Saturday, July 31, 2010

jing luo, negative energy & nutrients (10)

How are the free radicals being produced ? The amount of free radicals are being increased by leaps and bounds every years and hence it is possible a main factors for the contribution of the incident of free radicals related diseases. Free radicals are produced in the following situations however the circumstances that lead to the production of free radicals are not limited to the following:- (1) metabolism-------- it is all the physical and chemical process being occurred in our body cells. It also encompasses the synthesis and breakdown of our body constituents. The process involves breakdowns food and nutrients to produce energy and it also promotes growth, sustain life and it enables the body to function properly. In the course of it, free radicals are being produced. Thus metabolism means the amount of calories that our bodies burn per day and in consequences thereof free radicals are being produced. Just like a car running on petrol and the same time producing carbon dioxide. (2) Foods subjected to high heat. When we cook our food at high temperature, free radicals are being produced and likewise when we expose to excess heat or cold, free radicals are being produced such as the use of micro waves oven, high temperature frying etc (3) Environmental pollutions such as discharge of smokes, toxic air etc (4) Preservatives (5 ) smoking (6) medical treatment such as exposure to X-ray, gamma ray, chemotherapy, radiation etc (7) bacteria and parasites also contribute to the production of free radicals (8) prescription and over the counter drugs- drugs at times also help to or indirectly produce free radicals (9) radiations such as computers and TV etc (10) sunburn, stress (11) nutrient deficiencies (12) active and intensive exercise hence moderate exercise should be the best policy. (13)pesticides etc


游离子或自由基 是怎样产生的呢? 科学家已证明游离子或自由基可由以下的情形而产生,但这只是其中的情况而已: 1。 新陈代谢。当身体要维持它的生存,它必须不断的成长,旧细胞不断地被淘汰,新的细胞不断的成长,在这个过程中,不管你喜欢不喜欢,游离子或自由基 自然而然不断的生产。 2。 运动 。每当一个人运动时,身体必须产生能量,为了产生能量,细胞必须把营养化为能量而在这个过程中,游离子或自由基就 厂生了。 3。 食物的防腐剂也能产生 游离子或自由基。 4。 抽烟。 5。 医疗如 X-光,加码 光,化疗,电疗等等。 6。 细菌和寄生虫也能产生 游离子或自由基。 7。 西药。 8。 辐射如电脑,电视等等。 9。 压力,晒伤。 10。 缺乏营养。 11。 食物受到高温和过热的影响, 如微波路,煎炸等等。 12。 空气 和环境的污染。 13。 杀虫剂等等