying that kidney's meridian begins at year and kidney governs bone. Liver's meridian begins at eyes and liver governs tendons. Lung's meridian begins at nose and lung governs skin and hairs. Spleen's meridian begins at lips and spleen governs muscle. Tongue is the bud of the heart and heart governs blood vessels. [ to be continued...]

经络-人体系统 (11)

综合以上中医的看法,我们就来做个推论吧,来试一试。肾开窍于耳,肾主骨 。当耳鸣或骨容易折断,我们就要看看是否肾出了问题。是否 常常怕 而引响 了肾?当这发生时不妨压压肾经。看看那个穴道痛。 如肾经的穴道有痛,那么压压该穴道也许症状会好些。 肾与膀胱互为表里, 如肾没问题,那么就看看膀胱经 的穴道吧。如 膀胱经 没问题那就看看脾 经 和胃 经。为甚么?肾与膀胱 属水, 脾 和胃 属 土, 土克水。也许 脾 和胃的寒气太强而反射到肾或 膀胱。人又道肾为腰之府, 如腰酸痛,很可能是肾有问题了。 请看下回。。。

Sunday, November 15, 2009


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