Friday, October 29, 2010

jing luo, negative energy & nutrients (15)

Traditionally Seabuckthorn has been used to treat various sickness as reported in many articles which are summarised as below:- Gastrointestinal effect The anti inflammatory and anti ulcer properties of b-sitosterol-b-D-glucosides, usorlic acid and betaine in the Seabuckthorn promotes ulcer healing, prevent the spread and inhibit erosion and the b- carotene, vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acid stimulate cell metabolism at site and repair injuries. It has remarkable inhibiting effects on gastric acid and abnormal increase of gastric proteinase thus keeping the ulcer from spreading. It is traditionally used in the treatment of gastric ulcers. Reduction of Cholesterol and heart disease Seabuckthorn oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, namely, Omega, 6 Omega 3 Omega-7 which are found to be extremely beneficial in improving and protecting against cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes. Studies have shown that it can lower the total serum cholesterol and LDL and raise HDL. The richness of Vitamin E which is a strong antioxidant found in Seabuckthorn oilm helps to prevent oxidation of high density cholesterol in the serum thus inhibiting and reducing cholesterol settlement along the blood vessel wall. Seabuckthorn oil helps to decrease the total cholesterol and triglycerides and increase HDL according to the research done [ Yang Cunshe ( hippohae, 1995, vol8. No.1 pp 33-35)] Cancer Scientists and researchers have found out that flavonoids such as coumarins, isocoumarins, furocoumarins, quassin together with serotonin and phenols coupled with vitamins A, C and E produce integrative anticancer effects. B-carotene, flavonoids, polyphenols, terpene, alkaloid and trace elements have anticancer property. Together they exert a concerted effect that is far more potent than just the sum total of their individual effects [ Xu Mingyu (hippohae vol.7 No.4 pp 41-43)]. Seabuckthorn oil stimulates the immune functions and activities of globulin C, increases antibodies and enhances phagocytosis of macrophage thus strengthening the body's resistance to cancerous mutations. If Seabuckthorn oil were to be administered to a patient before and after chemotherapy or radiation or operation, it is found that it can assist the patient to recover remarkably well and reduce the suffering. It also reduces the adverse effects of nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, body weakness and uremia which are associated with chemotherapy or radiation or operation and this may be due to the fact that Seabuckthorn oil provides the patient with a rich and comprehensive supply of nutrients, fatty acids and trace elements that help to improve the condition and resistance level of the patient. Seabuckthorn oil seems to have the effect of improving blood circulation and removing stasis and eliminating waste, promoting tissue growth and avoiding infections at the site of the operation. Seabuckthorn oil increases the self repairing ability of the traumatized organs and cells, promotes the functions of the spleen and bone marrow and blood generation, and protects the heart, spleen, liver, kidney against the damaging effect of radiation. Liver The liver can be damaged by alcohol, paracetamol and carbon tetrachloride and experiments have shown that Seabuckthorn can minimize the damage to the liver. Seabuckthorn has a preventive property in respect of fatty liver. This is due to the fact that it increases the metabolism of cholesterol and fat and thus extensively improves liver fat metabolism disorders which in turn may reduce the incidence of cancer and arteriosclerosis. A clinical trial demonstrated that Seabuckthorn oil helped to normalize liver enzymes, serum bile acids and immune system markers involved in liver inflammation and degeneration and it also protects the liver from damaging effects caused by toxic chemicals as was revealed in laboratory studies. Anti-ageing and skin care Sitosterol improves mirco- circulation in the skin, phosphatide forms a protective film to prevent moisture loss and in the process it delays the aging process. Seabuckthorn oil has a tremendous effect on skin regeneration and it is especially useful in treating various conditions requiring enhanced cell regeneration, for example, burns scalds or eczema like damage. It is also effectively used to combats wrinkles, dryness and other symptoms of malnourished or prematurely aging of skin. Seabuckthorn also has healing effects without leaving scars, thus if Seabuckthorn can do wonder to the horses then it should be able to do wonder to the skin of human beings too. Biological studies suggest that the restorative action of the Seabuckthorn oil may be in part due to its high content of essential fatty acids (EFA), carotenes, tocopherols and phytosterols, which are all important for the maintenance of a healthy skin. Gynecological disorders The common gynecological disorder of many women are menstruation pain, menopausal syndromes, anaemia, cervical erosion etc. Research from Finland at the University of Turku Central Hospital shows that Seabuckthorn oil may provide excellent relief for vaginal dryness associated with menopause. Immune system Because of its high levels of omega-3 fatty acid, Seabuckthorn oil coupled with the richness in vitamin C and E helps to strengthen the immune system in the body through its effect on membrane phospholipids and the production of eicosanoids and cytokines. Thus it is beneficial in treating disorders in which the immune response is hyper stimulated such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, multi sclerosis and systemic lupus. The muco polysaccharides, oligocyanine, carotenoid, alkaloid and terpene will help to enhance the body immunity and good result have also been shown against anti inflammation, reduction of pain, renewal of damaged tissue without leaving any scars in treating scalds, burns, cuts, decubitus ulcer, proriasis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Elimination of Free radicals Seabuckthorn seed oil is a pure natural antioxidant store. Its rich content of flavonoids, glucosides, phenols, terpenes, vitamins E, A, C, b-carotene, and trace elements including iron, zinc, selenium, manganese, etc., are all antioxidants with very low molecular weight to neutralize free radicals. It is found that more than 80 diseases are related to free radicals, the most common ones include stroke, myocardial infarction, infant anaemia, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, tumors, cataract, radiation damage, burns, brown spots, wrinkles, aging, arthritis, lung disease, nephritis, hepatitis, etc.


