Saturday, February 20, 2010

Human body system-Jing Luo (21)

Bladder Meridian Bladder Meridian is the body's main channel for the expulsion of toxin from body. If toxin were to be expelled from the body then a clean environment will be created and it would difficult for certain diseases such as cancer cell to survive. Just like a glass of pure water and a glass of soup which one will attract bacteria if place on a shelf for a week ? Definitely will be the glass of soup because it provides a medium of bacteria to survive. Bladder meridian starts at the inner side of the eyes at the acupuncture point called Jing Ming Xue which is near the ridge of the nose, the meridian passes over the head, down the neck and then divided into two sections across the back with the backbone or spinal cord at the centre, down the hips, back portion of the legs and end at outer side of the feet at the point called Zhe Yin Xue near the little toe. There are about 67 acupuncture points at both sides of the back with the backbone dividing the two sections. If one frequently beats the bladder meridian then one will be able to help the body to expel toxin from the body. The stiffness of the hip and back portion of legs can be soften and be made more elastic if one beats the bladder meridian frequently. Gall Bladder Meridian will help to expel fats whereas Bladder Meridian will help to expel water from the body. If there is any blockage along the Gall Bladder meridian and Bladder Meridian then there will be retention of water and fat in the body which subsequently will lead to the formation of fat deposit . If there is no blockage along the said two meridians then excess fat deposit will slowly be discharged and expelled from the body. Massaging the acupuncture point, Jing Ming Xue can help to ease the pressure at the eyes, reduce the risk of formation of cataracts, relief pain at the eyes etc. How to massage the said point ? Use your two thumbs slightly press on the ridge of the nose and slowly move upwards to the inner side of the eyes cavity along the nose ridge then release the pressure. When pressure is applied please close your eyes. You can do this procedure about 9 -10 times a day. If one frequently beat Bladder Meridian not only one can help to remove excess fat but also to expel the negative energy or negative qi. Wei Zhong Xue, an acupuncture point, which is located at the centre portion at the back of the knee which is behind the leg at the centre point of joint and if one were to massage this point frequently one will find that it will help to relief back pain, expel toxin and lower blood pressure. Bladder and Kidney are correlated. Beating bladder meridian will also help kidney to function well. Bladder and Kidney are classified as water element. Beating bladder meridian will help to ease urination. There was one old lady who used to wake up about 5-6 times every night and early morning to pass urine which invariably will disturb her sleep. This had been going on for more than 10 years and the family members thought that it was the symptom of old age and nothing could be done. As the old lady did not have properly sleep, her health was also down. This is a natural sequent and her appetite was also affected. Since there was insufficient raw material for manufacturing blood due to her poor appetite, her blood energy was also lowered which in turn affected her health. Her son after listening to what I said, applied what I said above on her mother by beating the bladder meridian. It was indeed surprise to note that after beating the bladder meridian in the day, the old lady only woke up twice on the same night and she told her son that for the first time after more than 10 years she had a good sleep in the night. Why not try to beat bladder meridian for the sake of your health ? Who knows you may find other surprises awaiting for you !


膀胱经 膀胱经是人体最大的排毒主要大道。若能把毒素排去,癌症难生,恶疾难成。膀胱经起于眼内则的睛明穴, 经过头部,贯穿整个后背那是脊椎骨的两旁, 沿着臀部(屁股 部)大小 腿后则而下 止于足外小指处的至阴穴。后背左右有大约67个穴位。时常敲打膀胱经 有利於 排除体内的湿毒。僵硬的臀部和后腿也能因时常敲打膀胱经 而软化和有弹性。胆经 主於代谢油脂,膀胱经则主官代谢水分。如 胆经和膀胱经 阻塞不通,水分和油脂就会堆积 胆经和膀胱经 部位而 形成赘肉。如 胆经和膀胱经畅通无阻,赘肉也会跟着消掉。揉 睛明穴对眼血压,白内障,涨痛等等有所帮助。如何揉睛明穴呢?用两手大拇指指肚夹住鼻根,然后垂直地往眼睛深部按。 按时把眼睛闭上。按松各一下。 经常敲打膀胱经不但可以减肥还可把体内的寒气排除。委中穴 是在膀胱经的线上位于膝盖的后面。时常按 委中穴能帮助治疗腰背痛,可帮助排毒,降血压。 膀胱和肾互为表里,敲打膀胱经 对肾也有帮助。膀胱和肾 属水。 敲打膀胱经利尿。曾经有位老妇人,夜尿频率高。平均每夜5,6 次要起床已有十多年的历史。家人认为这是老年人必经之途, 没法治疗。因为 夜尿频率高, 睡眠也差, 身体健康也随之慢慢地降落。这是必然的现像。 睡眠差,再加上食欲不好,营养不足,制造气血的原料不够, 气血随之会降落 而引响到健康。老妇人的孩子听了我的话,尝试 替她妈妈 敲打膀胱经, 说来也神奇,老妇人的夜尿当晚立即减到两次,睡眠也好。老妇人说十多年来第一次能好好的睡。她感激不已。 为了健康大家不防经常敲打膀胱经, 也许你会有好的收获。