在传统上沙棘向来用于医疗,保健和健美。以下是近来科学研究的结果。 (一)对心脏病,血管系统疾病, 脑血管系统疾病的预防和保健作用: 沙棘油丰含 Omega, 6 Omega 3, Omega-7,多种氨基酸,多种维生素,微量元素, 对心脏病,血管系统疾病 如心肌炎,冠心病,心绞痛,心肌梗塞,心律失常,心肌缺血缺氧, 风心病,心悸、气短等,慢性心功能不全,心力衰竭等病症 有很好疗效和有极大防治作用 同时也 对糖尿病,降低坏胆固醇 也有很好作用。 医学临床表明沙棘黄酮及其它酚类化合物,β—谷固醇、甜菜碱等活性物质可以降低高血压、软化血管、防止动脉粥样硬化,降低血粘度、抑制血小板聚集,改善血液循环,降低血液中胆固醇、甘油三脂、降低低密度脂蛋白,清除血管壁的沉积物,恢复血管弹性,增加冠状动脉血流量,降低心肌耗氧量,增强心功能等。 Omega 7及Omega 9 对 脑血管系统疾病如脑缺血,脑血栓,脑梗塞,脑动脉硬化及由此引起的头痛、头晕、语言不清、手脚发麻,行动迟缓,四肢无力,僵硬等症状有很好的 预防保健防治及缓解作用。 根据 研究报道于 [ Yang Cunshe ( hippohae, 1995, vol8. No.1 pp 33-35)] 沙棘油丰含维生素 E能预防高胆固醇被氧化, 降低胆固醇得综和及三酸甘油脂而且还能提搞好胆固醇。 (二)对免疫系统的保健作用: 因为沙棘油丰含 Omega 3 再加上高抗氧化的维生素 E 它能帮助提高免疫系统的功能.在治疗免疫反应超刺激疾病诸如类风湿,牛皮癣、多发性硬化症和系统性狼疮有所帮助。 沙棘总黄酮等生物活性成份对免疫系统的多环节都具有不同程度的调节能力,对体液免疫和细胞免疫具有明显的调节作用。另外,对提高人体新陈代谢功能也有一定作用。 (三)抗癌的作用: 科学家和研究人员发现黃酮類物質(Flavonoid),例如coumarins酮,isocoumarins,是一群來自於水果、蔬菜、茶、葡萄酒、種子或是植物根的一群化合物。雖然他們不被認為是維生素,但是在生物體內的反應裡,被認為有營養功能:例如像是抗氧化等或是具有一些抗发炎 反應功效。也被認為有抵抗或是減緩腫瘤的形成。黃酮類物質连同quassin血清素和酚加上维他命A、C、E能产生 抗癌作用。根据研究报道于 Xu Mingyu (hippohae vol.7 No.4 pp 41-43 B-胡萝卜素,酮多,萜、生物硷和微量元素具有抗癌功能。他们一起能产生更大的抗癌功能 。 沙棘油能刺激免疫功能和刺激球蛋白C的活动,增加抗体和提高噬菌巨噬细胞作用 (巨噬细胞)包括骨髓中的前單核细胞、外周血中的單核细胞、以及组織内的巨噬细胞(Mφ)。如果病人在化疗,辐射或手术前后服用沙棘油, 它可以帮助病人快速恢复及减少痛苦。沙棘油能降低恶心、呕吐,食欲不振, 身体虚弱,尿毒症由化疗,辐射或手术所引起的副作用。这可能是由于沙棘油丰含宝贵的微量元素, 维生素,類黃酮、類胡羅卜素、植物甾醇類和葉酸 ,多种微生物 成分,同时也含有42脂肪、碳水化合物、生育酚, 苯酚,烯 ,甾醇,Omega 3、Omega 6、Omega 7及Omega 9 等等帮助病人能提高他们体内的低抗力,提高机体免疫力,大大减轻放射治疗对人体的损伤,改善身体新陈代谢,增强抗炎作用。 沙棘油能帮助改善血液循环能力,消除郁积,排除廢物,协助细胞组织增长和避免手术地区受 感染。沙棘油能提高所创伤的器官和细胞的自我修复能力,促进脾,骨髓和血再生作用及保护心,脾,肝脏、肾脏被辐射所影响的破坏后果。 (四)胃肠 管系统疾病的预防和保健作用 沙棘油中含有大量氨基酸,谷甾醇 ,配糖体,有机酸等多种营养成份,还有氯原酸和其它酚类化合物,可以促进胃酸的生物合,刺激胃液分泌, 抗炎,促进溃疡治疗防止和制止溃疡蔓延。因而沙棘具有消食化滞, 对于消化不良,腹胀痛,胃炎、胃及十二指肠溃疡、肠炎、慢性便秘等均有极好作用。胡萝卜素,维生素E和不饱和脂肪酸刺激细胞代谢和维修损伤。传统上沙棘用来医疗胃溃疡 。 (五) 对呼吸系统疾病的预防和保健作用: 沙棘含有黄酮类化合物消炎,它能促进毛细血管血液循环作用有关, 因而对慢性咽炎,支气管炎,咽喉肿痛,哮喘,咳嗽多痰等呼吸道系统疾病均有很好作用。 (六) 对肝脏等疾病的预防和保护作用: 肝脏就会受到酒精,扑热息痛药(paracetamol )和四氯化碳 (carbon tetrachloride ) 的损害和实验证明沙棘能减低肝脏的损害。原因是沙棘能提高肝脏的新陈代谢功能从而广泛改善肝脂肪代谢紊乱,降低癌和动脉硬化的机率。一个临床试验表明沙棘有助于正常化肝酵素,血清胆酸和免疫功能及保护肝脏被毒素所损害。沙棘中卵磷脂等磷脂类化合物可促进细胞代谢,改善肝功能,抗脂肪肝,抗肝硬化。 ( 七 ) 抗衰老、美容护肤作用: 现代医学研究表明人体衰老与体内物质的过氧化作用有关。沙棘中的 维生素,類黃酮,類胡羅卜素,植物甾醇類,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)能抗氧化作用、清除人体内的自由基。谷甾醇能改善皮肤内的微型循环,磷脂形成保护层避免水分损失因此拖延老龄化进程而达到 抗衰老的作用。生物研究表明 沙棘油能发挥维修的功能是因为它富含的多种生物营养成份对护理皮肤,防皱抗衰也有很好的作用如多种微生物 成分,42脂肪、碳水化合物、生育酚, 苯酚,烯 ,甾醇,Omega 3、Omega 6、Omega 7及Omega 9 等等。同时又有增强免疫功能,调节免疫活性细胞。事实也证明沙棘对马皮肤和疾病有疗效的功能它也必定对人的皮肤和疾病也有同样的功能。 (八)妇科失调症 芬兰图尔库中央医院大学的研究报道沙棘油能协调更年期所引起阴道干燥的状况。 (九) 减低自由基 根据科学与医药报道至少七十种以上的病症如 癌症,心脏病,心肌梗死,衰老,炎症,中风,动脉硬化、肿瘤,肺气肿等都与自由基有关 。 沙棘油含有丰富而比例适当的多种维生素,多种微量元素,多种氨基酸,黃酮类有机酸,生物碱,谷甾醇,不饱和脂肪酸,植物甾醇類,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)这一些都是抗氧化剂而且是非常低分子重量,以消除自由基。